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Luna is on her way to visit Celestia, but hears her squealing for someone to 'stop!'

She walks in on Twilight on top of a red-faced Celestia, and the two of them react like guilty teenagers. Just what the buck is going on here?!

Chapters (1)

Why won't everypony leave Cheerilee alone about being single?!

(Featured on EqD.)

(Audio versions by Mr Kenyon and FarnesyFudge.)

Chapters (1)

It's Rumbles' first day of school after moving from Cloudsdale to Ponyville. Everything should be going fine. However... at the local bullies' instigation he finds himself embroiled in a race with Ponyvilles pluckiest flightless Pegasus...

Edited by 59caddyyel

Chapters (4)

There are two types of ponies in the world; those that read love stories...and those that write their own.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been friends for years. But after a seemingly harmless game in the orchard awakens Rainbow Dash's deeper feelings for her friend Applejack, she is determined to ensure that her friend has a special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day. But what will Dash do when that pony isn't her? Can she stand on the sidelines and watch her friend find happiness without her? Can Dash find the answers she needs in the latest tale of Daring Do?

Cover image credit goes to RainbowDerp98

And be sure to check out the sequel, Where Would Rainbow Dash?

Chapters (20)

Twilight always thought that being able to send the Princess her letters instantaneously through Spike's fire breath was the best thing in the world. Instant correspondence with her mentor and secret crush could never be a bad thing, right? Unfortunately, Twilight has a habit of writing her secrets down on flammable materials. Now her secret's out, so what's a panicky unicorn to do? Panic, obviously!

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo is a young pony who has endured quite a bit of hardships, but has made the best of her life, even if it hasn't always been so easy. The little filly from Port Mane shares, in her own words, the ups and downs of her life, and just what it means to endure.

Find out how Scootaloo has endured through love and loss. See her thoughts on Rainbow Dash, her family, the crusaders, Featherweight, Pipsqueak, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Princess Luna and more.

Thanks to user sqarishoctagon for helping me edit. Soundtrack added via YouTube.

[Image is deceptive, it's not always as sad as the image implies, there's all kinds of moods, but this is a pic I'm proud of, and it's relevant in parts. Also check this description for more pics as the story unfolds.]

THIS IS A SIMILAR BUT DIFFERENT UNIVERSE. I wrote this, starting during late Season 2, so I had to make judgment calls based on the information I had. As such, certain episodes thereafter do not match up, or fit in different places. Consequently, it is a very similar alternate universe. Many events happen in both this and the show timeline, but do not always match. I tried to stay consistent when possible, but certain things were lost to disagreements in interpretation. I like how I wrote my story and will not force it to match what came after I started writing. I've also decided to consider this fluidly finished. I still seem to make updates, but I no longer guarantee them.

[Please, if you read this, let me know what you think. PM me, comment, whatever. I just really want to hear people's thoughts!]

Pictures of the OCs:

Auntie Raincloud: http://fav.me/d57lxyk
Rosy Fields: http://fav.me/d57lxsb
Thunderclap: http://fav.me/d57lxv5
Miss Golden Posey: http://fav.me/d57m7on
Shooting Star: http://fav.me/d57mfah
Lucky Buck: http://fav.me/d57mf6t
Shutter Speed: http://fav.me/d57vow5
Ocean Breeze: http://fav.me/d57ly1b
Maple Woods: http://fav.me/d57m5dq
Sandy Shores: http://fav.me/d57m5gl
Cherry Tart: http://fav.me/d5mb5ch
Blazemane: http://fav.me/d57wlua
Thunderbolt: http://fav.me/d57wm42
Winter Winds: http://fav.me/d57wlwl
Wild Wisp: http://fav.me/d57wm2h
Jasmine Tea: http://fav.me/d6hb1kx
Golden Manchet: http://fav.me/d6hazp7 (Turned out greener than I intended.)

*THANKS TO EVERYONE who has given this a 95+% positive rating after over 3000 views 800 comments and 550 votes! I'm so thankful for your enjoyment of the story!*

Story events/characters that could spoil things:

http://fav.me/d8upn3c - My own art
http://fav.me/d8upn2w - My own art
http://fav.me/d8upf61 - My own art
http://fav.me/d8un0gx - My own art
http://fav.me/d8uqb91 - My own art
http://fav.me/d8urrbn - My own art
http://fav.me/d8uwzxl - My own art -- SPOILERS
http://fav.me/d6h2xa6 - Commissioned :heart:
http://fav.me/d6fvi4w - Commissioned :heart:
http://fav.me/d6fspin - Commissioned :heart:
http://fav.me/d6fp5eb - Commissioned :heart:
http://fav.me/d6h7t30 - The photograph from Entry 35. Faded as found. :heart:
http://fav.me/d6gcugr - Scootaloo's Family Portrait ca. Entry 43. Commissioned and lovely.
http://fav.me/d8y4c5t - Commissioned art portraying an event from the final two chapters. (Spoilers.)
http://fav.me/d53luw1 - Legitimate fanart. GREATLY appreciated. :heart:

http://fav.me/d8wy111 - a picture of Lucky Buck created from an art prompt "Starstruck"

Chapters (46)

Dinky Hooves meets a new pony at the playground one day, whose mother is one of Pinkie Pie's sisters. They hit it off right away, but will their parents get along? Will the kids be allowed to play together? Am I being too presumptuous in labelling this a comedy? Read and find out!

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash is famous for being a great flyer. Rarity is famous for being a great dressmaker. Pinkie Pie has lots of friends, but she doesn't have fame. When she decides that she wants to be as famous as her friends for being a party planner, things don't quite work out for her.

Chapters (1)