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This story is a sequel to Forced Adoption

Twilight is making a trip to Canterlot, to cheer up the royal sisters in their gloomiest time of year. While Twilight is there, she wants to know what makes the princesses so sad. Nopony knows, but what they do know is that "the dreadful months" have been happening for over 2 thousand years. With Twilight, you know what that long periods of time ago means: HISTORY REASERCH! During the night when the princesses were sleeping, Twilight finds the reason, to be more accurate: the reason finds her.

Will (possibly) come back. I'm not done with this story yet. It just needs an overhaul.

Chapters (8)

Pinkie Pie wants to help a friend in need.
A filly she had seen quite often in Sugarcube Corner.
She doesn't know the filly quite well.
But Scootaloo really deserves a loving family and the Pies are one.
So this would be great, right?

I have wondered about this right now.
There is no Pinkie Pie / Scootaloo adoption story.
So I think I could write one for you.

Edited by Bubblemint Scoops. Thanks a lot for your work.
Chapter 1 Edited^^
Chapter 2 Edited.^^
Chapter 3 Edited.^^

Chapters (15)

Scootaloo finally has the loving parents she always wished for- or as close as she can get, anyways. Rainbow Dash is curious to hear more about Scootaloo's own foalhood. And after learning about the situation, Rainbow is not content to sit around and let Scootaloo's parents get away with their transgressions. Rainbow is rocking the boat, and not everyone is happy to change the status quo.

Chapters (6)

After Scootaloo is revealed to be living in the CMC Clubhouse on Sweet Apple Acres by Rainbow Dash, She and Fluttershy decide to take the filly into their home. As the new family learns more and more about each other, they will form a bond that can never be separated. ( More chapters will be updated in the future.)

Chapters (10)

Ever since Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash met, they always seem to have been the closest. But when they are called to the Canterlot Castle, they wonder what it could be for. As they come back to Ponyville, their friends and their selves decide to temporarily move in to the Canterlot Castle. Alas, before they can even leave, the pair are called back again.

The two are sent to the Crystal Empire, along with Princess Celestia and Luna, to defeat a certain crazed alicorn.

Starry Night.

Seems nice, huh? Guess what, it's not. Forget that old name, and grace her new one.

Starlight Flames, soon to be queen of Equestria. And her sisters and nieces? Ha! No chance.

After a crazy adventure they find themselves in, their lives will never be the same again.

This is my first fic!!!! So please like, comment, and follow!!!!

Chapters (13)

------------Not on Hiatus, Currently being edited before new chapter are released---------
An eight year old boy and a sixteen year old boy that both live in Equestria. What more could they possibly have in common besides that? Are they cousins? No. Brothers? Getting warmer, but no. The same person? Yep.
What happens? The younger and older Toby not only switch bodies but time periods as well. This could get interesting...
Rated Teen just in case for future chapters.
If you haven't seen the ANewHome series yet, then this will make no sense, so please go read the series before you get confused.
If you haven't seen The Story of Red Tails yet, I suggest you should as the past sequences take place during that period of time in the Tobyverse created by my amazing friend APoeticHeart.
Cover art done by my amazing friend, ShutterGuy!
The latest ANewHome by Poetic and fred2266: click me

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo has been without a place to call home for a long time, and up until now, she's been relatively fine. But the winter is only getting colder, and her Crusader's cape isn't doing much to keep her warm at night in the unheated clubhouse, and she just hopes for a better life maybe, with a certain filly with a pastel pink and violet mane, but right now she just wants a home..

Edited by Sleepy Panda
Proofread by Rainbow FlutterDash and Sky Melody

Thanks to Sollace for help with the title and temporary cover art

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle made it official; they got married. While on their Honeymoon, a tragic situation back home pushes a young filly to the edge. When they come back , they take it upon themselves to show Scootaloo the light at the end of the tunnel, whether she wants them to or not.

(Twidash with Scootadoption, if you like neither, you really shouldn't read this.)

Chapters (7)

In this My-Little-Dashie-inspired adventure, Fluttershy falls into our world through a transdimensional rip. Travelling across both time and dimension, she wakes up as a filly, lost and confused. After a traumatic first day, she crashes her way through a window and into the life of Drake, a love-scarred 22 year old who has no idea where Fluttershy came from. With the once banished princess of the undead hour, Skullamena Crossbones, trapped on Earth as well, it's up to Fluttershy to (although unknowingly) save Equestria from her vengeful return.

Chapters (7)

This story is based off of My Little Dashie by ROBCakeron, ty600500, and EPICBG. They're My Little Dashie's stories were the best things I have ever read, so now I bring all you Twilight fans, My Little Twilight.

Chapters (9)