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Spike used to live in Canterlot when he was 12, He's gone through depression after a breakup and is sent to live with his uncle.

Three years later he returns home and finds new love with a childhood friend, but has to deal with a psychotic ex girlfriend who won't leave him alone by hitting and flirting and giving him sexual advances all the time untill she moves as he and his friends goes through teenage and highschool life, having new problems and shenanigans with random moments in their lifes

This is a Spike x Apple Bloom story.

Other ships in here
Sweetie belle x Button Mash
Scootaloo x Rumble
Silver Spoon x Thorax

The sex tag is for language, sexual humore and sexual content.

Chapters (89)

(Collab with Matt11. Covertart by Matt11 on Deviant Art, used with permission.)

Since befriending the Cutie Mark Crusaders and gaining the courage to tell her mother off, Diamond Tiara has enjoyed a relatively peaceful home life. That peaceful life is shattered suddenly and unexpectedly however, when Filthy Rich dies!

Such a loss would be painful enough as it is, but on top of that Spoiled Rich turns around and leaves her daughter at the Ponyville Orphanage, leaving poor Diamond without a family.

Fortunately, the filly is soon adopted by Dizzy Twister, Scootaloo's mother. But is Dizzy up to the task of raising a heartbroken filly, how will Diamond Tiara cope with her new home life and loss of somepony so dear to her, and how will Scootaloo react to the notion of having a sister in the form of a pony she once considered an enemy?

Chapters (9)

When Rainbow Dash was a young filly her parents were killed in a freak storm that caught Equestria off guard. She was sent to the Cloudsdale Orphanage where she would spend the rest of her foalhood.

When she's a teenager however a new arrival comes to the orphanage in the form of a Pegasus baby. When the matron asks Rainbow Dash to help take care of the filly, her life changes forever.

Cover image made by Animalia Life.

Chapters (2)

This story takes place some time after the "Gauntlet of fire" episode, just an idea that crossed my mind afte re-watching it, and is going to be about one of my favourite ships: spikebloom!
Also, this is my first ever fanfic, so, please be patient if I don't have a perfect orthography or if I don't know how to keep the story " in the mood", Constructive criticism is requested

Spike and Apple bloom have been great friends, but feelings are discovered when spike goes to the dragon lands to solve some politic poblems with princess ember. While Apple Bloom has a secret crush on Spike, he is still dealing with his crush on Rarity. Let's find out what happens...
Meant to be fluffy, harmless and totally fictional, no offenses to other Spike/Apple Bloom ships and just meant to be an average story in general.

Chapters (6)

Change only becomes frightening when it begins to affect you.

Spike has remained a baby while everyone else is growing up. His desire to do the same, however, lands him in a hospital bed with a strange new body.

Ponies are treating him differently, the world he once knew is no longer the same, and the onset of sudden changes are hard to adapt to. Fortunately, Scootaloo is there to ease him through his recovery.

Audio reading made possible by star912.

This story would be unreadable were it not for the editing master, Props, the handy-dandy proofreader, CitrusFizz, and man who has three pairs of eyes, Setokaiva.

Dedicated to Spike pimp himself, FamousLastWords.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Child Of Misery

Apple Bloom's summer wasn't going as she had hoped. With both her friends busy with their own pursuits she finds herself without anything to do. So when she's given an offer; something that would allow her to join her friends in their pursuits, she takes it. Now gifted with extraordinary power, she must learn to control it and try not to lose herself in the process.

Reading Child of Misery is not required; but this story contains spoilers for that one so if you do want to read it, definitely read that one first.

Chapters (19)

As a fan on MLP and a Brony, one of the most desired items is a pony plush. But which do I pick? One of the main six, a background pony? Who?! It isn't until I pick Rainbow Dash and take her home. After some time, I question if I made the right call? Or did I pick the right pony plush after all?

Chapters (3)

A young kid arrives in a colorful new world with no memories of who or what he once was. Soon after his arrival he discovers that where ever he is it is already inhabited. He soon makes some very colorful new friends who try and help him but it won't be as easy as they might think to get what is lost, if he even wants to at all.

Chapters (13)

Connor is your average guy in his mid-twenties. He has a stable home life but can't help but feel his parents are hiding something from him. After going camping, he wakes to find himself in Equestria and sets out to make the most of his time there. But interesting discoveries are made along the way, along with the attention of fiery maned pegasus mare....

Note: There is some use of strong language in this story. Also MLP (sadly) doesn't exist in this story. The story starts around half way through the first season.

Note 2 (26/12/16): Sex tag added (during writing for Chapter 25) for obvious reasons. Nothing explicit or detailed but things implied and use of innuendo.

Note 3: This story finally got featured on 3/8/2017. YAY! (Or at least that's when I first noticed)

Chapters (41)

James J. Quinn is an ordinary guy living in the town of Carney, Wisconsin. He's got ordinary parents, an ordinary sister and brother-in-law, and an ordinary nephew. As you can tell, he leads an ordinary life.

Then, one night, he meets a strange, disoriented woman in the woods. A woman with purple hair and sapphire eyes. A woman with three blue gems tattooed on her hips. A woman who claims to be a unicorn from a land called Equestria. A woman who calls herself Rarity.

This woman is also in possession of an medallion that has brought a pursuing evil to our world. Over the course of the next week, James and Rarity will develop a deep bond, heal a few wounds, and, joined by a few other Equestrian visitors, battle a madman for the fate of two universes.

Chapters (10)