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His mother had to let him go in order to save his life. After miraculously surviving, but with no hope of finding him again, Mary made a wish: "Please, God, let him live and have a good life with someone who would love him as a son."

Little did she know, her prayers had been answered.

In the distant land of Equestria, a lonely Princess finds an interesting wooden box. Will she finally find what she's missing in life? Will both of them be allowed to have a happy life as a mother and son?

Stay here and find out.

Chapters (53)

All Scootaloo has ever really wanted is a family, and the closest she ever got to it growing up in a foster home was an older girl named Sunset Shimmer who became her big sister. But once Sunset started to go to Canterlot High School, she vanished for a couple of days before coming back, different than the younger girl remembered.

She later finds out that the Sunset that returned wasn't the same Sunset that she had become close to. She tried to ignore it and move on, but the same question kept nagging at her mind.

What happened to her big sister? And what will she do now?

Chapters (2)

While the shakeup following Operation Whirlwind is still settling out, Princess Celestia invites the newly-formed Cutie Mark Crusaders to perform a reprise of their "award-winning" performance at the Ponyville Schoolhouse Talent Show.

But not everypony is pleased with this display of the three races working together, and with Lieutenant Captain Shining Armor distracted by the hunt for the escaped Agent Snake a new menace finds opportunity to emerge under the snouts of him and his allies, with the Crusaders as their primary target...

Prev: Consequences| Episode 19: The Crusaders | Next: Mission to Appleloosa

New to the series? Start here!

Chapters (8)

The morning after finally discovering the truth about Scootaloo's home life. Learning that, whilst not bad ponies and certainly loving their daughter, Scootaloo's parents can't provide their filly with the foalhood she deserves. Thus, Rainbow Dash is left with an important decision to make. She has been as sister to Scootaloo for so long, but does she have the maturity and patience necessary to be the guardian, the mother, that Scootaloo really needs?

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to We're Sisters!!!!

After the return of Princess Starry Night, Celestia and Luna couldn't be anymore thrilled.

The whole royal family is happy. Twilight and her friends finally get their stay in Canterlot for a week, plus Rainbow Dash's coronation is coming soon. But there is still one problem; can Twilight and Rainbow learn the ways of true heirs of the throne?

Meanwhile, Starry Night has to learn the ways of modern Equestria with the help of her nieces.

Additional Tags: Rarity, Other, OC

It is requested that you read the prequel first, or you might WILL be confused.

Made popular 1-13-18 YAY.

Rated teen just to be safe for later on.

Chapters (3)

A story about a dragon and his family. Some slice of life, tiny bit of drama, and hopefully some daaww moments. Spike, despite all odds has not only a marefriend, but a foal, and not just one...He has three. Of both. Join Spike, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom and their foals in their day to day lives.

Rated Teen for safety's sake, things get a little 'heated'

The cover image took me longer to put together than you might think, crafted from pics belonging to: Strangerdragos, Sharpy, lopoddity, and unoriginal
(According to derpibooru tags on the used pics)

Sweetie Belle - Strangerdragos - 1511618

Applebloom + OC - Sharpy - 15104

Spike, Scoot, Jasper - lopoddity - 934080

Allegro - unoriginal - 462104

I know the little dracony belonging to lopoddity is named Jasper, but this story isn't involved with those characters, just using the template of those characters, so I wanted a different name. I also changed Allegro to Crystal Melody, and Zephyr for the dracony with AB based off a Spikebloom story I read ages ago - Link

Chapters (5)

The CMC are accidentally transported into a strange new world with creatures they have never seen before. But the CMC will soon learn so much about the human world as well as new life lessons. They will make many new friends along the way. Some new enemies as well. Go on many adventures. And with some help from their new friends discover their one true talent. During this series there will be special journal entries written by Applebloom giving important lessons she and her friends have learned while being in this new place. While searching for a way to return to Equestria our girls will just have as much fun as they can while learning new lessons with their new friends...
"The CMC's Adventures In Radiator Springs"

Chapters (34)

It has been two weeks since Rainbow saved Scootaloo from putting herself at great risk by racing down the mountain, accepting that she was susceptible to over protective thoughts and growing as a sister and a pony in the process. She has spent those two weeks attempting to learn more about Scootaloo's life at home, knowing that it must be less than what she deserves and wanting to help in some way, though her investigation is going nowhere and Scootaloo is refusing to tell Rainbow the truth. Will she make any process if she gets her own parents involved?

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's Redemption

What began as a normal dull afternoon for Pony Sweetie Belle quickly turned into one of the biggest adventures in this young filly's life. A dark potion, left by a servant of King Sombra, transports the little filly unicorn to the human world where she gets to meet the humans, including one that has the same hair style as her mane, and has the same name as her. In order to get home, she will have to relay on her human friends, but trouble comes up as human Sweetie Belle's sister doesn't listen to her, she has bullying issues with Diamond Tiara, and then there's the madpony trying to use her powers for some dark deed. Not to mention, her human counterpart may not want to give the pony version up. Will Pony Sweetie Belle ever return to Equestria? (Following after Sunset's Redemption/Set in Between Friendship Games and MLP Season 6).

Chapters (11)

While working on a spell to see if Pinkie and Applejack are related, Twilight discovers that she has a little sister: Scootaloo! But how is this possible? And, more importantly, how will this affect them?

Featured 11/6/17

Chapters (8)