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It has been almost a year now since the tornado in Dallas had destroyed everything, but Nathan discovered that it was Cozy Glow that destroyed his home and not Neighsay. Anyway, he is inviting all his friends and his family plus Celestia and Luna over to his now rebuilt church for a Thanksgiving banquet.

Chapters (5)

This is a re-imagining of Free at Last https://www.fimfiction.net/story/401389/free-at-last

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Momma

Rainbow Dash is headed out for Mother's Day with her mom. She sees Scootaloo while out and discovers something she would have never dreamed. Now, she is faced with a choice that could change her life forever.

Chapters (3)

Main Story #2 of the GoldenVerse

After her party revealing her secret that she's been keeping for five years now. Scootaloo thought things could only go up. Until Twilight unlocked Scootaloo’s secret power, a long forgotten ability that had faded into myth and flutter pony tales. Now things are about to go crazy for everypony's favorite orphan.

But with the help of two alicorns, her fellow crusaders, and some friends along the way she'll rediscover the truth about being a Cutie Mark Crusader. It's not the destination that matters, but the adventures you face along the way.

Temporary Cover Art: TheGreatEater

Editor: kingtiger666

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy never knew her parents. And one day she gets a shocking change in herself. She learns that she is royal. But then how are the princesses related to her?
There is a war around the corner. And she can easily be hostage so she is forced into hiding. And she tries to prevent it. She finds romance along the way that may help her.Will she succeed or will her homeland get torn by war?Read to find out!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Free at last.

After Twilight made Zachary her official son, they have a great time with each other, as they bond as mother and son. While they have good encounter's with most ponies, they can't say that about everypony.....

Teen because I'm not sure yet

Chapters (7)

When Rainbow Dash and her friends get lost in the human world, they must find a way out. While alone in the forest, however, Rainbow discovers a child, who doesn't have the best home life

Chapters (11)

This story takes place before the finale of season 3, so any continuity errors should be chocked up as being part of an alternate universe.

Edited By: Tiger_ Jinx

This story idea was originally from Sisterly Bonds Run Deep written by: Night--Mist but since he never finished it, I felt it was time to re-write the story with some alteration's on my part.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Healing Smiles: Genesis

Pinkie Pie has never thought that one day, she would turn out to be a legendary healer-mage. As she begins to discover and tame her new-old abilities, a corrupted member of her order assaults Canterlot with an army of dark creatures and takes over the throne. Crying fills the once joyful Equestria, while their new ruler finds delight in the suffering of his subjects.

Pinkie Pie is the only one who has the power to heal the destruction of this tyrant, and she devotes herself to keep ponies from losing their hope. However, she has to ask herself, "How will you keep smiling in a world fallen into despair?"

The reading of the prequel (1.5k words) is optional, and is summarized in the first chapter.

100% Approved by Twilight's Library (2014. 05. 15.)
Happens before "Keep Calm and Flutter On".

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Unexpected

Its been a couple of years now since Scootaloo gave birth to her daughter Storm Chaser. She and her friends have just graduated from high school and she and Sweetie Belle are getting ready for their upcoming wedding, all is pretty good all things considered.

But when an unexpected face from Rainbow Dash's past shows up at their house, the Dash family has to figure out what this is going to mean for their future. Can they move forward and will everything be okay?

Chapters (5)