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Two years have passed since the Royal Wedding, and the kingdom is preparing to celebrate. As part of this, foreign royalty are being invited to the celebrations, and one of them in particular will fire young Scootarella's heart.

Requested by Chazkopa. Artwork by the wonderful Fude-Chan-Art.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Being Brave Part III

Cory, though 17 years of age, feels like an old stallion. Though he has an amazing life with friends and family, the past doesn't seem to be through with him. Along with his new responsibilities as the Prince of Courage, he strives to become something greater than what the past set him out to be.

Chapters (24)

Just when I thought I had found my home on earth, my family is moving again. I thought I was going to have to deal with it, but God had bigger plans for me. Plans that involve me finding my true home...

Chapters (5)

One day while out in the Everfree trying to earn their adventuring cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find themselves chased by a hydra into a small cave. With no where else to go, they begin exploring and find the entrance to the rock of eternity, where they encounter an ancient and renowned wizard who bestows upon them his own power. THE POWER OF SHAZAM!

Chapters (3)

10 years have passed in Equestria since the epic four-part series finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
10 years since Equestria was at the brink of total destruction and has been saved from its ultimate threat in a last-ditch effort by the Mane Six, the Pillars of Equestria and the Student Six.
With the victory in this monumental battle fought by Equestria's heroes of the Past, Present and Future, Equestria has been ushered into a new, unprecedented era of peace and harmony...
But why is it that cutie marks suddenly started to vanish from Equestria then?!

Follow brand-new heroes on their adventures of friendship and personal growth in the all-new Generation 5 of My Little Pony, every week, only here, on Discovery Family!

This hypothetical Generation 5 My Little Pony series about Equestria's future has been and is created for the "The Next Generation" contest by GaPJaxie.
Even once Generation 4 ends, we'll still be awesome people and will still write awesome things for Equestria. :heart:
The series is on hiatus until Generation 4 ends. Find more infos here.

UPDATE 02/22/2020: "My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth" will return as a rewrite and new story submission in April! Read everything you need to know about the new release in this blog entry.

UPDATE 08/14/2020: The first release attempt of "My Little Pony: Guardians of Crystal Growth (Season 1)" had to be cancelled and the show was unpublished as a result. It will, however, return one day after I have worked on it more and when it is truly ready for release.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo is failing school, and her life has been turned upside down. Compromising pictures she took of herself in a very vulnerable state were stolen from her bag, revealing a secret she's kept hidden from the world. Pictures no one was meant to see other than the young mare she cares for the most. When it's revealed that an old friend wants to help her, Scootaloo doesn't know what to think or feel.

Chapters (1)

"Out of all people, it had to be me..."
"Out of all ponies, it had to be Scootaloo..."

I'm just a regular bike courier. I deliver stuff that may or may not be illegal from one place to another. Let's just say, I'm pretty good at what I do. One day, my little sister got me a sticker of Scootaloo's cutie mark. I placed it on my bike. Turns out, placing My Little Pony stickers on your bike gets you killed. I got into a truck accident on the day I put that sticker on my bike. Imagine being crushed... I actually thought I was dead.

Until I woke up on a cloud 50 meters from the ground with no way of knowing how I got here and how I can get down.

After making that disaster of a Scootlaoo fic back in 2014, I thought I might be able to redeem the past with this. Hope y'all like it!

Chapters (10)

I haven't lived in Equestria long. I tried to acclimate to the society, but it was hard. After thinking of what i could do to make things better, the answer became clear. This is my story of how I adopted my daughter.

(A saccharine story featuring my character adopting a certain pegasus. I put some effort into this one and hope you enjoy the heartstrings. Criticism, edits, suggestions are all very welcomed, i want to get better as a writer. This might become a full story detailing he and Scootaloo's relationship if people want it. Hope you enjoy)

EDIT: Featured 9/19/19 and 10/1/19. Never thought one of my stories would be featured. I consider myself a very mediocre writer. When i see the story on the front page, my heart stops. Thank every single reader so much. I love all of you.

Chapters (8)

After her and the rest of the CMC go to fine Elisabeak in the Everfree forest after she got out during there sleepover at Fluttershy's cottage and after watching Fluttershy start to be turned to stone and finding Twilight in the similar state she runs off. After getting lost a storm kicks up and forces her to confront her memories of her lost mother.

Ok this story is a short idea that I thought of one night as I was laying in bed and it wouldn't let go so here's my new story.

Chapters (1)

1000 years ago, the youngest of the royal sisters was banished to the deepest regions of space, where her dark magic could do no harm to Equestria or the ponies living on it.

The powers of the ponies that help defeat her were kept away, until the right time when they would be needed again.

Now, 1000 years later, deep in the mountains around Canterlot Celestia prepares for the day when her sister would return. That day is today, and its up to three ponies to put a stop to her and her army. Are they the best choice? No, because they are our only choice.

Element Storm Rangers: Scootaloo (Red), Sweetie Belle (Blue), Applebloom (Yellow)

Thunder Storm Rangers: Rumble (Crimson), Button Mash (Navy)

Inspired by the various Pony Rangers stories on FimFiction, and inspired by the Power Rangers show. Will add more characters to the description as the story progresses, as to avoid spoilers.


Chapters (16)