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One day after finishing trying to help another pony get their cutie marks, a train appears out of thin air and falls outside the Crusaders Treehouse. When they enter, they meet a mare with a story that sounds too fantastic to be true, talking about traveling between universes in pursuit of an evil known as the Shadow Line.

But when the Shadow Line's footsoldiers attack Ponyville, the Crusaders step up to try and take down the footsoldiers which draws the attention of the same mare from before. She offers them a chance to defend their home from this invader, one that may yet become something more.

All aboard, its morphing time!

This fic is based on and adapted from Ressha Sentai ToQger, but is more based on Power Rangers than anything else.

Cover image made by Phoenixstamatis

Chapters (7)

Harry Potter, after a beating by Dudley and friends wishes he had somewhere safe to go, and starts crawling home. He ends up in Equestria. The young Cutie Mark Crusaders find him. A year later, a Hogwarts owl unleashes the CMC, Harry, and Equestria upon wizarding Britain! And adorable cute magic-wielding ponies upon the rest of the world.

Copyedited by gerandakis. Excellent cover art by Mix-up.
Made Featured Stories starting Ch. 18, Jun 25, 2018!
Made Front Page Popular Stories – Jun 11 (15), July 10-13, 16-17, 19-21, 23 (24-29), Aug 1-2 (32-33), 9-10, 13-14, 22-23, 24-25 (35-38, 41-42), Sept. 14 (49), Oct. 5 (57), 2018!

Inspired by Dogger807’s hilarious story, “Magic School Days,” here on FiMfiction. While there is humour (and tree-sap) in this story, that is not its only focus.

Wow, Sir Chaos Omega made a TV-Tropes page for the story! Thanks!

Published on the FiMfiction website with the kind forbearance of the copyright owners of My Little Pony (Hasbro) and the Harry Potter series (Scholastic Press).

The timeline for “My Little Pony” is messed up. That is, if you look closely, the order of the shows as aired is out of order of their logical sequence. Evidence: in Swarm of the Century (#10) we see the dresses that Rarity makes in Suited for Success (#14) — so unless Rarity time-travelled, #14 should take place before #10! Also, in The Ticket Master (#3), the other five seem to know Twilight and Spike quite well, yet in Boast Busters (#6) they don’t seem to know Twilight at all.

With careful attention to details such as those, you can put the three years of episodes prior to Princess Twilight Sparkle (#65, Season Four) into a two-year stretch of time. If you work hard enough, you can even squeeze them down to one five-season stretch of Summer to Summer.

I used the two-year seven-part timeline mapped out by deviantart’s tobyandmavisforever (do a Google search for “tobyandmavisforever mlp timeline” as the fastest way to find them). Thus, Harry arrives in Equestria shortly after the Crystal Empire two-part episode, and Twilight and Spike have been in Ponyville just under a year even though the Crystal Empire episodes start the third year of My Little Pony.

Chapters (128)

Ponyville Confidential, you know the story and how the CMC were shunned by their friends and family until they apologized for their "misdeed" and were eventually forgiven. But what if the Crusaders didn't apologize? Instead, The crusaders decide that if everypony didn't want to talk to them or let them explain, then maybe they should just go away. When their siblings then do decide to talk to them reasonably, they find the crusaders have left Ponyville to Celestia knows where. Will everypony finally see the error of their ways? Will the three little fillies ever come home? And most important of all, will Diamond Tiara get her just deserts for her involvement in the whole Gabby Gums nightmare?

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Uncongenealogy

Having finally regained her memories of Apple Bloom's true origins, Luna decided that, in the interest of all of Equestria, action had to immediately be taken to prevent the potentially catastrophic consequences of the filly's secret nature.

So she called the six bearers of the Elements of Harmony, along with her daughter, to Canterlot, so that they could rid the filly of the dark magical essence within her.

It did not go well. Not in the least.

Chapters (3)

Three curious fillies...check
Owl delivered school letters ... check
Boy named Harry Potter ... check
Dash of Discord ... check

This can't possibly end well.

**Public safety notice::: Do not drive while spouse is reading latest chapter out loud. While this may considerably stroke the author's ego, in a guilt inducing manner, it may not be conducive for maintaining low insurance rates **

Taneysha has graciously consented to the use of this picture
Featured on August 2nd 2017 :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (106)

One thousand years ago, Luna was taken over by Nightmare Forces and sent to the moon. She left her sister, their parents and a two week old daughter behind.

Now the seal is about to break and Nightmare Moon will be free once more. Will Twilight be able to free her mother from the Nightmare's grasp?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I've read several stories where Luna is Twilight's mother. However, I wanted to put a slightly different spin on mine.

*WARNING* The Prologue has a death scene in it. I haven't selected the "Death" tag because the description isn't graphic at all . . . and there is none of that in the rest of the story.

Main Original Characters (OC)

Sundance- Celestia and Luna's mother
Midnight Armor- Celestia and Luna's father
Solae- Spike's Mother
Bern- Spike's Father
Emerald- Sundance's Mother
Ocean- Sundance's Father
Honey- Midnight Armor's Mother
Dark Flame- Midnight Armor's Father

10/5/2018 *It's in the Feature Box!* Thank you so much!
10/6/2018 It's still in the Feature Box! Thank you. I'm glad that everyone likes my story.

Cover art belongs to Evehly and can be found here https://www.deviantart.com/evehly/art/C-I-m-Here-Now-581883274

If the author asks, I will take it down.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to An Apple a Day

Life rolls onwards in Canterlot, and Apple Bloom is excited to be a part of this. However, when strange occurences start rocking the town, and new friends arrive through the portal, Bloom and her friends will have to be on their guard like never before.

Part of the Canterlot Adventures universe: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214042/canterlot-adventures

Currently on hiatus due to internal issues with the group.

Chapters (5)

The government recently revealed the existence of peaceful, alien life from a planet known as "Equestria". The natives, which are colorful, talking ponies, have reached a peace treaty with Earth. Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria, and the nations of Earth have made the mutual agreement to send ponies to Earth and humans to Equestria to keep relations peaceful and learn about one another's culture.

Enter the Wallace family. They were just your average, slightly wealthy family of five, who just wanted to enjoy life. One way they do that is by taking in a foreign exchange student each year for the learning experience it provides both the family and the student. But they start to wonder why they were told nothing other than that the student is a very nice girl who wants her identity to be a surprise. The only thing left to do is wait for her to arrive.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Being Brave Part I

Cory now begins life anew as the first human resident of Equestria. With new friends on his side, how can he fail. After all, he has a princess as a teacher and a pegusi as his physical trainer. In addition, he lives a happy and productive life on a farm of earth ponies. What's more, he has a talent of his own. He's gotten requests all over Equestria to have his work displayed and shown to ponies great and small.

But alas, he's missing one thing he really needs: A family. Nothing Twilight and friends cant fix.

Chapters (15)

Luke Smith was living his normal life in Bend, Oregon. He didn't hate his home world, but he kind of find it boring sometimes, and wanted something exciting in his life. He was a very high functioning type of autistic person, and had a good heart. When he was unexpectedly transported to Equestria by wishing on a shooting star, it made his whole life different for him to endure.

Chapters (115)