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Apple Bloom is trying to get home quickly, but it is easier said than done.

All she can do is run and try to avoid any distractions, however nothing seems simple today.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom.
Sweetie Belle.

We see them every day, Crusading for their Cutie Marks. Going to school. Trying to be good foals and living a life with their families.

But, they possess a deep, dark secret. This secret is revealed one day, and all of Equestria is now in danger from a religious order that will do anything to call upon the Nightmare Moon.


Has a side story now in the form of Flutterhshy's Home For Inter-Dimensional Foal Sitting And Short Term Care.

Chapters (13)

Heartbroken after a rejection from Rarity Spike find love where he least expects it. He also learns some thing about himself he never thought he believed could be true.

This is my first story ever. I was going to release another story but I have yet to finish it I kept getting side tracked. This story really was what I kept getting side tracked with. I will release more if this does well.

Special Thanks to Bennet001 for Editing for me. Cover art borrowed from spending to many hours searching google.

Chapters (6)

When the Cutie Mark Crusaders fail to get their cutie marks yet again, they think they will never find out what their talents are. But all that change when a new transfer student named Imp joins Cherilee's class. When they try to be friends with the new student, they get involved with the Armor Fillies, an organization run by an Alicorn, named Faust, and her Counsel. The three will team up with other fillies and young creatures to fight against the dark forces that threaten Equestria.

Cover art by Wadusher0

Edit By Florarena Crimsonflame, 90259025, Cookiedo and Quickscript

Note: When I first published this story, I got so much flack and I deserved it. But this time I cleaned it up and gave it more descriptive detail. I even got an editor, though I had to do the first few chapters on my own since she was busy at the time. I want for people to remember this story for good reasons and not bad ones. Hope this is better

Chapters (27)

Private Steven Clint is a man with nothing. A 35-year old soldier who had the rare experience of losing both his wife and daughter while he was overseas in Afghanistan. The armband on his right bicep with Scootaloo's face on it serves as a reminder of the daughter he lost, for in Scootaloo's face he saw her own.

While patrolling a small Afghan town after a bombing, Steve ventures into the alley to find a sight he never thought he would. The same small, orange filly that was on his arm. The same on that reminded him of his daughter.

Now he must protect her from the surrounding war until she finds a way to get home.

A special thanks to "RainbowdashEpicness" for helping me edit this story.

Also, if anyone is interested in making an image that I can use as a cover picture (besides this one which I got off google images), let me know.

I hope you enjoy :)

Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle is starting to change herself and her world, thinking she's loser after a confrontation with Tiara. Spike is starting to wonder what is the meaning of life because he never can bedazzle Rarity. Suddenly these two become closer and their troubles melt away as Spike shows Sweetie she's perfect just the way she is.

Chapters (3)

Equestria is enjoying a time of peace and prosperity. The newly reunited Sisters rule without question and the Elements of Harmony protect the land from any and all evil.

But dark forces lurk in the shadows, hidden from sight… Plotting.

During the apparent chaos will two unlikely youngsters, Spike and Sweetie Belle, become more to each other than they had ever dreamed? Or. Will their new found feelings spell doom for all of Equestria?

Chapters (10)

Well isn't this something? I've been taken to... Whatever the hell this place is, and I don't even understand why. What's so special about me? Now I have to struggle to keep my sanity in this god forsaken place. I mean, talking ponies? How could you NOT go insane after awhile? Though I'd rather be here than back with my father. Hopefully I can go home. There is a way... Right?

Chapters (4)

Book 3

The visions that have haunted the Mane 6 will do little to prepare them for the tragedy that will shatter the very foundation of Harmony. Greed and corruption will seek out the Elements of Harmony and twist them for dark purposes. The Mane 6 and the Cutie Mark Crusaders will undertake an impossible mission and sacrifices must be made for there to be any hope of a future for not only Equestria . . .

Chapters (8)

Book 2

Now that Applebloom has returned home safe and sound, Ponyville moves forward with preparation for a seasonal celebration. However, it's never that simple. The Cakes are worried about strange creatures called Mites, Rainbow Dash has been grounded, and Applejack refuses to let Applebloom out of her sight. And to make things more complicated, guests arrive that aren't what they seem . . .

Being edited by Jigoku Luna

Chapters (13)