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Echo is a high ranking changeling officer. The Canterlot invasion was going perfectly, and her battalion had personally defeated the Elements of Harmony. Suddenly, she finds herself far flung from Canterlot, crashing into the Everfree forest. Now she is faced with a difficult reality - her hive, the only family she's ever known, no longer exists, and she must adapt to life as a pony. What she finds out about herself, though, will surprise her.

Rated Teen for occasional suggestiveness and language, tagged gore for brief violence, particularly in later chapters.

Dark because later chapters get pretty ... well, dark.


Addendum 5/29/2018

This story is now, as of this addendum, five years old. It is getting more attention as I put out new chapters on the sequel.

I recognize that this story has problems, and that some of them by their nature carry over to the sequel; please remember that when I started writing this, I was not yet even old enough to legally drink in the US. A lot has happened and a lot has changed, and there are many things about this story I regret including, but which it is now too late to change. Some of those things I have simply done my best to ignore and make irrelevant, but some of them are errors from a 19 year old me that will haunt me until the sequel is finished.

In short, please be gentle.

Chapters (11)

Cancelled, re-write in progress. Please check it out at this link.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Fillies and Gentlecolts, I bring you the sequel to Adaptation. I don't know how well it'll go over, but you all seemed to want it, so I figured I'd give it a try.

In this volume, Echo has settled in to her life in Ponyville and has just begun to become accustomed to the strange ways in which ponies behave. While their social norms may be confounding to her, she is satisfied with her life. That is, until Scootaloo comes home from school one day shaken, and Echo finds that not everypony in Ponyville is as understanding and accepting of who she is as she thought they were. What has caused the normally kind ponies in this town to become so suddenly xenophobic?

Tagged gore for possible mild violence.

Chapters (13)

Applebloom wakes up to see that she has both a horn & wings! Will she have to leave her friends & family for a boring life as princess? (My first fanfic, people. Don't be too shy on the comments.)

(...Don't look at me like that! I am NOT trying to gain readers by cashing in on the "alicorn" cliche! Which reminds me...)


(Huzzah! The rights have been doubled!)

Chapters (7)

Scootaloo always wonder who was her mother was. She always thought she died along time ago, but it turns out her mother was there in front of her the whole time.

Editor- Vale Decem

Sequel- Daddy http://www.fimfiction.net/story/211413/daddy

Featured in popular stories

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Secret of a Shy Pegasus

It has been almost a month since Fluttershy told Scootaloo her secret, now they must get used to this new life of theirs. Just what does it mean to be a daughter, to be a mother? What kind of complications will they have to overcome?

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy can't stop remembering her sad past, not that a visit from the Cutie Mark Crusaders helps at all. Will she be able to keep her past a secret, or will she have to come clean with the pony she wants most to keep the secret from.

Based off a comic by [url=Haiku-oezu]http://haiku-oezu.tumblr.com/
Color version by [url=Matty4z]http://matty4z.deviantart.com/art/sorry-I-couldnt-be-there-for-you-407773499

Chapters (4)

It's almost Mother's Day. Scootaloo comes to Rainbow Dash with a startling question, but then backs off, feeling ashamed she asked it. Rainbow Dash, taken off-guard by the question, starts to question both herself, how she feels about Scootaloo, and about her past...

Chapters (1)

When Sweetie Belle magically derails one of Twilight’s experiments, she finds that she and Rainbow Dash have switched bodies. While Twilight works on a way to remedy the situation, Rainbow and Sweetie try to live each other’s lives as if nothing has happened.

Which might have worked out, if the weather team hadn’t needed Rainbow’s help. Or if Diamond Tiara hadn’t decided to pick on Scootaloo.

Chapters (2)

Thank you, Knight N Gale for the new title! (previously Wacky Weekend)

Celestia feels as though she has been in a rut. Thinking of a way to spice up her weekend off, Discord comes in with a proposition. Just to make things interesting, Luna also came along for the ride, despite not being given any notice.
They will spend the weekend as Rarity and her little sister Sweetie Belle, and vice versa.
Problem is, Celestia has the weekend off, but Rarity does not. What is she supposed to do now?
How will Luna deal with being a filly? How will Rarity and Sweetie act as royalty?
Will Discord have enough popcorn to last him through the show?
Let's hope everything turns out okay.

Inspired in part by Freaky Friday, though it is not the same premise.

Artwork made my marking

Chapters (6)

Am I going insane? Darkness surrounds me. There is no light to be found. Can you feel my fear? Can you see that I am losing control? Please tell me you won't leave. I can't be alone anymore.

None among us holds all the answers in the heart of the most solemn and barren night. Have you questioned all the madness you invite? What your life is all about? Every night I struggle through it once more, bottling up myself to preserve for a time when I do not fear losing it. Every day I put a brave face on, feeling helpless to face it alone. It is hard, sometimes, to tell that I cannot change who I am, how I feel. There is no end for me.

None can imagine what I must go through, every single day, as I spiral further and further from what I need. I am not asking any to save me, however; I'm too far from the light.

Thanks to my editor, AtomicMuffin.

Chapters (4)