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Two ordinary FDNY Emt's working their regular shift fall upon a strange call that they are confused at. their current predicament being this call is out of their jurisdiction, but they respond to it anyway but upon responding they become apart of the biggest rescue of their career.

Chapters (1)

Stop me if you've heard this one. A depressed/angry loner goes to a costume party dressed as a movie villain and gets sucked into Equestria. Once there, he/she finds that they now have the powers and abilities of the character they were cosplaying as, and proceed to go on a violent rampage and attempt to conquer the land. Well, this story has a slight twist. See, I'm not a bad guy, just a little lonely. And the character that I decided to portray? Why, Captain America of course.

I make no claims to the copywrited characters depicted herein. All characters are property of Hasbro, DHX, Marvel Comics, or DC Comics. The cover image is property of CSImadmax on Devianart and is currently being used without permission. If asked, I will remove the image.

Well, how about that. I just made the Featured Box! 4/23/2014

Chapters (2)

Story how Rainbow Dash adopted Scootaloo.

One shot, don't expect to be continued.

Takes place in the same universe as my other stories, After The War - Luna Aeternal and The History Of Human War

Chapters (1)

When Scootaloo forgets her saddlebag at school one day, Cheerilee sends Sweetie-Belle to her house return it. But when Sweetie-Belle returns to the school, she brings with her a harrowing tale of Scootaloo's home-life.

From the unexpected events that follow, Rainbow realises that in order to ensure Scootaloo's happiness, she can no longer remain just a sister. She needs to become… a little bit more.

Edited by: Mike from ShadowBlades

Cover Art by: Alex from ShadowBlades

A Rainbow Scoot-Adopt story

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo has been under the care of Caramel Swirl and Cibo for several years. They have been good to her, paying for her to eat and to go to school. But when Caramel gets ill, and the bills get high, Scootaloo is told that she will have to go somewhere else to live. But it has to be soon.
Rainbow Dash tries to help out. She knows she couldn't handle a filly on her own, but her friends keep insisting for her to take up Scootaloo. Should she listen to her friends?
If somepony doesn't take Scootaloo soon, she'll have to go back to the orphanage, and that's the last thing she wants.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to "I'm Tired Of All This"

Alternate title: Titles Are Hard. It's been a week since Rainbow Dash saved Scootaloo after she jumped in to Ghastly Gorge and Rainbow Dash is keen for her to go back to school, as well as make good on a promise. What happens though when despite her best efforts, the little filly still can't fly?

You call in the one guy who can make any filly fly.

This story is a direct sequel to my story "I'm Tired Of All This" and you really should read that story first. An OC will be introduced later in the story. Here's hoping I don't get torn to pieces for that! Alternate universe tag thrown on to be safe because this fic totally disregards the events of S3, most notably Sleepless In Ponyville and Magical Mystery Cure.

An audio recording of this, and the prequel story, is being done by Shimmering Honor and can be found on this youtube channel. Finally, this fic now has a sequel that can be found here.

Chapters (93)

As Scootaloo starts to look up to her more and more, Rainbow Dash wonders if she has what it takes to be a good sister.

Chapters (2)

After a scooter injury leaves Scootaloo physically disabled and incontinent, Diamond Tiara takes her bullying too far. Though it's not anything new, it's the last straw for Cheerilee. Since punishment isn't doing anything for the filly bully, she tries a lesson in empathy instead, putting Diamond Tiara in Scootaloo's hooves for a few days, but will either of them be prepared for the consequences? (warning: diapers and some diaper usage - nothing graphic or sexual, some bullying)

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Dream of Another Shore

Hearth's Warming Eve is coming, and Scootaloo, like all ponies, is looking forward to it. On returning home to the orphanage, she discovers the decorations arent exactly what she imagined. Spurred on by the surpressed sadness in the other ponies eyes, she decides that she has to do something about it...

This is a special three-part short for Christmas and shares nothing in common with my other underway fic, Ruining Harmony.

Chapters (4)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders are framed for a terrible accident, leading to them getting chased out of Ponyville and subsequently exiled. Only Fluttershy believes that the Cutie Mark Crusaders are innocent and travels with them to keep them safe. While out of Ponyville, the Cutie Mark Crusaders hear of a chance to acquire special kinds of cutie marks known as 'legendary marks' and set out to Applewood to start their new lives. Their debut film, Mares in Black, becomes a box office smash success, and that's when their older sisters and Rainbow Dash find out what happened to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who refuse to return to Ponyville. To make matters worse, Fluttershy has disappeared! Will Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow ever be able to win back their little sisters again?

Mares in Black

Chapters (8)