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Book 1

Twilight Sparkle sees a red comet that brings ill tidings to Equestria. Soon strange things start happening in Ponyville while winds of danger blow from the Everfree Forest. Something beyond Equestria has come and it doesn't come with good intentions. And top of it all, Applebloom has gone missing. . .

Currently being edited by Jigoku Luna

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to New Life in Equestria

This is a collection of short stories that shows Joshua's days of growing up in Equestria with his friends and family.

Chapters (4)

A human with a dark past ends up in equestria. Seeing the innocent world of pony's. He decides to stay and try to redeem himself of a dark and sad past

Chapters (2)

This story is going to go through the process of a rewrite to keep canon with Season 4.

A young human boy of age seven is sent to Equestria by his loving parents in an attempt to save him from the end of the world. He is found by the Royal Pony Sisters and they bring him to Equestria to fulfill his parents' wish.

This takes place after Season 3 and is set in the Past Sins universe.

Edit: Changed a few of character tags.

Cover Art by PonnyGirl

Chapters (47)

Cover art done by : The Irish Pony

Rarity has always been a pony who indulges herself in the finest things in life, but also enjoys being in the company of her friends and family. She is a successful fashionista, a refined mare whose love is fashion, and a dear friend to those who need her.

From time to time she watches over her little sister Sweetie Belle while her parents are away on vacation. Sometimes she throws Sweetie off on one of her friends so she don't have to bother with her at times although she does love her sister.

However, how would Rarity react when discovers an abandoned child, a human child to be exact? How would she respond when she is thrown into being the mother figure/caretaker of this small one?

I want to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/midnightshadow1] for the name suggestion of Connor

CoverArt Photo done by: http://kuroiraishu.deviantart.com/

Chapters (26)

A human child is found at the edge of the Everfree forest. She seems to embody all the innocence and magic that make up Equestria and the fantastical creatures that live there, but as the six friends struggle to care for her and find a way to get her home they discover that the human world can be a cruel and tragic place and through this loss of innocence they realize that they are what hopes and dreams mean to a child in another world who has no hope left.

Chapters (4)

After the conclusion of "My Little Dashie", life goes on for the narrator and Dashie. They do indeed remember each other and all the time they shared, but how can Dashie let her daddy know this crucial fact? Long after Dashie has left his life, he decides to catch up on all the episodes he missed by cutting off when he adopted Dashie. As he watches, suspicion of her lasting memories grows on his part, while she attempts to find a way to communicate her situation to him. Pasts are revealed, shedding significant light on the circumstances of Dashie's adoption, and Dashie tries to throw in an on-screen hint that only he will grasp the true meaning of.

So, this is LONG overdue. I wrote this back in October, inspired both by the original story and by a picture by CSImadmax over on deviantART. However, I did not have a FIMFiction account at the time and merely posted the story on my deviantArt account as a link to the Google Doc that housed it (link if you don't believe me: http://amimizunofan22.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Dashie-A-Moment-265671483). Nonetheless, I figured that posting it here would help spread it a bit more. So, without further ado, here is My Little Dashie: A Moment. Oh, a quick note: the picture that essentially kickstarted the writing process (and serves as the cover image) and that will give you a much better idea of the closing scene than my description (because I SUCK at describing outfits) is this one: http://csimadmax.deviantart.com/art/new-season-259085425 In fact, have it pulled up once the story gets to Twilight's library at the end.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Dean's New Life

DISCLAIMER: DO NOT READ THIS DESCRIPTION OR THIS STORY IF YOU HAVEN'T READ MY FIRST ONE "Dean's New Life". I don't want this to spoil anything for new people.
It was all a dream to Dean Yarlo, All of it, from beginning to end, he is sad day to day remembering that dream and how much he wishes it was real. One Day Alex, his friend asks Dean if he wants to go camping with him and Max, and what they find blows them away...
Hope you enjoy!

Chapters (8)

Mark Smith is a Junior at Southern Chicago High School. He has very little social skills and rarely sees his parents. His school isn't the greatest and he has a secret crush on the one he finds most beautiful. But one night his Daily Routine was about to change drastically. There lies a present on the doorstep, which leads to more unsettling events. Was it real? Or was is just an apparition. Mark collapses to the floor, only to wake up to one thing he never expects. Six strange creatures, all claiming to be from another world. They need Mark's help, in exchange for anything he desires. Mark has to make a choice. One that will either help, or hurt him in the end.

Also my first story, let me know what you think. I'm open to any suggestions on how to improve my work.

Chapters (4)

A collection of short stories with Toby experiencing his first holidays in his new home.

It has been several months since Toby has been brought to the land of Equestria by Princess Luna. His wish came true as he found a family in his loving mother in Equestria, Fluttershy, along with his Aunt Rarity, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. After enduring the heartbreaking loss of his mother, and to know that his own father, James was behind it, Toby found a father figure he deserved in Applejack's older brother Big Mac.

He has made wonderful friends in Ponyville such as The Cutie Mark Crusaders who has taken the role of his big sisters, and have made great friends in Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara.

After finally finding a new home in Equestria and letting go of the past as his father lies in jail for his crime, it is time for Toby to experience the great times that come in this new land and celebrate the holidays of Equestria.

Chapters (7)