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Apple Bloom makes the wrong potion during Twilight Time and drinks it.

Chapters (1)

Luna travels the dreamscape in her capacity as Princess of the Night, guarding against nightmares and helping those who need her comfort and advice. She chances upon Applebloom's dream, and discovers a skill she didn't know Applebloom possessed.

Idea sparked by Luna having already visited the other Cutie Mark Crusaders' dreams, so why not Applebloom?

Completed! Also probably the longest thing I've ever written.
Didn't keep going as strong as it started, but it is what it is. Criticism welcome.

Chapters (8)

The carriage sped through the town, coming upon the innocent young Apple Bloom quickly. An instant before death claimed her, she was rescued by a scaly purple hero. The celebration was short-lived as disaster struck once more. She knows not who she is, where she is, or how she came to be how she is. The ones closest to her are now as strangers. Will she ever fully recover, or will the bruise forever spoil this little apple?

Chapters (5)

Apple Bloom can't help but think about love, now that her big sister is dating, how nice it would be to get a colt friend to hug, wander around with, hug, kiss and snuggle. Or a fillyfriend as it turns out. After getting in trouble for arguing with Diamond Tiara (again), they both have to leave alone, it is there that Tiara reveals the most shocking of feelings for her rival, love! What will Apple Bloom think to do?

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom knew something strange was going on when Winona started talking to her. Now she was supposed to be a 'magical filly' and fight a big army. But will she be able to figure out what she is doing in time?

Cover art by the talented Conicer. Preread by Elric of Melnipony.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo weren't born sisters, they became sisters by choice. In an attempt to help Apple Bloom, Scootaloo accidentally puts the bond of that sisterhood to the test.

Now the two pegasi will learn just how far they are willing to go for each other, and just how strong their bond as sisters of loyalty really is.

Chapters (3)

Apple Bloom is overcome with emotion. A simple slip of the tongue in front of one of Applejack's friends leaves her wondering how to deal with this sort of embarrassment. Will she be able to face her fears? Or will she keep her feelings bottled up inside of her, as long as she can avoid telling anyone about her little slip up?

Edited by: Arcelia and Word Worthy

Chapters (3)

Apple Bloom has a new recipe for cider and when Rainbow Dash gets her hands on that cider she comes up with a fool-proof plan to get back at Pinkie Pie for hogging all the cider. What plan is ever fool-proof though?

Chapters (1)

Applebloom is very depressed, since she can't find a way to get a Cutie Mark. She dosen't speak to anyone about it, not even to her sister Applejack. Feeling worried about her sister, AJ asked Twilight Sparkle to help the little filly.

This is another story, that is based on an RP i did. I want to thank my partner Kebert, who dosen't have a Fimfic account, sadly.

Before anyone asks, yes, this story has hypnosis in it. You can all sit down now.

Comments and criticisms are always very welcome

Chapters (1)

The 6 Hippies of Harmony need to leave their hick town to once again save their hippy planet from hippy villains. This time however, the numbnuts didn't have time to hire a babysitter.


A MLP/TF2 Crossoever inspired by the cover image.

Not to be taken seriously at all. This is just something that I'm doing to try and get my muse going again.

Chapters (1)