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To prove she's ready for more responsibility on the farm Apple Bloom decides to raise her own tree, with no help from the rest of her family.

Chapters (1)

(Semi-Crossover, no pairings, semi-OC that's not really an OC, but I came up with her design and personality. However, she is not mine, nor are any characters that appear in this story not from the MLP franchise. You'll know who they are the further along you get.) Applebloom, depressed and feeling useless, blindly treks out into the Everfree Forest, which leads her to come across an individual who seems rather odd in more ways than one. Just how does this creature fit in to Equestria's history, and what ties does she have with Princess Celestia? Applebloom decides to take it upon herself to study this being...and possibly befriend her along the way.
(The main story is in the POV of Applebloom, though my semi-not-really-OC will be having flashbacks in her POV, sometimes switching with Celestia and others. Oh, and Season 3? Doesn't exist here. Maybe.)

Chapters (2)

It's almost Hearth's Warming Eve, and everypony is looking forward to spending the holiday season at home with their families. Everypony, that is, except Scootaloo. Her two best friends are about to learn that sometimes friendship is the best gift you can ever give.

Chapters (1)

Private Crawford is Lost, after a failed military expiriment catpults him into an unknown land he finds his life has changed forever, will he find his way home? Will he Stay in this strange place?

Chapters (10)

Scootaloo has always been jealous of her friends. They have sisters and families. She only has a sister and even then Rainbow Dash hasn't exactly been the definition of a big sister. Scootaloo has too small of wings so she can't fly. She's a bit smaller than most fillies and she doesn't do well in class. Some times she even seems messy like she hadn't taken a shower in a couple of days. All Scootaloo has ever wished is to be normal and have a normal life like her friends.

Chapters (7)

They say you can’t miss what you’ve never had. And Scootaloo would be inclined to agree with them. Except, she did have all a little filly would want from a home, and she does miss what she lost. Not that anypony would help her get it back.

Would they?

Edited by the incomperable Inky Jay - Go give him some love.
Cover art by Dat Ensayne

Chapters (7)

Princess Luna tells Apple Bloom a truth that shatters everything she knew about herself while she is mourning Applejack. What will Apple Bloom do now?
Rated Teen due to minimal mention of sex.

Chapters (1)

A dream leaves Apple Bloom feeling betrayed by Princess Luna. The filly turns to another for some advice while keeping a promise of her own.

A/N: Readers will need to look at An Apple's Journey to get an idea of how all of this started. An Apple's Gift will elaborate on why Apple Bloom felt betrayed.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom takes a shortcut on a joint project for Twilight time. This poor decision inadvertently leads to a discovery about herself that will change her life forever.

Chapters (1)

The cutie mark crusaders find a magic artifact that makes them live a day in each of their other friends bodies.

The crusaders then decide to have fun pretending to be each other, after all how much trouble can three best friends get into pretending to be each other?

Only problem is Scootaloo has secrets. Secrets she dares not share even with her best friends.

Tagging note: I don't consider this a pure adventure story as there are two distinct chains of events unfolding in this story. one is an adventure story the other is better described as a slice of life story. So fair warning, don't be surprised by the rather long interruptions to the adventure story stuff.

Chapters (6)