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Apple Bloom spends her day with Pinkie Pie to cheer herself up. As Pinkie helps Apple Bloom see what fun there is in life, maybe she will discover a new found friend too.

I was tired, on Skype with my friends, and it was a late night. I was feeling very "Pinkie Pie" at that moment with my fellow Skype Bronies.

Contains: Jokes, lot's of Pinkie Jokes

Chapters (1)

The new Ponyville Park opens, yet Scootaloo finds her friends are busy with their sisters. Scootaloo goes home depressed, not knowing where she fits in. But one morning, Scootaloo discovers happyness from something she did not expect...

This is my first Fan Fiction, so I would love *Constructive* Critisism, suggestions, pointed out grammar errors and such, and I'll update it.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is the most hard-working and honest pony in all of Ponyville. But no one ever considered the possibility of her making a mistake. Especially one who is most close to her.

Cover Image - http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=apple+sisters#/d3ewlld

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has had a crush on Apple Bloom since the last Hearts and Hooves day and is too shy to tell her. She then tells Rarity who invites Apple Bloom over so Sweetie Belle can explain her feelings.

Criticism is appreciated.

Cover image by viper9172, thanks!

Do keep in mind I'm only 13 and I wrote this while going to bed last night.

Chapters (2)

After the 'Cutie Pox' incident, Applebloom's talent problems - including the French-speaking fleur-de-lys Cutie Mark - seemed to be solved, happy as ever to be blank. That is, until that fateful flower re-emerges on her flank one night, and the Apple filly slowly dissolves from a laid-back country girl into a flat-out, refined Frenchie, going as far as to be incapable of speaking English, and only the language of love. Join us in her wacky tale of discovering the pros and cons of French culture.

Chapters (3)

Now unable to walk after a crusade gone wrong, Apple Bloom must adjust to her new life.

1st in CMC FanFicees YAY! Series
And after 8 months voila... It's finally completed!

Chapters (6)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon decide to play a prank on Applebloom by drawing a fake cutie mark on her. What is supposed to be a time of celebration turns sour. Does a cutie mark define who you are or do you define what your cutie mark is? And can you change what you're expected to become? One thing for certain is that answering this will send Equestria into chaos.

Chapters (8)

While researching ancient history, the Cutie Mark Crusaders find they have a strange affinity for battle skills that have been unused for centuries. Meanwhile, a new threat rises, one that may need their newfound abilities to combat. But can three fillies really make a difference when up against an ice princess?

Chapters (3)

After Scootaloo was able to get some frustration off her chest, Cheerilee thinks there is something more going on. While trying to offer advice about Scootaloo's current problem, she finds that Scootaloo's life isn't as happy as she probably thought.

Chapters (6)