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After doing a flying lesson with Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash finds out a shocking discovery of the life of her biggest fan.

Cover art by WillisNinety-Six

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find out that scootaloo is an orphan and the last remaining pony to be living in her family. Which causes Twilight and Rainbow to adopt the poor filly. From being homeless to having a family, and leading to a life changing scooter accident, Scootaloo's life is gonna take a whole new turn with the help of her two new loving mothers.

Contains: Twidash, Scootadoption, Scootabelle, and cuteness overload.

NOTE: This is a Twidash and a Scootadoption fanfic. and that Twilight and Rainbow are married to eachother and live together. Please also note something serious happens to Scootaloo in ch 5, something totally unexpected and tragic.

With help from Matt11

Editing is done by Mat the brawler Starting on chapter 2-6, and Autumn breeze starting at chapter 7-present

Chapters (13)

Scootaloo has done it, she might of lost her sister, all because she broke the last thing Dash's mother gave her, before she died.

Chapters (4)

After Twilight heals a bond almost broken by the Crusaders, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo decide to do something for Twilight.

Chapters (1)

After being left alone like every year, Scootaloo wishes to find a family of her own. Feeling abandoned, she struggles with the thought of telling her friends. What she doesn't know yet is that love is it's own reward and she doesn't have to be alone.

Family-oriented story.

Chapters (1)

The CMC is known for their misadventures to get their cutie marks. Trying anything and everything to earn them.

So with that being said, how did they go from trying to find where a found key unlocks to ending up in their town a thousand years later and back? And what do they find out while there?

Proofread by SecretBrony01.

Chapters (7)

Diamond Tiara hates Applebloom. The Farm Filly is way too perfect Not to.
But when something happens that shakes that Hatred to the core, can Diamond find the real truth? And are forgiveness, and even friendship even an option?

Chapters (1)

On her way home, Apple Bloom discovers Spike rifling through Rarity's belongings. Heading in to confront the dragon, they accidentally knock over a priceless vase! Will they be able to cover it up or will suspicion tear the town apart?

Chapters (4)

Applejack. For too long, that has been the only thought in Rarity's head. Finally, she will go all out to find out if the mare she cares for could ever return her feelings. The stage is set. The night is planned. Even the cutie mark crusaders will not be able to mess this up for her.
...Or so she thinks.
When Scootaloo is injured, and a certain secret revealed, the element of generosity is put to the test.

Chapters (14)

Boy, did she know how to pick 'em ....

Apple Bloom has to deal with alot, as she not only has to come out to her family, but also has to win over the prettiest mare in Ponyville, someone who she has grown up with and loves and respects like family. But will her brother and sister support her pursuing the much older and much classier Rarity? What will Sweetie's reaction be? Is Rarity even interested in mares? How much would they need to change for each other for things to work?

A crack paring written out of boredom and involving a random pony pair. The pony ended up being Apple Bloom, aged up to adulthood of course, paired with none other than Rarity.

Chapters (4)