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I write a lot of Twilight and Pinkie stories, and sometimes they are just too short to stand alone. In the interest of me and of Twinkie this anthology was born.

Kicked off by "Alliteration" this compilation features mostly romantic snapshots of everyone's favorite duo: Twilight and Pinkie. How exactly can the party pony and the scholar make any sense out of a relationship? Or maybe they'll find that not making sense is half the fun.

Rated Teen for occasional sensuality. The Cover image was drawn for me by the wonderful Donny's Boy you should go check his stuff out if you haven't already.

Chapters (7)

-this story is bad and will be undergoing heavy construction soon-

After failing hard at baking, Twilight casts a greater observation spell which allows her to notice the little things she normally glazes over. Is she ready to see the things she accepts without questioning including the way a certain pink pony feels about her?

This is a rework and repost of a story i posted at two other sites. it's a rather short one shot light hearted twi-pie ship fic and should not be approached any other way.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is haunted by feelings of self-hatred, stemming from the day she left her family to be on her own. Never wanting to see her best friend in a crazed state of distress again, Rainbow Dash resolves to reconnect her with her estranged family and bring an end to the personal demons once and for all.

Featured at Equestria Daily on September 28, 2011.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on November 21, 2013.

Chapters (3)

After doing extensive research on love and evaluating her feelings, Twilight comes to the conclusion that she has feelings towards her hyperactive pink friend. The only question that remains is whether or not Pinkie is ready to put her heart into another pony's hooves.
This story, is now complete for the time being. this last chapter is a little bit of me trying to be more descriptive and improve myself a bit. please tell me how you feel about it.

This is the first story I'll be posting in chapters. normally i like to post them all at once so i know the story's layout and can keep the tone all the way through, but going through about 14,000 words at once over and over again can be pretty daunting.

I promise though i will not let this piece languish over a long period of time. If there is one thing i dislike more than an author never finishing a story, its one that stops updating for weeks or months at a time.

Also a shout out to Bloopsy from the ponychan board is in order for some continuity and in character wrangling later on in the fic. Also he's the only one to ever volunteer to proofread a fic of mine and his help has been invaluable as a second viewpoint during the later parts of the story.

Wall of text.... hope you enjoy and thank you for your time!

No cover image as i am no artist when it comes to pics.....

Chapters (6)

It is the day of the Summer Sun Celebration, and Princess Celestia is coming to Ponyville. Twilight Sparkle is overseeing preparations yet again, and has meticulously planned every last detail to ensure that everything is perfect for her mentor's arrival. Nothing is going to go wrong.

Except when the big day comes, Twilight has gotten four hours of sleep and Fluttershy is nowhere to be found. Pinkie Pie sets off after her with nothing but a dark coat and the voice of a chain-smoking stallion, and the Apples and the Carrots are at each other's throats while Rainbow Dash is attempting to fill in for Fluttershy.

As her plans collapse around her and Ponyville descends into chaos, Twilight Sparkle must focus on obtaining the one thing that can set everything right: the all-powerful, awe-inspiring magic of caffeine.

Six Star Equestria Daily Feature

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends are approached by Princess Luna who presents them with a set of questions that trigger a long and perilous journey.

Did you ever stop to wonder what became of Trixie, Gilda and Blueblood after your encounters? What did these episodes truly mean to you? What role will they yet play in the lives of the Elements of Harmony?

Last, are these questions as relevant as the journey towards the answers? Who will benefit from seeking these answers - you, them, or I?

Chapters (25)

On a trip to visit Twilight's parents in Canterlot, Twilight and Rarity find themselves in an unusual situation. Can they straighten everything out before they have to return to Ponyville?

Chapters (6)

While Pinkie lays sleeping, her worst fear takes the form of a nightmare, and Twilight is the only one who can comfort her.

This is a Twinkie shipfic inspired by Baby Seal Burritos' endless Twinkiespam.

Cover image by kooner01

Chapters (1)

Pinkie, primer part pony. Everyone loves to be with her... for short periods of time.

But when a certain pegasus forgoes finding Pinkie and Rarity after being knocked off the chase carriage while trying to talk with Applejack, Rarity will find Pinkie herself isn't just mad, but capable of dragging others into the depths of insanity with her. They will find their trip home to be less than easy, both to their physical, and mental wellbeing.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash helps Pinkie pick up the pieces after devastation, eventually leading to confusing thoughts about the cyan mare running through the pink pony's crazy mind.

Cover image found here after a random google search: http://platina-jolteon.deviantart.com/art/rainbowpie-207494063

Chapters (3)