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A friend notices Applejack acting odd and calls her out on it. With that prodding, our honest earth pony manages to cough up the truth to Twilight and is shocked when she is eager to try out being more than friends. Knowing they cannot put telling the others that are important to them, Applejack and Twilight are quick to make the rounds and things mostly go smoothly. In the end, things look bright for everyone.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash isn't afraid of anything, and she has better things to do than sit around worrying about some wussy emotions. But after reading the next Daring Do novel, she suddenly finds her feelings towards her friends changing- and not in ways she's comfortable with...

(May be subject to massive edits, depending on whether I can get over the obligatory irrational[?] hatred. Also, yes, I select the cover images pretty much at random.)

Chapters (10)

[Complete!] When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.

Chapters (6)

Even though it's late at night, Twilight Sparkle is wide awake and immersed in her... Let's call it work. That is, until a certain earth pony shows up, with a big problem on her hooves.

Warning: Contains some spoilers from episode 19: Putting your Hoof down

Note: As you may have already guessed this is TwiPie fic, but not really a romantic shipping fic (hence no romance tag). It still is a teeny-tiny itty-bitty shippish. Not the “OMG, let's make out and have some magical babies” shippish. Not even “I love her, and she doesn't notice it, sob, sob” shippish. More like “There is some really good air between them, that could lead to future developments, but neither of them notice it yet” shippish. Really, really mild. Or so I think...
But just in case there is someone who absolutely hate anything – and I mean anything – even vaguely considered a ship I'm putting this warning here.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle isn�t dead.

But she's not exactly alive either, and there�s only one pony who can see her, can hear her, can prove that Twilight still exists. Unfortunately for Twilight, or perhaps fortunately, that pony is a certain pink baker and party planner.

Image by Coyoterainbow. Link: http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/233/a/f/good_life_by_coyoterainbow-d47eeub.jpg And no, I have not seen Ghost. Improved summary courtesy of Donny's Boy.

Chapters (4)

Are pegasus wings really fragile? Do unicorn spells really fail catastrophically? And just how explosive is chocolate milk, anyways? Join Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the MLP crew as they not only tell the myths, but put them to the test!

Thanks Pustulioooooo for his WONDERFUL Coverart!

Chapters (2)

In which I, Twilight Sparkle, (the biggest idiot in Equestria), fail miserably, utterly, and conclusively in my valiant endeavor to keep my decidedly-more-than-Friendship feelings hidden from one Rainbow Dash (the sexiest fastest mare in Equestria).

Chapters (1)

In the aftermath of one of Pinkie's parties, an innocent query leads Dash to question why she's still living with Pinkie Pie. Why does she feel trapped when there's nothing holding her back?

And how many buildings can Pinkie Pie destroy before insurance companies stop covering 'acts of Pinkie Collateral Damage Pie'?

This story is an indirect sequel related to Where Earth Meets Sky, but can be read just fine on its own. It simply assumes a previously established relationship.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle may believe in Pinkie Pie's myriad abilities, but when an opportunity to study them from a perspective she never thought possible arises, how can she resist the chance at the understanding she's always truly wanted? More importantly, can Ponyville survive the trade-off necessary for this opportunity?

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle prides herself on following and sticking to her plans, but she isn't as organized as everypony thinks. Her master list, the plan for her life, has an item that she has never been able to check off; and the time has come to fix that. How hard can it be? All she needs to do is go on a date and get a kiss.

Now available in hard or soft cover!

Chapters (13)