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Rainbow Dash just may be Sugarcube Corner's best customer, even though she can't stand sweets. Pinkie Pie is none the wiser.

Chapters (2)

The pristine land of Equestria has grown a bit too peaceful and boring for the immortal sisters to handle so they decide to play a different kind of game. What started out as just a prank will quickly change into an obsession that nopony is safe from becoming a pawn in. The Shipping Games!

Co-Writer: True_Vision

Chapters (12)

Luna has had enough of Celestia's games, and has found the perfect means of revenge. Using a long-forbidden spell, she transforms her sister into little more than a small filly, all so she could pull the greatest prank ever. Unfortunately, she soon learns that before you fool around with dangerous magic, you really need to read the fine print...

A sequel can be found here.

Chapters (18)

Each has had their own hardship to face. Each has an attachment they need to keep. And each has only one night left to make sure their feelings are known.

Twilight Sparkle is leaving for a year, to travel throughout the world and study with masters of magic scattered across Equestria. Spike, after an accident that put him in a strange position, has had to choose between his oldest friends, or the ones he's made over the years. Pinkie Pie is reacting more violently than any of her friends thought she would. And Rarity, all the while, is trying to deal with reemerging feelings that she thought she'd not needed.

With one night before Twilight's departure, the four try to make their last night together matter, each in their own way. And in the end, they will come out of it changed for the rest of their lives.


My one shot at a one-shot (oh god the puns!). I hope this is as good as I want it to be, which is selfish, but that's what this is about.

I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, yada yada yada, etcetera etcetera. I think you get the point, so I'll stop wasting your time and let you move on to the story.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie writes about her secret feelings in a journal, and makes the decision to admit her feelings to Rainbow Dash. Little does she know, that decision will change her life. PinkieXRainbow Dash, characters will be added when they appear.

Chapters (9)

After saving Rarity's life from a runaway apple cart, Applejack is moderately injured. Grateful for the act of heroism, Rarity insists on AJ staying with her until she's well. They become closer than ever.

This is my first story, so please be brutally honest. I think its average, but what do I know? Your opinion is what matters.

Chapters (4)

Twilight is getting increasingly frustrated at being unable to figure out how Pinkie's Pinkie Sense works, so she decides to observe Pinkie more closely this time.

Over time, she learns an important lesson: "if you seek, you shall find, but will it be what you are looking for?"

Chapters (5)

Twilight has a hypothesis that she's willing to test, and Pinkie has treats she's willing to deliver.
When the two of them realize that their feelings align, the pair must decide what comes after the textbook jump into romance.

I guess I should mention here, before the story, that this will not turn into a clopfic. I Pinkie Promise. Let the burrito assuage your fears and just enjoy the Twinkie's sweetness.

Chapters (5)

Returning home from a busy day, an unexpected sight leads one mare to realize what it truly takes to be a friend, and what it really means to be “genuine”.

Chapters (1)