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Years after Twilight's coronation, Spike's wings have sprouted, and the Princess of Friendship takes time off to fly with him. During this time, Spike grows confused as to what Twilight and Princess Celestia are to him.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy's never kissed a pony before. What's a girl to do? Ask a friend for help, of course.

Proofread and edited by Pearple Prose and Malefic Scholar.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna has picked up an itch in a rather personal and intimate place. After an embarrassing conversation with her sister, she goes to the castle infirmary to have it dealt with. An unsympathetic doctor and an eccentric nurse do little to ease her mind.

Chapters (1)

During one of Pinkie Pie's famous parties, and a bit of drinking, Fluttershy wants nothing more than to have the host of the party all to herself.

Cover art belongs to SweetLittleMedic.

Chapters (1)

Dragons aren't usually known to be kind and loving towards ponies. In fact, they're usually brutes who want to destroy any pony they come across.

But then there's another kind of dragon altogether.

And when Fluttershy finds herself in a life and death situation, she might see the other side to a dragon.

Cover image by CrazyRabidPony.

Chapters (1)

Wow, Fluttershy sure looks rough. Like, really rough. She says that she's just been up late since she joined a band. At least, that's what she's told her friends. Twilight suspects otherwise. After all, Fluttershy's much too gentle and shy a pony to have joined a band. Clearly something else is up.

Everypony tells Twilight she's worrying over nothing. That is, until Fluttershy is seen in the company of strange ponies. And going around town in a cloak. And showing up at strange places!

Fluttershy? Is everything okay?

Chapters (1)

This story takes place between Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic one and two and after MLP Season 3.
We all know that somehow HK-47 was seriously damaged by the time the Jedi Exile found him. And we all know that he was damaged sometime after the first game. This story shall take place that instead of being destroyed, he was mysteriously transported into equestria.
Do i need to say anything else?
Credit to AwkwardTaco for new title to the story
This story will take parts from SW KOTOR that are huge plot twists in the game into the story. So if you are playing the game or don't want spoilers from the first game DO NOT READ THIS FIC! read at your own risk. now on with the story!
Proof-reader: Twi-Guy
Note: finally got around to posting a image for the story XD lazy me

Chapters (10)

A man who has been blind his entire life has somehow ended up in Equestria. Though, something is. . . off about him. The ponies seem slightly less afraid of him due to his handicap, but looks can be deceiving.

(I'm not the best writer out there, no not even close. Also this is just an experiment, lets see where it goes. Criticism is welcome, inspiration and encouragement is welcome also.)

Chapters (10)

Big Macintosh Apple is not a pony to mess with; an unwavering crimson juggernaut that can snap trees like tinder and rip homes from their foundations. Many ponies owe their lives to him, and more than a few denizens of the Everfree Forrest have found out the hard way that anything under his protection is strictly off limits.
But there is one race that has yet to learn this lesson, and is in fact incapable of it: the Zerg, a monstrous horde from far beyond the touch of Celestia’s sun, shaped by malice and warfare into perfect killing machines. That Equestria is safe from their reach is no small blessing, but every barrier has its cracks, and Big Macintosh is about to learn that even the smallest part of the Swarm is a force to be reckoned with.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Doomguy Wants It

Nightmare Night finally arrived and Luna was having a wonderful time with Twilight. And everything was going well for the small town of Ponyville, 'till Rainbow Dash decided to prank the blood thirsty space marine that went berserk over Smarty Pants just a month back. Now please list all the things that can go wrong with that idea.

I'd like to say: All the ponies who are hurt or harmed in anyway in this story are not ponies I hate. This is not some type of trollfic or story I'm writing just so I can write about hurting one of them. I love all ponies deeply and equally *Cough*Except for Luna*Cough* and that *Cough*She's best pony*Cough* all of them get hurt equally.

Now please don't take this story seriously and have a Happy Halloween!

Chapters (1)