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When I was little, I came to understand the true meaning about a particular trait of mine. I don’t like to talk about it much because I’m just not much of a talkative pony. Or, well, I’m not anymore, but that’s beside the point. It’s just something I find difficult to talk about, much less explain, because unlike what I see, it’s not all black and white. It’s not like anyone could truly understand my condition anyway.

Well, except for maybe her.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle doesn't really understand why she decided to spend the day with the young colt. Most ponies saw him as a bit eccentric, but Sweetie sees something far more familiar and comforting in his odd-ball behavior.

Based on the Button's Adventures Pilot, produced by JanAnimations. I'd advise taking five minutes to watch it if you haven't seen it yet.

Now on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

A new school year brings a new soccer season -- but Canterlot High's already on the ropes. Their team captain just can't seem to get it together.

Fortunately the team also has a vice captain: a best friend who just isn't going to stand for sadness on her watch.

(A Bookish/iJab production! Cover by the latter as well. Thanks for everything.)

Chapters (1)

During the Changeling invasion, Cadence used the power of hers and Shining Armor's love to expel the Changelings from Equestria. But what if it only expelled them from the Throne Room. What if they were still in the city.

What if... instead, it transported two American Apache gunships over the city?

Obviously, death and chaos ensue.

Dramatic Reading by Dr. Renegade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vye-9yUffc


Chapters (1)

Rarity has planned a big date in Canterlot for herself and Twilight. Twilight's well aware of how gorgeous Rarity will look, and feels the need to improve her own image.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

It's a beautiful day outside, and the Cake Twins are bored with a capital B-O-R-E-D!! So while they try and think of something to do, they start to wonder...

Just how did their Auntie Pinkie Pie end up living with Mom and Dad?

Proofread by my friend, Neiha

Chapters (1)

After Frylock opens a portal to Equestria, the Aqua Teen Hunger Force ends up in Ponyville. Things go about as disastrously as expected.

Rated teen for swearing and mild gore. If you have watched the show, you know what to expect.

Chapters (1)

It's a rainy day in Ponyville, and Button Mash is spending it like he spends any other day - gaming. But Babs Seed needs a place to crash while she waits out the rainstorm, and his basement is as warm as anywhere. In the process of making herself at home, Babs gets cozy - much to Button's discomfort.

Chapters (1)

There's nopony Berry Punch cares for more than her daughter, Ruby Pinch. But she's been dating Carrot Top recently, and figures now's the time to introduce Pinchy to the idea. Carrot's about to learn, though, that Pinchy's got very strict guidelines for what constitutes a good new Papa for her.

Inspired by RP logs and written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

An influx of weather duties has left Rainbow Dash more overworked and exhausted than ever. With no funds to go on a proper vacation to blow off steam, Rainbow is trapped in a endless cycle of waking up, going to work, and going to sleep.

When Rainbow's responsibilities make even flying no longer fun, Twilight offers to let her stay at the library for an all-expenses paid staycation. Though a little unsure, it doesn’t take much convincing from Twilight for Rainbow to change her mind. Expecting to just find some peace and quiet for a few days, Rainbow finds that and much more.

My (extremely late & winning) entry for the Third TwiDash Group Contest.

Editing done by The Abyss and DarqFox

Cover art by Rossby Waves

Chapters (1)