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When Rainbow Dash invites her friends over for a slumber party, things start out great. Truth or Dare, eventually starts out as their first game, but even the smallest dares can turn into something disastrous and uncalled for...

Little AppleDash/ Soarin Dash except the AppleDash is not romantic...Okay, not too romantic. more like blushing, staring, and gawking (coughcoughsexualthemesincludedcoughcough) at each other. Soarin Dash is a different story...

Chapters (9)

It's time for Pinkie Pie to get a manecut once again, that time when even her own gravity defying hairstyle can no longer support its own weight.

But, something goes wrong.

Chapters (6)

(Fan Written) Sequel to He'll Never Leave Me

When Pinkie woke up, Gummy was gone. He'd been acting so strange lately- Heck, everybody had been acting strange... And now he's just disappeared without a trace.
Pinkie immediately goes on a mad search to find her lost pet, and in the process, might discover a truth she didn't want to face.

Alternative Cover Art

Edited by SkeeterTheLurker, and partially written through a conversation with Twilight Mercer and Creepypasta Pinkamena, two awesome people who gave me that last push needed to write this.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy, out for a walk on one of the few days she isn't afraid to do so, finds herself in a clearing. Under a tree sits two creatures she has never seen before. They somehow know how to speak her language, and are dressed oddly...

And they're friendly?

Chapters (1)

After a peculiar incident, the Doctor finds himself stranded in the kingdom of Equestria. As he tries to leave this colourful new world, he will discover creatures that aren't that different from him. Could the result of a freak accident be the start of something bigger?

The cover art is done by the good man Arby Works, and I'd like to thank my brother Wisher for his help. My first fanfic so don't be gentle, feel free to comment and I will reply.

REMEMBER that this story may change from time to time, but only in small ways unless I take another direction completely.

Chapters (12)

One minute he's sitting in his bedroom playing on his Xbox. The next thing he knows he's face down, eating Equestria dirt...

Meet Rabbit, aptly named because this human was dragged into Equestria when Trixie's 'rabbit-in-the-hat' trick went horribly... awry. I'm going to use the word 'awry.' Very much stuck in a land of namby-pamby ponies and harmonious friendship, Rabbit teams up with The Great and Powerful Trixie in an attempt to survive whatever Equestria can throw at him.

Rated Teen for harsh language and some suggestive themes.
All cover-art can be found here

Chapters (15)

It has been thirteen days since the fiasco with the swapping of Fluttershy's friends' destinies, thirteen days since it was all fixed and everything went back to normal, and thirteen days since Fluttershy felt anything other than being worthless.

Many thanks to Admiral Hoofsome, Jake R, Kitsunehero, Karrakaz, and Phaoray for all their help making this story what it is.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Discord has been reformed— mostly. Still, Princess Celestia seems to have trouble controlling what appears to be a seething hatred for him whenever nopony else is around.

When the Princess approaches him one day before a royal ball, Discord begins to see the situation a bit better.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Equestria's newest inter-dimensional visitor, Gir, eat cupcakes together.

That's really all that happens.

Chapters (1)

After she winds up inside the wrong cake, Spitfire needs to reclaim her honor as a Wonderbolt. What better way than by showing Ponyville's wealthiest resident -- and most eligible bachelor -- a night on the town? With maybe a little revenge on the side.

Part of the Crack Pairing Circleship Collab. Also a standalone story of the Whiskverse! (Familiarity with Whiskverse or CPCSC not necessary.)

Cover art by C-Puff!

Chapters (1)