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Rainbow Dash loses a bet. Now she has to buy Twilight lunch.

3rd place finalist in the TwiDash 3.5 Contest!

Editors: IRpony and Enter Madness

Vector of Rainbow Dash by Sairoch

Chapters (1)

Twilight decides that the best thing she can do for her marefriend is lending her a hoof on her farm. Things go disastrously wrong.

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

At the start of every storm, Pinkie Pie forsakes the safety and comfort of her home to gallop out into the rain and the lightning, and sit on the tallest hill in Ponyville. Everyone writes her behavior off as her "just being Pinkie Pie". That's true, though. She is being Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie would do anything to show a friend that she cares, and she knows one friend who is closer to the storms than anyone else. She knows that by showing her love for the storms when no one else will, she's showing her love for the pony who makes those storms.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie's new to Ponyville, She's just been invited to work at Sugar Cube Corner and live with the Cakes while she gets to know the town. But on the way she meets a strange, blind creature with no fur, no cutie mark, and no place to live. Seeing her chance to make a friend, Pinkie quickly decides to help him, but how will this affect how the other ponies will see her with this strange blind thing?

Picture was made by my friend Escopeto. Also, not a fallen soldier story. The AU tag is because I'm setting this before Pinkie's arrived in Ponyville and things may turn out different for her, she may or may not even get Gummy.

Wow, on 9/17/2020 the remake kicked this story all the way to #2 on the popular list for a few minutes and got its first tenure on the Featured list.

Chapters (7)

Bored out of their minds and a sudden rainstorm ruining their plans of destruction—er, search for new Cutie Mark ideas, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to sneak into Rarity's attic and find a few things to keep them occupied.

A fun fic I made that won first place in the Cuteness Overload first group contest! So expect, well... adorableness!

Inspired from the cover of one of the MLP Micro Series comics.

Chapters (1)

Rarity was having a normal day when suddenly Rainbow Dash and Applejack burst into her home! To her surprise and delight, the two rowdy mares have one request!

Author's Note: This is a little collab between Flint Sparks and I. Hope you enjoy. Short little dabble for one-shotober.

Chapters (1)

When TFS collides with the universe of ponies all hell breaks loose and its a good thing I wrote down what happened.

Oh my god this thing got featured! Cool. (6/19/14)

I inspired something! Daughter of Darkness It's really good, you should check it out.

Chapters (16)

Spike is just your average dragon going about his day, but it takes a mysterious course. Today, Spike will discover the most powerful artifact ever to grace Equestrian soil. An item so powerful, that even Celestia fears it, and Nightmare Moon quivers in her hooves at the mere mention. Something so powerful, that Equestria wouldn't stand a chance if it fell into the wrong hooves...

Peanut butter.

A collaboration with the amazing electreXcessive

Chapters (1)

Applejack's cousin Braeburn surprises her with a visit to Ponyville. She's looking to make him happy by setting him up with one of her best friends. She's just trying to help!

Written for One-Shotober.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is quite the expert on creatures of all shapes and sizes, including ponies. So, as you can imagine, the sight of a walking talking skeleton pony with an afro might give her pause.

Chapters (7)