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Soarin has never been a lucky stallion. So when the mare of his dreams seems unreachable, he has to compromise a bit. Not that he minds his compromise. But who's to say it has to stay that way? Who's to say Soarin can't get lucky once in a while.

Chapters (1)

Howdy. My name's Harold, and this tree here is Bob, though I like to call him Herbert because I think it's funny. Now, y'all sit right down, and I'ma tell the story of how all this happened to me. It ain't happy.

Chapters (1)

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After killing The Boss, under order from the United States and acquiring the philosophers legacy, Snake reflects on the events of Operation: Snake Eater. After the Operation, he was given the nickname of Big Boss for killing his own mentor.
Snake, questioning his own government, ponders about ideology, what did he truly fight for? His country, or for his own gain? Not having a clear conscious, and thinking of no answers, is thrown into another world where conflict seems almost nonexistent, but was still fought In shadows.

This is the story of the Big Boss, code name "Naked Snake" in the land of equestria, a place where Snake will test his abilities to become a hero, and a true legend.

Picture by http://gavade.deviantart.com/art/Big-Boss-152481731

Chapters (5)

After a lot of procrastinating and planning, Twilight Sparkle ends up asking out Rainbow Dash.

My first TwiDash fic!

Chapters (2)

After Midna, the Twilight Princess, returned to the Twilight Realm and destroyed the Mirror of Twilight in the process, Link continues to travel around the land of Hyrule. One year has passed, and our hero in green revisits the Sacred Grove in Faron Woods where the legendary Master Sword resides. As he looks at the blade and all the events that was associated with it, a portal forms above him. He is sucked into the portal along with the Master Sword and later finds himself in a grassy field.

This story takes place after the events of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
This is my first story so be gentle.

Chapters (7)

Sequel now out here

WARNING: Due to the massive complaints from countless misguided and humorless Spike fans I must warn anyone who thinks any sort of negative actions towards spike counts as abuse, that my fic has minor "spike abuse" in it. If offended please don't read.

Pinkie Pie has been feeling lonely lately and she was granted a day off by the Cakes. She had nothing planned for the day and decides to spend time with one of her friends.

She had planned on it being Rainbow Dash but since her friend and Fluttershy have been married they practically have been joined at the hip.

Since Rarity and Applejack have been 'not dating' it's also hard to spend time with either of them.

So Pinkie Pie decides to hang out with Twilight only to find she wants to spend a day alone with a good book. Pinkie Pie chooses to not let a book stop her from hanging with a friend.

*please read till the end to fully enjoy fic* I know it's longer than most one shots but meh.

This is a request fic and a gift to my followers who suggested it and wanted it. They wanted TwiPie I gave them it.

Proof Reader: Rain Walker
Bad Ass Editor: Rain Walker, SolidFire

Picture used with permission and artist name is *lulubellct

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Covers

Twilight is going to have another slumber party and each of the Mane 6 is invited. Rainbow Dash however, can't stand the usual events expected at such a party, so she invites Spike to help even things out. Will they both survive the night?
Cover pic, without title.

Chapters (6)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

Terry McGinnis: Average high school student and the Batman of the 21st century. He's fought many foes like Shreik and Inque, but never has he been sent to an alternate universe known as Equestria.
Now the dark knight is set with the ultimate test: to find a way to return back to his home in Gotham City.
And to defeat an unstoppable enemy.

<*Special thanks to The Valeyard and the brony gamer for being the editors!*>
Batman Beyond (c) Warner Bros. Animation
My Little Pony (c) Hasbro

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Promise of a New Day

Story three of Savage Skies:
All sorts of things are brewing in the pegasus city of Cloudsdale, which is a problem for Ponyville as the one thing that isn't is a rainstorm. As the drought continues to drag on, Rainbow Dash must confront her hometown and its history, as well as her own history. But she won't do it alone, which is good, because she'll need all the help she can get.

Series starts with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (22)