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Seeing the poor dragon at his wits end trying to woo Rarity, Gilda decides to give Spike some tips and help him gain the mare of his affection. Although she finds him slightly annoying, he starts to grow on her. And she soon learns that Spike has taken a liking to her as well...

Maybe too much of a liking.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash’s father recounts the night he discovered his daughter’s biggest and most embarrassing secret and how it strengthened their bond.

Story image courtesy of TheDarkestDayDream on deviantART.

(Used with permission)

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is a simple, shy pony. She doesn't know how to interact socially well with other ponies except her friends who have known her for years. One day as she strolls though the forest next to her cottage, she finds an unfamiliar white wolf passed out. Strange to her seeing as though she's only ever seen timberwolves, one with fur is a bit of a shock to her. Even knowing that creatures like wolves find ponies to be prey, her affection for animals overrides basic instinct and she helps the wolf back to her cottage where she nurses it back to health. When it awakes, she's shocked by it once again as it appears to be able to speak. As thanks for the treatment, the wolf claims that his life is now indebted to hers, a payment for the kindness she gave him. But as time goes on, she finds more interest in her new friend, and but what does he feel for her?

Edited by the great Thardoc

Chapters (2)

VECTOR one of the most prominent agents of Umbrella, and the one and only student of HUNK aka "Mr. DEATH". Has been mysteriously tossed to the world of Equestria. How will he be able to go back? Will he be able to go back?

Join VECTOR as he tries to find a way back to earth. who sent him to equestria and for what purpose.

I do not own the characters in this Fanfiction.

Chapters (26)

After another stunt gone wrong, Rainbow finds herself cooped up in a hospital room again. But when she ends up getting roomed with a nine-year-old colt, her stay at Ponyville General takes a turn that's worth just a little more than reading a book about an archaeologist.

Chapters (1)

Octavia has a musical history and a side to herself she'd rather not have to explain outside of Ponyville. Inside Ponyville... well, everything was fine until she spotted Vinyl Scratch. What was she doing here?

Don't panic, Octavia! Don't freak out, don't lose your mind, don't....
Oh well.
(And check out Goombasa's excellent dramatic reading!)
Cover by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

Available as a book!

It is a fact that horses have served mankind for thousands of years, in times of war and in times of peace. Your horse – a chestnut mare named Zayna – helps you to earn your primary source of income, in the form of a riding school.

But then, a freak occurrence dumps you both in a strange new land populated by talking ponies. At first, they are a bit hostile due to a misunderstanding — but that's nothing when you realise it's not just ponies who can talk here.

As it turns out, horses can as well.


Featured on Equestria Daily.

This is NOT an Anonymous in Equestria story.

First two chapters edited by Shin Guyviroth.

Special thanks to Shachza and Alticron for their assistance.

Rated Teen for suggestive themes.

Chapters (8)

Coop is the expert pilot of a giant robot built for epic combat. His best friend Jamie, thinks he's an expert with the ladies.
Due to Jamie's big mouth and a not so gentle arrival in Equestria, it may take some time leave this strange colorful planet.
With M.E.G.A.S stuck in a new civilization to screw up, how will the ponies cope with the mayhem? Princess Twilight will certainly need the help of all her friends to watch over the human visitor who consumes all before him. Not to mention a red headed woman claiming to be the last human resistance soldier. At least the skinny jerk doesn't pose much of a threat, right?

If you haven't seen the show, this will still make some sense, but you should go watch it. If you don't like giant robots and screaming awesome then shame on you.

I do not own Megas XLR or My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. They belong to Cartoon Network and The HUB respectively.

Chapters (7)

When pushed to the limit, the nine mercenaries escape to Equestria leaving all their problems behind and starting anew.

With no way back, they must adapt to their new lives and try to fit in into pony society and they must protect them from the unfinished business they left behind.

Chapters (4)

You are an ancient god who dates back to the times before history was recorded. Along with your other brothers and sisters, you lived in a time of paradise and happiness. You lived in harmony and ruled over the mortals without a care in the world. Until war broke out. A war that would last for centuries and caused the near extinction of all life in Equestria. During a last ditch effort to defeat your enemy you receive a grievous wound to your already tired and withered out body, which caused your body to turn to stone. Where your body would repair itself and recover your lost energy. However it's been centuries since the war, the world and people you had once known and loved has faded into history along with your existence, but the world has gone too long without you and it's about time you return.

Need help with grammar, please comment if you see any mistakes. I'm sure there are a lot.
Anthro- ponies still have horns, wings, etc
Some chapters will be comment driven

Chapters (26)