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Celestia is feeling maternally nostalgic, Twilight accidentally turns her body into that of a filly, and Luna experiences the joy of being an aunt. Also; Trixie will eventually become a guard for a day, Discord will at some point have a few good laughs, and Spike will have to deal with his big sister suddenly being shorter than him when he's actually informed.

This is a Twilight/Celestia mother-figure/daughter-figure family fluff filled story stuck together with humor. Pretend this thing has a fluff tag. Also, there will most likely be no pairings in this story that aren't canon-compliant.

Note: Updates shall be erratic. Very erratic. I apologize in advance.

Chapters (4)

Octavia has hit rock bottom. After the Gala and being forced to play that song, she was cast out by high society. Now she must gather the shreds of her pride, only to have to swallow them to work under the only pony that seems willing to hire her. Now it's time for her to make a name for herself all over again, and she's determined to make it no matter what, even if she has to start over from Scratch.

Chapters (17)

Rumble's broken his leg, and Scootaloo's got a freaky talent for fixing things. Too bad their real problems didn't begin until they started seeing each other each day after school.

Special thanks to Pilate for editing.
Dedicated to the awesome Zemious.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rarity must deal with each other for an entire week as the cowpony mends after an incident. Applejack just wants to get home as fast as possible, but after spending time with the brash pony, Rarity finds herself questioning her feelings for Ponyville's prized pony.

Shipfic involving Rarity and Applejack by request. I really need to stop sending ponies to the hospital in these things.
Hopefully you enjoy it nonetheless and know that this is as dramatic as it should get for the remainder of the story.
Picture is a screencap from Look before you sleep.

Chapters (6)

*Just in case the cover picture didn't give it away, this is a babyfur story. If you don't like snuggles and ponies acting like foals, then please, click back.*

Twilight and Rarity go to a rather... interesting spa. They both come back refreshed, though.

Chapters (1)

Jason has been in Equestria for quite some time and has lived countless lives. Some have been short, others have been rather long. No matter the length, they all share one thing in common. They all end in fire and flames.

He has spent centuries wandering the countryside, gravitating towards events. When whispered words of Nightmare Moon's return reach his ears, his feet take him to Canterlot, where what he encounters leaves himself and many others more than intrigued.

An idea that sparked a story. Immortality is an often used plot device with a Human In Equestria story, and I wanted something different, something new, something... fresh. Thus, the concept of mimicking the phoenix came to life, and from it, this story.

Chapters (14)

With Twilight Sparkle still adjusting to life as a princess, Rarity becomes convinced she can help her friend by finding her a special somepony. And when that somepony turns out to be Fluttershy, awkward dates and adorable moments are sure to follow!

Cover art by mocha-creme (Thanks to OminousBrony for the suggestion!).

For a different take on the same characters, be sure to check out my RariTwiShy story, Our Lady's Courtship.

Chapters (24)

[Second Person Narrative] [Features ponies and Vacuums]

You're trying to tidy up your mess of a house. Unfortunately for you, a certain multi coloured friend of yours is in the way of that.

Just a small one shot fic to brush up on my skills. Written for the fun of it with no real explanation to anything.

Chapters (1)

Everypony has a pet of their own. Everypony, except for Luna. After a long day of hard work she decides that she wants a pet as well. When Discord offered her a helping claw, however, she should have probably been more attentive to the small print and Luna ends up with more than she bargained for.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo has always been jealous of her friends. They have sisters and families. She only has a sister and even then Rainbow Dash hasn't exactly been the definition of a big sister. Scootaloo has too small of wings so she can't fly. She's a bit smaller than most fillies and she doesn't do well in class. Some times she even seems messy like she hadn't taken a shower in a couple of days. All Scootaloo has ever wished is to be normal and have a normal life like her friends.

Chapters (7)