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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Dewdrop the pegasus is unique amongst ponies due to the fact that she could fit on a pony's hoof with room to spare. But why does she go to great lengths to keep herself hidden? Is it because she lives in the walls of the Golden Oaks Library? Or is it something more?

The premise is based off of The Borrowers.
Special thanks goes to EricKilla who is editing for me.

Chapters (2)

A border exists from a result of a uneasy truce between humans and pony kind in Equestria. Over 100 years have nearly completely cut of the cultures of the two. Dr. Moss, who studies humans from history and what he can glean from the border, is threatened to have his funding removed to teach his subject at Canterlot university because of the lack of interest. He resolves to make a dangerous crossing into the human land to see what has changed since the war.

Chapters (8)

Ponyville has a problem: Twilight's friends all switched Cutie Marks, and the musical numbers are flying thick and fast.
Lyra has a problem: She can't handle the way musical numbers get into your head and take you over.
Bon Bon has a problem with that.

(Pony Fiction VaultedFeatured on EqD)

Reviews and other word-of-mouth:
"I just can't find words for how much I enjoy the ideas on display here. … I didn't expect to be rating something this highly, this quickly." –Bradel
"The Lotus Eaters was the story that made me realize horizon wasn't just good, he was really good. Then Fugue State showed me he was really good repeatedly." –Bad Horse
"a strange but intriguing story ... [horizon's] so good at this ponyfic lark that it's still a highly satisfying read. ★★★★" - Louder Yay
"This story is weird, and I mean that in a good way. … [Horizon] thought about how ponies might react if [musical numbers] were a constant in Equestrian life." –Chris

Fugue State now has a sequel!

Chapters (3)

Changelings aren't nice. Changelings don't bake. Changelings don't get cutie marks.

This is how little Mandible earned a cutie mark to call his own.

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

Jessica finds herself flung into a world she has little concept of. Everything is strange and new to her, but worst of all she cannot communicate with the native inhabitants. A world of monsters and sapient ponies, griffons and other assorted beasts is no place for a human girl.

How will Jessica cope? Without an understanding of their language how will she make her way in the world, will she even be able to ever communicate with them? Why was she even brought into the world and is there even a way for her to get home?

(Thanks to Tulip for the Cover image!)

(Also now apparently has a Tv Tropes page in the making. )

Now has a re-telling in progress focusing on the Equestrians' side of things, A Stranger Among the Voices

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash has finally won her chance at being near the Wonderbolts, having been accepted for a summer job as a track-builder for practice races. Little does she know, the Wonderbolts are much less heroic when they're at the Academy, and she's in way over her head.

** This story was written when I was 15, and the quality and content reflect that. Please be aware that my position on topics contained within may have changed in the time between publishing and now, and I apologize for any offensive material that I may have condoned in my younger years. **

Chapters (2)

[10/10 The Equestrian Critics Society] [Featured on EQD] [Twilight's Library Approved]
Having a morning ritual allows a pony to prepare for the coming day with a minimum of thought, thus freeing their minds to contemplate everything from the past to the future... for some this is less than ideal.

Editing: Tundara and Flea Candy

Chapters (2)

Soil Tiller has had no luck in selling her produce anywhere else in Equestria, and is hoping for better fortune at Ponyville’s farmers' market, despite the odd looks she's gotten and strange stories she’s heard about the town. But they all can't be true, right?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Project: Sunflower

No story ever truly ends, and some stories have parts that remain hidden until they are unearthed.

This will be a collection of stories related to Project: Sunflower. Stories as yet unheard, and things that come after the end.

The stories presented here will be slice-of-life style stories based in the same universe as Project: Sunflower, and therefore will contain spoilers. It is recommended that you read Project: Sunflower before reading these stories.

These will not necessarily be in chronological order, and each side story will contain a note describing when it takes place in the main story time line.

(Additional characters/tags may be added as the stories require)

Chapters (14)