• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

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There are guns, and ammo. No wings above the treeline. No teleportation. Other than that, it's no rules, no limits. Last pony standing gets to enter the throne room. Last pony standing gets the prize.

These are the rules that every subject in Equestria learns as Princess Celestia decides to host an all-out, all-Equestrian paintball brawl in the Everfree Forest. Everypony makes their own plans and soon enough, factions create in the race for the promise of “whatever their heart desires”.

For some, it’s just a game of friendly competition. For others, the stakes are much higher, and in the Everfree Forest where everything and anything goes, it isn’t long before a series of strange events makes our six heroes wonder if they’re playing paintball... or if there’s something much bigger at play here.

Friendship. Power. Trust. Glory. All these elements and much more clash together in Ponyville Paintball, starring Jodie Foster as Applejack.


In this fic you will find that a few things don't exactly make sense when compared to the canon universe of mlp. This is because this story was stared way back in 2012, and a few things that might have made sense when written at the time are now canon-contradictory because of advancements in the FiM series' story arcs. For example, Twilight does not use her wings in this fic, because she became an alicorn long after this story actually began curse you MA Larson. If you're sensitive to this sort of thing, please bear with it. I should also stress that such details are few in this story.

To the next person who says this story is like the hunger games, I will come to your house and stab you in the eye with a spork. seeing as how I've run out of sporks due to the insolence of your comrades, I will funnel elephant shit in your ear through a vuvuzela, wearing a Pinkie Pie mask while Winter Wrap-Up plays in the back at full volume.

Edited by DeathRiseRobo for chapters 1 to 6, Brony_Fife for chapter 7, and Dr Bob for chapters 8 to 10. Big thanks to them!

Artwork belongs to vombavr on DeviantArt. I used it without his permission, and this I recognize. On his/her own request only will I remove it.


Chapters (12)

Pinkie Pie always had weird abilities, not only that but she always had weird memories. Memories belonging to a human named Luffy. However when somepony tries to kidnap Fluttershy, she learns what's really going on. She is the reincarnation of Monkey D. Luffy, a human from another universe who ate something called a Devil's Fruit and she isn't the only reincarnated Devil Fruit eater.

They are called Devil's Reincarnations. And a group of them want to take over Equestria but first they want Fluttershy since she a rare ability called Haoshoku Haki. Because of who Pinkie was in her past life it's up to her to stop them! But she's not alone, with the aid of her friends as well new and old friends she'll be able to stop them and save Equestria!

Betaed by NightmareKnight

Chapters (3)

Due to a combination of blood magic, an ancient elven artifact and the well placed punch of a golem, the Commander of the Grey and several of his fellow Grey Wardens find themselves in the magical land of Equestria.

Coming from a land that not only has magic, but fears and mistrusts those who use it, how will they react to see land of ponies who depend on magic to keep their lives in perpetual harmony? How will the ponies react to the strange creatures coming from a land of bloody conflict, demons and magical intolerance?

A Dragon Age crossover.

Chapters (43)

The discovery of an extensively useful element brings about a gigantic scientific leap in Equestrian technology. Seeing the potential of owning the largest reserves of this material, one of the most influential ponies of Equestria decides to hire a team of mercenaries that can conquer their enemy's territory while protecting their own. Their scuffle causes an unprecedented war to take over the kingdom.

Kind of but not really a cross with TF2. It's best to call it a sort of adaption. Mainly uses some key elements, such as the Australium's properties and small bits of adapted storyline. Just experimenting with a concept. Tags may be subject to change.

Cover art belongs to Tarantad0 on deviantART.

Chapters (3)

Luna does her best to catch up on the events of the past thousand years and ends up reading even more than Twilight.

One day, an ancient tome slips into her pile of reading material and she reads it eagerly. What she finds there may very well be the discovery of the millennium: The location of the last refuge of the humans.

With the help of Twilight and her friends, the Lunar Princess sets out on an archaeological expedition to find the very last human on the planet of Equus.

And they found one, but why is he forged in a full body armor and claims to not being a human... Well he's not one anymore.

Chapters (4)

The Vault Dweller. The Chosen One. The Lone Wanderer. The Courier. The Sole Survivor.

What do the most deadly and influential people in the post-apocalyptic remains of the defunct United States of America have in common, besides being human and living in the same Universe, albeit at different times?

Why, they're being brought into Equestria by a veteran time-traveler!

(A Fallout Series/My Little Pony Crossover)

Chapters (1)

In the years of AU (After Unity); the world is finally united in peace as Princess Celestia and Luna rule over Earth after helping to defeat Discord, who turned out to be behind all of Earths wars throughout the centuries. However unrest starts to brew as Luna and Celestia argue over how earth should be ruled. The year is AU 190. Due to the fighting between the two celestial princesses, the world has been split into two factions; The New Lunar Republic and The Solar Empire. The threat of war rises once again

A little more information:

This is a sequel to an imaginary fanfic that I may write later and technically a Gundam Wing Crossover.

This has nothing to do with the fic Solar Empire Vs. New Lunar Republic

Luna is still Luna and has not reverted back to Nightmare Moon.

The New Lunar Republic has control over the Moons’ mining and manufacturing facilities as well as North America, and half of Europe, Africa, The Middle East and Asia.

The Solar Empire has control over orbiting satellites that transfer solar energy to the earth as well as former Russia, South America, Australia, and the other half of Europe, Africa, The Middle East and Asia.

There are Human Colonies in Equestria and Euquestrian Colonies on Earth in enchanted parts of Antarctica.

Cover Art by; LuckyBreak

Chapters (4)

When Equestria accidentally opened a portal to another world, they discovered a new species: humans. Their arrival changed the world. For the Equestrian Ponies, it heralded a great cultural and technological jump needed from their stagnating way of life. For the Gryphons, however, they represented something baser: an opportunity to increase food stock and finally have a 'friendlier' predator species to ally themselves with.

For Gilda, one of the the humans was Ancestor-sent, a soul she would protect for bringing much joy to her life. And when a chain of events force her to accompany her human to Equestria, she recalls the circumstances of their meeting, the trials they pass through, the friendship forged through fire, and love born out of understanding under the harsh skies of the Kingdom.

This is her story.

"You are mine!"

~ Grizelda Behertz

Story set in The Gentlemanverse.

The Equestrian Critics Society gave this story the initial score of 8.5/10. (Full Review)

A one-shot story of the history of the Gryphon Kingdom can be found here.

OtterMatt's WRITE Review. Score: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile:

Added to Canterlot's Finest

Chapters (21)

(I kinda setup my own rules on changelings logic. So if there are any other changeling stories that have different logic, I won't follow it.)
[2nd POV] A changeling is a mindless slave, and was only born to serve Queen Chrysalis. It does not have feelings, so it does not feel remorse. A changeling cannot think or choose for itself, as it is not sentient. It only moves without question, and only constantly feed off of the love of ponies. Since it is not sentient, it cannot be befriended, cannot learn to communicate, and cannot feel love. Its sole-purpose is to feed off love out of every pony alive.
But... that doesn't seem to apply to you.
The day you met that one unicorn, was the day you began asking, questioning your own existence.
Ever since the fall of Queen Chrysalis, she was nowhere to be found. Your siblings can't seem to do anything without her guidance, and slowly, each one of your siblings begin to die out. As an endangered changeling in hiding, you use your newly discovered free-will and wits to try to find out the answer to your question. Trying to solve it before you die. "Who am I now?"
(I guess now that i think about it, I just made changelings the equivalent to zombies. And you are a.... Sentient zombie?)
On hiatus for the moment. Until I get my shit together, this story is going to just linger there for some moments.

Chapters (9)

A thousand of years of life experience would no doubt teach Princess Celestia much about romantic relationships, and that is exactly what Twilight wishes to learn from her beloved mentor. When Princess Luna catches wind of these lessons, however, she sees a chance to relight the fires of love within her sister again. But when a “one-time fling” turns into a life-long infatuation, Luna and a reluctant Cadance must race to reverse the effects of their meddling before Twilight finds herself in a most compromising position!

But can she truly resist the total affection of a goddess?

Chapters (6)