• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

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When the Elements of Harmony defeated Discord, they did their job too well, and completely undid all of the things Discord directly did...

... Like send a subcontinent from earth into a pocket dimension so he could focus properly on his toys. And now Equestria has appeared on Earth.

Yet, neither side was completely ignorant of the other. On Earth, there was the show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" and in Equestria there was the ever popular movie serial "The Dark World: Technology is Courage" which was a favorite of colts everywhere as well as the "Pumans".

And now both sides learn through an event that the other is real. Come join us as we watch as both sides learn to work and live together. And as they find out that events on their respective fiction was not as nice as it seemed as we widen the lenses of the view points...

A Round Robin created on SpaceBattles of which I am a participant and am posting with all their permission.

Chapters (7)

Sly Clop is a laid back slacker who runs one of Ponyville's only porn shops on Soresaddle Street. He is a regular customer of Hard Cider's "gentlecolt's club", the Knife and Apple, where he regularly shoots the breeze with Rainbow Dash, who's seen better days.

One day, his only employee quits, and he's forced to hire a new one, starting a new awkward relationship with Lyra, who needs cash. What follows is a lighthearted fic with dark undertones that I hope you'll enjoy.

And if I haven't convinced you enough by this point, no, this not a clopfic.

New cover image by mickf18 on deviantART (DeusExKane here).

Chapters (12)

Zircom is bored with life. After hearing hundreds of bard's tales, all he wants to do now is find an adventure of his own. Where his adventure will occur is a mystery. Zircom doesn't know, nor does he really care.

With some advice from a half-dragon cleric and the aid of a human wizard, Zircom formulates the perfect adventure: discover a new world. However, planar travel is not for the faint of heart, nor should it be done without proper forethought. But Zircom is a dragon, he can handle anything the planes throw at him... right?

Feedback and criticism encouraged
More characters to be added as story progresses.

Character modeled after the Silver Dragon from Dungeons and Dragons 3.5


Chapters (10)

What happened in that place where a young mare used to live for thousand years? How did she spent the time in a land of grey rocks?

Luna starts a mental journal, day by day, in order to keep her sanity against the loneliness. Sadly, that doesn't work and she completely loses her mind. Being alone for a long time is far too much for her.
Soon she begin to live weird and nosense adventures with her new non-existent friends, living in a magical land where nothing has a sense.
But her insanity is not as simple as it may look...

This is the long journal of a princess who wanted everything, but in the end didn't get nothing.

Notes: this fanfic contains a lot of nosense scenes, but it's not made to be exclusively random. Everything happens for a reason. Hope you'll enjoy it ^_^
And, remember, this was originally in italian, so if you find errors, please report them...

Original language: Italian Translated by TeoWolf82
The title, written in italian, is a sort of joke. In italian "Luna" means "Moon", so the title is translatable with both "Journal of the Moon" and "Luna's Journal".
Original link: here

Chapters (3)

"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)

It is the summer of 2020. The popular TV show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has finished its eighth, and what appears to be final, season. In the wake of increasingly violent attacks by an extremist Internet-based terrorist group, the founders of the popular pony site, Equestria Daily, decide enough is enough. Bronies from all over the world have gathered in a small, abandoned industrial park in the run-down outskirts of Chicago to find the culmination of their dreams: Equestria. Through the wonders of science, they flee Earth for a land of magic, mystery and secrets. They will be weighed, they will be measured... will they be found wanting or will their dreams come true?

Story Idea inspired by a chapter in Shipping and Handling by PegasusRescueBrigade.

Cover image is a composite of the original Stargate movie poster and 'Canterlot At Night' by Cosmicunicorn, Source

The Sequel: Magical Wizard Brony Detectives

Chapters (19)

An unexpected turn of events have lead to Discord's freedom, but his plans are turned asunder when Twilight Sparkle accidentally badly injures him.

Vulnerable and weak, the spirit is taken in under the ever watchful, gentle and concerned eyes of Fluttershy. Through this time of healing, the pegasus discovers that there's more to this miscreant than meets the eye, and she's determined to prove it.

Through this process dark secrets are revealed, pain is revealed, and gradually a hidden side never seen of the draconequus, and Fluttershy struggles to push him and past friends back together.

Will she ultimately have an effect on his indifferent heart or this only another one of his dastardly plans?


(So far there are already ten written chapters. If this story gets good reception I'll upload them all and continue to update. If you're impatient, all chapters can be found on my deviantart account at cryssy-miu.deviantart.com There is also a ton of art on my account too, which includes the story's preview image~)

Chapters (19)

My name is Artemis, I was sworn in as Princess Celestia's personal guard quite some time ago. I've watched her for so many years and silently stood by her side during all the recent ups and downs of her reign. Now I'm going to tell her how I feel. I know it would never work, we're just too different. But sometimes, there are things in a stallion's life he just has to do, and things he has to get off his chest.

What happens tonight will be anypony's guess, but one thing is for certain... it will be a night to remember.

Part one of the "To Love" trilogy. > Part two can be found here<
Teen for slight language and very mild suggestive themes.

Edited by Darastrix.
Pre-read by Azu and NATOstrike.

Chapters (1)

Everyone makes mistakes. Whether they be little slips that end up being harmless, or catastrophic mishaps that affect the nature of the world as we know it, mistakes happen. Our friends and enemies, the rich and poor, the powerful and weak, and everyone in between. They ñall have their own stories to tell. Their times of tragedy, their times of sorrow. It is in these times that life fully puts them to the test. P

Some will step into the light, recognized as heroes and saviours. Others will fall into the darkness, consumed by spite and greed. We have heard their stories, recorded in the pages of history for all to see. But sometimes, among the rarest of the rare, some will find they have no place to belong. They are the in-betweens. Those covered by the thin veil between good and evil.

This is the untold story showing the life of such a being. His birth, adventures, friendships, and loves. His tragedy, betrayal, exile, and finally, his end. This is the story of Discord. This is the story of a forgotten past.

*This story will take place in a season 2 finale canon alternate universe.

Current proofreader: Xaldon Ajide

Chapters (11)

For ten thousand years Princess Celestia and Princess Luna ruled over the peaceful land of Equestria. But something dark is beginning to stir in the shadows of space. Eternal, violent, mindless and bloodthirsty war. It was during the Age of the Old One's, or in human terms Horus Heresy. To make dreams about creating a utopia for their fellow ponies the Princesses of the Sun and the Moon unleashed a powerful spell that covered Equestria and Moon, hiding them from the war. The Royal Sisters buried the memory about the universe and they create harmony. But the spell wasn't powerful enough to hold for eternity, and even the Princesses effort didn't help. Probably one of the biggest manifestations of power in the entire universe vanished, revealing a peaceful nation of colorful, speaking ponies to the grim darkness of a galaxy wide war. It would be the end for Equestria, but Princess Luna managed to convince General Anders from the Imperial Guard, and Equestria joined the Imperium of Mankind. But to do this, the Princess of the Moon made a sacrifice that cast thousands of ponies into the oblivion.

That, was how The First and Only was born.

Applejack heard the whine of Gaunt’s chainsword as the commissar leapt up the scaling ladder nailed into the trench wall above the firestep and yelled to his soldiers.

“Ponies of Equestria! Do you want to live forever?”

Their reply, loud and raucous, was lost in the barrage of shells. But Ibram Gaunt knew what they had said. Weapons blazing, Gaunt’s Ghosts went over the top and blasted their way towards glory, death or whatever else awaited them in the smoke.

Forget the power of kindness and goodness, for so much has been forgotten, never to be re-learned. Forget the promise of friendship and magic, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods

Chapters (7)