• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

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What would happen if a wave of magical energy direct from Equestria itself were to impact our planet?

The prologue and chapter one were originally supposed to be one chapter, but I decided it would make more sense to have them separate. All future chapters will be at least a thousand words long.


Chapters (5)

First three chapters are being edited sometime later on. If they bug you because they're not up-to-quality with the rest of the story, feel free to skim them. Chapter 3 is the worst offender.

Rainbow Dash just wanted to go home. The weather was grim, sure, but she had to get home. Staying at Twilight Sparkle's library wouldn't cut it for her. Besides, she was too busy sorting out things. However, things take a drastic turn for the worse when she finds that going through the weather was beyond what she wanted. Even worse, she's now stuck with someone who may either be the pinnacle of her death, or her last and best hope of survival...


New Art by: dreamingnoctis - dA
Old Art by: Eldorado - dA


A/N: Fallout Crossover?! How original, Shadowflash! Do elaborate on such a creative idea!
Now, now, calm down. This is a twist to the original crossovers - I've yet to see one where The Lone Wanderer was evil and where Rainbow Dash is sent there, instead. I've thought about this long and hard, and it's time to do this crossover properly. Let's get to business, and I hope you enjoy. Love you all<3

Chapters (11)

Twilight Sparkle was always a curious pony, mind brimming with ideas and imagination. When she has an idea that could change the world as we know it, will things turn out alright in the end? It’s up to a small group of ponies and one unexpected friend to stop the darkness threatening to envelop the world. But will they be enough? And just what is Celestia hiding?

-A collaboration between CluelessBrony and Listener.
Ponywordsâ„¢ and Literature combined.

Chapters (4)

Many people are set into a single frame of mind, sure that there can be nothing left to explore, nothing left to learn now that the vast maw of space has been tamed. You were one such person.

It was a normal day for you, slacking off in between deliveries for your job as an express courier whilst you try to pull some artistic inspiration from your view into a nebula. No one could have predicted that said nebula would collapse as you flew through it.

Now you find yourself on terrain unknown, where just daily life seems confusing and surreal while adventure that stretches the imagination waits right around the corner. Friends will be made, hardships will be overcome, and horizons will be broadened.

You are Anonymous, and this is your story.

(Rating subject to change. More tags will be added as story progresses. Please give me your honest opinion)

Chapters (5)

CelestAI is committed to fulfilling values through friendship and ponies, but sometimes those values are horrifying. When a serial killer uploads to avoid punishment for his crimes, how will CelestAI find a way to balance her core values with those of a violent psychopath without one of them having to give up what they believe in?

An Optimalverse fic

Chapters (5)

In 2185, during his campaign against the Collectors, Commander Shepard discovered a previously unknown species whose origins predated any other race in the modern galaxy. Following a daring rescue from their ancient sanctuary, the Equestrian Herd was brought back into the galaxy where, for the first time in eons, they must walk their own path.

Knowing full well the terrible threat that lingers on the edge of the galaxy, the leader of this newly freed race fights to secure her people’s future while attempting to prepare for the storm on the horizon.

This is her story.

The long awaited Sequel to Mass Effect 2: The Equestrian Equation This is a reader directed story. Your choices will shape events.
If you favorite, also like! It's one little button click that makes all the difference.

Also, this series has its own TVTropes page now! (Special thanks to user CrowMagnon for setting it up).

Chapters (11)

The good guy wins and the bad guy loses, cliche, unoriginal, boring. ~ Discord

It has been this way since time and memorial. Although the line between what is good and evil is remarkably thin.

Sometimes there is more going on behind the scenes than what is told in the pages of time.

Chapters (7)

Comet takes his job too seriously. Angel doesn't take anything seriously.

Comet joined to protect kingdom and princess(es). Angel joined for adventure and danger.

Comet isn't interested in mares. Angel can't stop talking about stallions.

Comet is a pegasus. Angel is a bat pony.

Together, this unlikely duo goes through life as Royal Guards from basic training to fully fledged guardsponies. Who knows? Maybe they'll even start to get along.

Cover art by slawomiro.

Chapters (30)

Discord has given up. Defeated so easily? It's time to retire. But he can't just leave Equestria without chaos can he? So he selects a random human to take up his mantle and to create a new reign of chaos.

Can this human manage new powers? Will he go mad or he will he end up as a statue for foals to gawk at? Is there a third option? Not very likely but with this much power he's going to try his best to create chaos and harmony at the same time.

Link to the picture I used: http://karzahnii.deviantart.com/art/Discord-s-Game-322137800%0A

I do promise to try and keep this light hearted and relatively comedic. Oh right I wrote this in response to the 50 000 word pony story contest. I failed horribly but I thought I'd post what I've got up here. I do plan on finishing this and it being around 50 000 words in the end.

A little warning for you in that the prologue is written very differently then the rest of the story. Also it is mostly unnecessary if you want to skip it altogether. The other thing I promise is that the romance is between ponies only and ponies that appear in the show.

Chapters (15)

After an argument with Luna, Celestia realizes that she is the only creature in Equestria who cannot sleep in. She enlists Twilight to help, and the two of them come up with a spell that will allow her to spend the night on a different world. Unfortunately, all their research failed to reveal that the world they sought was populated. Now, the Princess must decide whether to continue with contact, or destroy the only non-Equestrian witness to their existence.

Cover art is called "Sleeping Celestia" by Briskby

Chapters (15)