• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

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In the dark depths of Asgard, Loki Odinson sits, punished for his crimes on Midgard.

But new developments cause the wayward son of Odin to escape his prison and seek refuge across the Nine Realms in a land very much unlike any he has ever seen: Equestria.

While Loki makes a new life for himself in Equestria, Thor must once again gather together the Avengers and give chase to his escaped kin. But will the lies Loki feeds his newfound friends send the Elements of Harmony on a collision course with the protectors of Earth?

(Cover image by the wonderful Reiduran)

Chapters (11)

Humanity has grown to control most of the Sol system, and looks to distant stars for further expansion options. When probes discover an uncannily-earthlike planet at a vast distance, the Solar Government takes on a project larger than any before it.

A colony ship, carrying over seven thousand people, the Eclipse is constructed. Thanks to its translight engine, it is capable of making the journey within two decades. The expedition is launched with high hopes, its crew made up of the best and brightest, setting out to prove that the vastness of space was no longer an insurmountable obstacle, that landing on distant worlds full of life was no longer just a pipe dream.

What happens when this colony ship's crew arrives at their destination would forever change humanity's outlook on the rest of the universe, as well as what could be deemed possible. Supernatural beings, energies unexplainable, and most importantly, sapient organisms all populate this mysterious, fertile world. In all of its extensive preparations, is the Eclipse versatile enough to tackle the task assigned to it? Or, more importantly, is its crew?

Featured on Equestria Daily 1/1/2013.

Pre-read by Stringtheory and Milo. Proofread by Erumpet and Demetrius. Thanks! Contains some hard and some soft sci-fi elements.

Chapters (6)

Quentin is a sensor for danger, and he's been shaking ever since he and his best friend was fired unceremoniously from work.

His friend, Richard Fulwood, has not been acting his usually depressed self, in fact he's a lot more happy. Richard has called Quentin and Linda to come to his house for a surprise, A TELEPORTATION DEVICE! What makes it better? It works! At least in one trip it worked. Now Richard 'Radiant Radar' Fulwood, Linda 'Limonade' Delany, her sister, Marian 'Min Tea' Delany, and Quentin 'Quick Fix' Clemens are trapped in Equestria and have no idea how to get back home. Dealing with another world and its inhabitants.

However... each of them are met with a Draconequus that claims that they now work for him.

The race against time has begun, and in five days Equestria is going to be forever changed.

By the By, does anypony know what the Aponylypse is?

Inspired by The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog

Chapters (29)

After coming into contact with a strange blue crystal that has the ability to enhance Unicorn Magic, Sweetie Belle accidently opens up a portal to another planet, bringing fourth an adventure with the Heroes and Villains of two different worlds.

(It could happen.... Only on The Hub!)

Chapters (22)

Hearth's Warming has always been a time for family and friends. A time when the ponies of Equis remember the frigid days before the rise of Modern Equestria, and bask in the warmth and comfort of their loved ones.

But for one particular holiday season, strange things are happening in Ponyville that can’t be easily explained. Least of all by Scootaloo, who is having her own share of troubles during this normally festive time of year.

When the mirth and whimsy of Hearth’s Warming starts to take on a more dour and icy edge, things take a turn for the stranger when out of the blue, the enigmatic “Doctor Clockwork” appears.

Join the Hourglass Stallion as he takes it upon himself, his temporary companion Spike, and the newly-conscripted Scootaloo to save Hearth’s Warming before the holidays are ruined forever!

Chapters (6)

A foray into the Optimalverse.

The powerful, world-spanning AI Celestia has but one goal: To satisfy human values through Friendship and Ponies. But for those humans, is it worth sacrificing one group of friends for another?
And what's really so dang great about satisfaction, anyway? For those who value knowledge, is happiness ever worth self-deception?

Chapters (1)

Well, it appears that me and a bunch of people with varying degrees of friendship with yours truly have been --somehow-- teleported to the one place I never thought I'd see.

Or maybe we were trans-mutated. Transmogrified?

Never mind.

Now, I've got to find the other five people that had to have been thrown in here as well, all the while having to relearn even the most basic bodily functions and commands.


Oh, and did I tell you the best part?

We're all Pokémon. Yep, as if being tossed on your rear into an alien world as a strange creature wasn't enough, now we've got to deal with the fact that no one in Equestria knows what the heck we are.

I can feel a headache coming on already.

Click here to read the sequel, A Legendary Issue!

Chapters (32)

She’s the loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies; how could anypony not fall in love with Applejack? In fact, so much of the town has found themselves under her seductive spell, they’ve formed a secret society to help each other cope with their unbridled lust. Operating in seclusion, this group has been an unseen staple of Ponyville. Surely, though, nothing good can come of the mare herself discovering the existence of Applejack Anonymous.

Cover pic by the inimitable Mr. Snowpony.

Chapters (8)

“It'll move mountains! It'll mount movements!” ~Sheogorath, Prince of Madness.
“Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?” ~Discord, Master of Chaos

Two beings from distant worlds, similarities in abundance. One killed by his Champion and set free from the Order that plagued his life. The other reformed by the very powers of Harmony and Friendship that he once despised. The powers of Madness and Chaos are none to be reckoned with, as any creature that’s encountered either could tell you. Separate, they are grand; together, they are endless.

Chapters (10)

When what was supposed to be a simple assignment goes wrong Rainbow Dash finds herself trapped in an unfamiliar intimidating world that’s being ripped apart by a civil war and savaged by dragons. Now with the help of Arria, the imperial apprentice mage turned Dragonborn, and her trusty housecarl Lydia can Rainbow Dash help save the people of Skyrim from being consumed by civil war and the even greater threat of Alduin himself?

Chapters (3)