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Set just before the events of chapter ten of Friendship is Optimal. One of the last living humans survives and scrapes by in the ruins of Eugene Oregon. He is approached by a simulacra of Twilight Sparkle, who promptly attempts to convince him to upload himself to Equestria. He balks at first, so Twilight plays to her strengths: studying.

Part of the Optimalverse.

WARNING: RATED TEEN FOR IDEOLOGY. This story attempts to take a realistic and balanced view of why an intelligent and religious person might not upload. It does not attempt to convince the reader to believe any of the viewpoints discussed. However, it is written in as unbiased a way as possible, therefore, both theists and atheists will probably find portions of it offensive.

Chapters (2)

Flash Sentry is having a very bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

His date has been cancelled.

He has to work a double shift.

And for some reason, stallions are hitting on him at a bar...

Yeah, really bad Hearts And Hooves Day.

Edited by MythrilMoth.
Special thanks to Weeping Angel for pre-reading and JaquelinDreamz for permission to use her artwork.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (5)

This story came from an idea I blogged about a while back. Some of the details will change and have changed, but it has the basic gist of what I have planned.

Go check my third latest blog to find out :D

Celestia was betrayed by Discord many years ago, tricked into believing that Equis's doom was nigh.

The result was each and every sapient inhabitant on the planet moving to an uninhabited world, but Celestia being left behind as a consequence.

And yet as the years pass on by and nothing changes...something does.

Read on as the mare recalls what she can, whilst fighting her gradual slip into a false reality.

Where a young human is her son.

Where the impossibility is explained as a gift from The Great Mother herself.

Where memories fade and delusions take their place.

Or have they already?

This story is a small prologue of sorts to an upcoming story simply called Mother?. It's just a drabble I magicked up in an hour or so, hope you enjoy it.

If anyone has a better picture then send it my way please :)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has finally perfected a device allowing ponies to speak to each other over great distances. Unfortunately, the first call she receives is from Pinkie. Things go downhill from there.

Chapters (1)

How much time has passed the poor farmer stallion by as he lazed away on his farm? He doesn't know, but one thing is certain. All the mare in this town are apparently crazy.

(Thanks to Princess Glitzy for finding the original source and allowing me to correctly give credit to the artist : http://tobibrocki.deviantart.com/art/Six-Mares-a-Kissing-421712733 )

Chapters (2)

Taking a vacation in a nice relaxing and peaceful country? That's good.
Taking a vacation and being blamed for the the theft of some very important jewelry? That's bad.
Taking a vacation and becoming public enemy number one? That's really bad.
Taking a vacation and being hunted by adorable pegasi, unicorns, and ponies? That's... different.

A mage decides to take a respite in what he assumes to be the peaceful and safe land of Equestria. Unfortunately he's accused of stealing the "Elements of Harmony", a powerful set of magical regalia, and goes on the run from the law. Now stuck in a land of magical ponies, cut off from his only way home, and now the most wanted creature in Equestria, does he have any hope of proving his innocence and going home?

Maybe, but let's laugh at him as he gets beat up by cute equines!

Chapters (3)

Chrysalis is dying and she has but one thought on her mind. When she is gone from the world, who will care for the one thing in the world she values above life itself?

What will she sacrifice? How much of her pride will be thrown aside? To what lengths will she go to ensure her daughter's life? Will she beg a mortal enemy for mercy, not for herself but for an innocent foal? She is already willing to die for her child so what else could she give to be certain of the filly's sustained happiness?


This is my entry for the EFNW 2014 Writing Contest. I'm really happy with it so it doesn't matter whether I win or not. Seriously I'm glad I got to tell this story.

Alright big shout out time. As of March 13, 2014 the impeccable Goombasa has posted this... HERE ... Now that a YouTube fanfiction reader has read one of my stories I am one step closer to world domination!

New big shout out time! As of August 28, 2018 the lovely CountessRose has posted this HERE ... Now that a second YouTube fanfiction reader has read the same story as last time, I am yet another step closer to worlds domination!

Now on to the important details, the shout outs to the artists responsible for the vectors and background I used to make the cover art.
The Chrysalis Vector
The Celestia Vector
The Background
Many thanks to them.

Chapters (2)

Button Mash has always liked Sweetie Belle. She was fashionable, yet not afraid to get dirty. She was smart, but enjoyed to play video games with him. Sweetie Belle has had a crush on him since they first hung out. Both have been afraid to show their feelings, but on Hearts and Hooves Day, they decide to show each other what they truly mean to each other.

Cover image artist- http://medio-cre.deviantart.com/art/A-Girl-s-Best-Friend-425853916

*Edit: Wooooow. 100 likes in just the first day??? Are you serious? Thanks guys!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Kiss of the Dark

Six months after the events of Kiss of the Dark, Twilight is deep into her pregnancy with Sombra's child. The foal is due any moment now, and she grows more excited by the day.

However, her memories of Sombra still haunt her. Torturing her in her dreams, making her feel guilty for the things she's done with him....

Once Celestia catches wind of it, she takes it upon herself to help her former student once more. After all, its best that they fix things once and for all before the foal arrives...

Cover by AmberSolaen/Starburst Dawn.

Reading Kiss of the Dark before reading this story is recommended, but not required.

Chapters (4)

'Caught' has been edited slightly. Re-read and try to spot what's changed XD

The crime rate in Canterlot was hitting an all time high, which was perfect for a young thief like Chase.

Unfortunately his fellow thieves started getting caught. And everypony knows what happens when you get caught.

You're taken to Celestia and interrogated in ways so horrible, so demeaning that the one caught is never the same again.

Chase knows this and refuses to let it happen to him.

For even if he is caught, he knows in his heart that he will never give up his life of crime. And nopony, not even Celestia herself can change that...


This story is just a bit of fun that popped up in my mind. Mostly because I wanna write Celestia in a good way for once XD

No possessiveness, no darkness, just a gentle, motherly Celestia.

I'm not sure about the tags, so if I'm missing something then tell me XD

Chapters (3)