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Twilight, seeing that her friend needed a little bit of companionship, decided to help him get a date.

But boy, did he aim a little too high for her taste.

Now, her and Spike need to help this putz of a human snatch a date from one of the most undateable beings on the planet, Princess Celestia.

Needless to say, they're doomed.

Cover art used with permission by Lydia-Rawr

Warning: Story will contain horrible romance clichés, cutsieness, and all around silliness.

You have been warned.

Chapters (25)

Being the mayor of Ponyville is not easy, not when you have the Elements of Harmony and the Cuite Mark Crusaders always causing trouble. Mayor Mare has a solution however, a Bachelor auction and Big Mac is the star of her little show. Follow Mac as he goes through his own personal hell, while the other stallions seem to be enjoying themselves!

Stallions on the Block: Big Mac, Soarin, Braeburn, Bulk Biceps, Prince Blueblood, Flash Sentry, Caramel, Thunderlane, Dr. Whooves/Time Turner, and Spike! Also two new ponies that you might be able to recognize.

Written by: Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Featured Story?! Thank you all!

Update: Since all of you have been debating the age, Jake and I have decided that the ages are as followed. Main Six are in their early twenties. CMC/Spike pre-teens 10-12. Mac mid twenties.

Thank you as always to jszellmer for the edits.

Thank you to KarmaDash for the idea bouncing along with Shrapmo as well.

Finally thank you mcwhale4 for the great cover art!

Also, here is what Auction has been like for Jake and Cap

Chapters (15)

A humble, down-to-Equestrian man lives a reasonable dream running an American-style breakfast joint serving his friends and colleagues the best vittles he can offer. One day he finds himself with a sick yet stubborn nurse in his meaty paws. Can he convince her to take the day off and rest?
And maybe, just maybe, he'll give the nurse the care she so often gives to others. There may be more to their relationship than he could ever have guessed.

[WARNING: This is a second-person Anonymous in Equestria story. If you dislike second-person perspective or the concept of AiE, then please save your time and look elsewhere. Otherwise, I invite you to read on, and hope you enjoy my little work!]

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Alicorn Instinct

Set after The Alicorn Instinct, but before The Endless Nightmare

Isn't it strange what one little argument can do?

Well as our Human and his pink Princess come to discover, one argument can cause so much more than a little heartache.

Cover Art done by the brilliant Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (2)

Long has the coffee branch of StarBuck been open in Canterlot and long has Celestia frequented it. She always grabs her order and returns to the castle to enjoy it, Luna however has been curious of the beverage known as coffee. So one day she sips her first drink....nopony was prepared for what transpired.

Dramatic Read of the fic! : Done by EnderBlaze

Chapters (1)

Nearly 3 years after being married, Sweetie Belle is almost ready to give birth to her and Button Mash's first child. Just how will the new-born parents handle their new challenge of life, being parents.

Chapters (4)

It's the middle of World War II and somewhere in Manehattan, a certain grey pony steps into a small little bar that will change her life forever...

Fluffy Octavia X Spike fic that I've been wanting to finish for a long time now.

(Set in an alternate universe for obvious reasons.)

Author's note: With regards to Spike's age in this universe, he is older than he is in the show, yet still looks like he's on the younger side.

Cover Art by: http://yikomega.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is on top of the world: she's the newest addition to the Equestrian Principality, and everypony admires her success story.

Everypony? Well, yes, but somebody disagrees...

Chapters (2)

“History is written by the victors.” ~ Winston Churchill

Welcome to the new Equestria: Several decades ago it spanned a continent, now it encompasses an entire world due to an unknown phenomenon that occurred many years ago. Equestriani towns and cities now dot the planet. What many of its inhabitants try to forget though is that many of these cities were built over older cities that belonged to a now-extinct race: humans.

Crystal Clear, a fledgling researcher with a fascination of these beings, intends to publish a book; a comprehensive take on their race. His task is not an easy one as the event all those years ago has ensured that nothing tangible of their era remained. The only way for him to gain any information on mankind is via old unofficial accounts and interviewing the 'newfoals' and anypony who lived with humans back then. But the latter are far and few... and those who had agreed before are now mysteriously refusing to comment. Why?

In the midst of this, Crystal's grandmother passes away, leaving him several memory orbs of her times with humans. Is this the break that he has been searching for? Will he finally come to an understanding of this elusive species or will he learn of something that he wasn't meant to know?

This story has been reviewed by The Equestrians Critics Society. See the full review here.

Chapters (9)

There is a pony who goes by the name of Blues. It's not hard to miss him, but it's easy to forget about him. He is just an average pony with an average job and a bad luck streak.

But today he's going to change that. Blues is on his way to ask out the most beautiful pony in all of Ponyville. Surely nothing can go wrong, especially if the main cast get involved. Right?

Chapters (10)