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Wallace and Gromit go to the moon for a picnic. They find a lonely pony, a lovestruck robot, and an incredibly cheesy life-lesson.

Rated E for Englishness.

Featured on Equestria Daily as of 22nd January 2014!

Saw some Wallace & Gromit pony art. Then this happened. Enjoy!
Thanks to Mr101 and Craine for pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

When Equestria appeared on Earth and discovered the MLP fandom, the initial reaction was of interest. Then they discovered the terrors of The Conversion Bureau, and there was only one way for them to react...

Chapters (1)

When Carrot Top discovers that her coltfriend is cheating on her, her first reaction is to kick him to next Monday. The fact that at the moment her coltfriend is attending Blueblood's birthday party doesn't seem to convince her otherwise.

The good news, her friends are all there to get her out of trouble.

The bad news, her friends are all a bunch of sociopaths.

Proofreading by:

Selbi (Chapter 2 onwards)
Neko Majin C

Chapters (10)

It all started out as just another day for me as I strolled through the streets, nodding to the myriad of delicious equines passing by. However, none of these ponies piqued my interest as I craved the most delectable of Ponyville's delights. For this changeling's pallet hungers solely for the unique Perky Pink Parfait, but she's been acting weird lately. She's catching on, I'm sure of it! I know I should move on, this can only end badly, but I'm hopelessly addicted to the pony of my doom!

Continued due to popular demand! Now you can read the whole story as Shattered Dreams, the clueless changeling romeo, sits under judgement by Twilight and friends as they pick through his memories to see if he really is in love with Pinkie or just using her.

Warning: There are some dark themes, such as where do changelings come from. However, it is not meant to be a dark fic.

It is only tagged as Romance, because it has a bit of everything on both sides of the spectrum from sad to comedy.

I had tagged it gore since gore is present, but more hinted at, and kept to a minimum. Since I won't be making anyone hurl, or even squeamish, I went ahead and removed it.

I would have tagged it sex for really awkward comedic moments with sexual references. The best kind! But there's nothing serious enough to warrant a tag. Sorry guys the clop is over that way:

Pre-readers: FlashKenshin77, Shimmering Honor

Chapters (11)

"How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"

With that single sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates...

Chapters (59)

Rarity always wanted to be Lady Rarity. Over time, it became more clear it was not meant to be. But she's fine, she's got a successful business in Ponyville, her fashion line showing in Manehattan and she has her friends, even if most of them are moving on with their lives. A prince sweeping her off her hooves was just not meant to be.

So how in Equestria did she end up on a date with the richest pony in town?

Confusion, feelings and wine mix for a potentially explosive, heartwarming (or rending?) evening, along with a pinch of generosity.

A sweet, feels-full, wistful Rarity X Filthy Rich romance fic in three parts.




Written and developed in the same 'Universe' as Cola Bubble Gum's story, Rum Punch. Story takes place before the events of Rum Punch. If reading in order, read this story first.

Other Royalsverse stories: Colts, by Guy Incognito, Heart of Silver, by The Weatherbug, and Despicable Blue, by yours truly.

Initial idea was suggested by Cola Bubble Gum.

Story inspired by the song Royals as sung by Puddles Pity Party (kind of), and my deep love for Rarity (oh yes.)

Editors: Sharp Spark, Cola Bubble Gum
Additional Editing by: Comrade Sparkle

Artwork: 2135D Artwork inspired by Silver Linings Playbook , but made into a beautiful, better image by 2135D

Part of my 4 Prompt Jan Challenge. Even though I already broke the rules and made this a chapter story, and went over the word limit.

(Also, it's total horsefeathers that there isn't a Filthy Rich tag.)

Chapters (3)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders decide they need to expand their numbers, but things quickly go awry when their first target begins sobbing on the spot. Sweetie Belle soon finds herself roped into hanging out with the young colt.

Can Sweetie Belle see past the young colts weirdness and allow friendship to bloom? Can Button Mash fake enough normal behavior to make at least one friend? Will these two hit it off, or are Button’s only friends destined to be the ones in his video games, forever?

Cover art by users Vallis and Novel-Idea

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to When Can We Do This Again?

Spike and Sweetie Belle go on their first date together. It's filled with all the cute, awkward moments you could hope for. However, when some inner feelings are brought to light, things could take a turn for the worse.

Sequel to When Can We Do This Again? It's not required reading however.

Cover image by IceboxFroggie

Chapters (1)

Spike runs into a very depressed Sweetie Belle at Sugar Cube corner, and invites her to join Twilight, Trixie and himself for family game night to help her feel better. Of course, shenanigans ensue.

Check out the sequel, First Date!

Chapters (1)

Back home from a weeklong trip, Time Turner finds Ponyville in the grip of the post Hearts and Hooves day “new love” phase. New relationships between couples have been forged, and anypony still unattached will be looking for their own special someponies.

It’s kind of annoying really. As soon as ponies see a relationship bloom they want to find somepony for themselves, and right now those ponies are searching for all the wrong reasons.

Time Turner doesn’t want to get involved, he’d rather relax for a while and recover from his latest “business” trip. The all-powerful force of love can go bother somepony else, thanks.

Love can be avoided, especially if you’re a literal time turner, but occasionally that’s not enough.

Part of the Winningverse and preread by Chengar Qordath, JJ GingerHooves, Ponibius, Web of Hope, and 621Chopsuey.
Cover Art Sources: Turner, Carrot, Colgate, Cloud Kicker, Derpy.
As a note: I'm reliably informed the first chapter starts off a little dull, and that generally the story really hits its stride in chapter two.

Chapters (12)