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Applejack expected a lot, when she got an invitation from Cherilee to talk about Applebloom.

But not this.

A little One-Shot, I had to get out of my head.

Edit February 12th, 2014: Major props to Frission, for proofreading the story and making it more readable. You rock!

I don't plan to add something as of now, but maybe I will in the future.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has a tough life, but every once in a while, she has a chance to shine.

Consider this an apology for the Scootabuse in One In A Million. It's time for a feel-good story about Scootaloo; a spiritual sequel if you will, though this story is in an entirely separate universe.

Proofreading by JohnPerry
Cover Image by mirapony

Chapters (1)

The love lives of the fillies in the Ponyville Schoolyard are kicked into high gear by the arrival of a new colt who only wishes to be left alone. However, with everypony wanting to welcome him and be his friend, or give him a hard time for being a Blank Flank, he sees no other option than to counterattack the only way he knows how, passive aggressively.

Little could he have known that surprise kisses and group date invites are less effective at driving fillies away than it was back in his homeland, and he soon finds himself at the center of crush central with no way out. Sometimes, being a Winning Pony is a curse.

Former Proofreader: Letedwend

Chapters (5)

Derpy resolves to better focus on her mailmare duties after her latest performance review.

Chapters (1)

Jon Stewart needs to find a way to get more people to watch his show. To do this he welcomes a new series of guests from a far off land containing monsters, magic, and most importantly... ponies!
Join him on an adventure that has him matching wits with sentient mythical creatures ranging from god-like ponies to a fire breathing dragon! Each "Episode" marks a different MLP character getting a chance to travel to the human world for an interview on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.

Please feel free to leave a suggestion for who Jon should interview next.
Disclaimer: For proper context it is highly recommended to reach each chapter in order as many interviews allude to past guests and events.
A special thanks to Zeta040, Cantankerous, and Zervziel for proofreading several stories listed below.

List of Characters who have already appeared:
- Chapter 1: Spike
- Chapter 2: Derpy
- Chapter 3: Applejack
- Chapter 4: Ms. Cheerilee
- Chapter 5: Octavia
- Chapter 6: Zecora
- Chapter 7: Mayor Mare
- Chapter 8: Twilight
- Chapter 9: Trixie
- Chapter 10: DJ Pon3
- Chapter 11: Rainbow Dash
- Chapter 12: Iron Will
- Chapter 13: Fancy Pants
- Chapter 14: Queen Chrysalis
- Chapter 15: Luna
- Chapter 16: A Changeling
- Chapter 17: Rarity
- Chapter 18: Lyra and Bon Bon
- Chapter 19: The Cutie Mark Crusaders
- Chapter 20: Discord
- Chapter 21: Fluttershy

Chapters (107)

When Princess Twilight Sparkle's crown gets stolen, she must follow Sunset Shimmer through the Crystal Mirror into a strange new world.

A world where everything and everyone is made of Lego.

With a little help from some familiar faces, Twilight will do whatever it takes to get her crown back. From an ordinary city, to the far reaches of outer space, to an enchanted land of castles, this team of minifigs will be in for an incredible adventure.

Chapters (19)

Every week around the same time, Skywrite the pegasus leaves his little cottage in the woods to “pick up groceries,” and every week around the same time, Petalgrown the pegasus welcomes him home with a few hours of cuddling and his favorite dinner on the table. Of course, not everything here is as it seems. For one thing, there’s the dinner. French fried potatoes? Who’s ever heard of such a thing!? For another thing, there’s the way Sky looks at his hooves sometimes, as if trying to will something else to be there. Also, as a footnote, Petalgrown is one of the hundreds of changelings thrown free of Canterlot during the failed invasion attempt, and has been living off Skywrite’s strange, fiery love ever since.

As time goes on and questions about the strange, loving pegasus start piling up, she grows determined to discover the truth behind the pony she finds herself growing more and more intrigued with. Of course, it could be something even crazier than “love-sucking, shape-changing bug-pony,” but that’s just speculation. After all, there’s no way a pony could ever hide such a strange secret from a creature born of secrets, right? Why, it would take something very unpony-like to pull that off, wouldn’t it?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie devises a new plan to drum up money for Sugarcube Corner and spread cheer to all of the ponies of Equestria.

It doesn't exactly turn out the way she hoped.

Pre-read by the amazing LadyCobraa.
Cover done by BlackStealth08.
Dramatic Youtube Reading by EnderBlaze.

Featured on 2/3/2014. Whoa. That's pretty tight.
Also 100% Approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (1)

At what should have been a routine doctor's visit, Applejack learns that she can never bear foals of her own. After an emotional breakdown, her friends do their best to calm her.

However, as the discussion develops, nopony is prepared for Twilight's revelation: the grand event which brought them together has left a hidden scar within each of them.

Tempers flare, relationships are strained, and the strength of their friendship is tested as each must come to terms with her newfound sterility.

Now on Equestria Daily
and Twilight's Library

Thanks to these wonderful people for all their help

Cover artist


Prereadering and suggestions from:
Distaff Pope
John Perry

Chapters (3)

Discord has always had a thing for Princess Twilight. Unable to resist Twilight's bookish charm, he tries to woo her but she won't have any of it.

Edited by Draconian Soul

Chapters (3)