• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Set directly after the events of Magical Mystery Cure.

Twilight Sparkle has just been crowned Equestria's newest princess. Shortly after her coronation, Princess Celestia tells Twilight that they need to talk. Then Celestia bursts into flames.

This little one-shot came to me a little while back. I have no idea where it came from. Beware of OOC moments and fourth-wall breaking.

Cover art by elrunion136 of deviantART. Pre-read by TorontoFCBrony.

If you (dis)liked this story, I would love to know why so I can improve my writing.

Chapters (1)

Granny Smith insists that Applejack has to go to the dentist.

But she doesn't have to like it.

At all.

Reviewed by Seattle's Angels on March 16th, 2015.

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. Due to some recent events, you end up living with Fluttershy. A timid mare that will change your life forever,

A new take on the heartwarming moment series. With a new format.

(Note that I am not up to date with season 4. I don't think it's relevant in this story but just to be safe...)

Also, the prologue is written in 1st person (to give you an idea of what is going on in the mind of the mare in question)

And the 'main' chapter is written in 2nd person (Old fashioned Anon action)

Yes, there will be an epilogue. I'm writing it as of now, just wanted to get this out because I haven't posted anything in like 5 months.

Story number ten in the Heartwarming Moment Series.
Who's next?

Chapters (2)

You are anonymous the Lone human in equestria. After a short trip to the market some awkward stuff happens and you end up taking care of Fluttershy. Lets see how this turns out.

My third story in the Hearwarming moment stories.
Who's Next?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Baker and the Candy Loving Unicorn

Mission: to liberate the bonbons to Lyra Heartstrings.
Target: the small mountain of candy sitting on the counter.
Success rate: 100%
Or is it?
BonBon has made a fresh supply of candy and has laid them out to cool. However, enter Lyra Heartstrings, who wants to steal the candy right out from under BonBon's nose.
Will she succeed?

Now with a dramatic reading by scorpion1m:

Chapters (1)

You are anonymous the Lone human in equestria.
One morning afther you promised to bake some stuff with pinkie a prank gets pulled off on you.
only for many more to come. You think of a way to get some payback.
maybe it wasn't the best way, maybe it was...

My second story in the Heartwarming Moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

And through darkness comes light and through light comes darkness.

To know everything can not be done, for even immortality leaves one answer from our grasp.

Chapters (2)

Rarity has always been known to act on impulse at times, especially when her career is concerned, but can the consequences of her impulses always be forgiven?

Narration by VoiceGuy

Chapters (1)

As everypony knows, Pinkie Pie can do impossible things. She can hover in midair without wings, play ten instruments at once, and even go days without breathing! Clearly some kind of magic is at work, but what could it be?

Pinkie decides it's finally time to tell her friends the whole, unvarnished truth.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "The Best Medicine" contest.

Chapters (1)

While holding her Night Court, Princess Luna receives the news of a friend's passing. Struck by the sudden death of one of her most precious friends, she becomes overcome with sadness and in her grief remembers when they met and the lessons they taught each other.

A story of friendship, magic, and making unlikely friends in places you would never expect.

Chapters (4)