• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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This story is a sequel to A Quiet Party

It all happened so quickly. In one single night, Fluttershy confessed to her crush, shared their first kiss, and became her marefriend. The shy pegasus couldn't be any happier, but Pinkie feels she needs to try and be the best marefriend possible for Fluttershy.

Cover art belongs to Yubi.

Thanks to Midnight Radio Hotline for prereading!

Note: Reading A Quiet Party first is not required but is recommended to understand the events of this story.

Chapters (2)

For many years there has been a mysterious creature living in the woods. Many rumors have spread about this creature. Some say its capable of killing anything it puts its mind on, even predators many times its size. A very strange creature that nopony had ever encountered face to face. That was, until now.

The story will tagged complete, since I don't have anything more to write. If I do get an idea for another chapter it will be published here.

Image not mine but from Aeflus, check him out he has really impresive art! No really, go check him out.

Brought to you with the help of these fine persons: Mountain Bell, FreedomFiend, Glocky and Scrambled Crackers who have helped me out with this story. Really, these guy's are awesome!

Chapters (2)

Imagine being stuck in the mind of a pony that you can't stand and is the exact opposite of you.
Now imagine having your life torn away from you, and you've just gotten it back; only to face just as many hardships as before.
And then imagine you were just told you technically shouldn't even exist.
That's my life.

This story is a sequel to Caged Inside, but is written in a way that it's not necessary to read it first.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to This is bad!

With everything going back to normal... *Pft* Who am I kidding? Nothing is normal in the town of Ponyville. With the everyday craziness that you can find there, you can now find even more of it. I present to you Pinkie Pie and Diane Pie! Yes, there are two of them in town now!

As Alexander settles into Ponyville as Diane Pie. He enjoys the daily life of Pinkie Pie as she shows him the ropes to being a party pony. Meeting the family, explaining what is going on to every new pony he meets and getting used to now being called "she". All in a pink pony's day.

Trying not to think about her own home world Diane jumps the opportunity to fit in. All is fine, even if she does know that some things will be coming their way in the near future... Only thing is that she thinks she knows what. When in reality, she has no idea how wrong she is.
For in the shadows, there are others, not so happy with the recent turn of events. And they will do anything to get things their way.

But for now, let's see if we can get a status report from Diane Pie as she once again turns to the fourth wall to explain what happened since we last saw her and what is currently going on.

Featured! 2015-06-12 - 2015-06-14
Featured! 2015-09-28
Featured! 2015-12-22
Featured! 2016-05-04

Chapters (6)

To be inserted into Equestria, it's a dream come true for anybrony!

Meet the ponies!

Have super awesome magical adventures!

Use foreknowledge to avoid all those silly pratfall moments without screwing things up and causing irreparable harm to the Mane 6...uh...hopefully!

And all for the low cost of possessing Princess Luna, denying her any real freedom or the ability to move on with her life since she's in your head and you're walking around as Nightmare Moon!

Yeah...there had to be a catch in there somewhere, didn't there?

Chapters (17)

This is a one shot. It is the first one I've ever written and it was done in one session.

Dark tag is for implying certain outcomes.

Alexander suddenly finds himself in the world of Equestria without any explanation at all. He finds himself as one of the Pinkie Pie clones from the episode "Too many Pinkies" and staring at paint. He dares not move as he knows what's coming if he does. With only his knowledge of MLP:FIM and the memories of the clone he now inhabits he has to find a way to stay, while keeping the real Pinkie Pie out of danger as well.

This one, is a hard one.

This idea hit me like a truck after reading "Drifting" Written by: ShadowKirby

Featured: (2015-05-14) to (2015-05-18) Thank you all! Also, this story now has a sequel, it's called "This is worse!".

IK+ likes? Holy Guacamole!:rainbowderp:

Chapters (1)

Celestia, Luna and Discord. Three ancient beings in equestrian history. However why is Celestia and Luna princesses and not Queens? Also why did Discord conquer Equestria?

The answer to these questions have the same answer. One Mare, one Alicorn, their Mother Lauren Faust.

I really shouldn't have picked up that medal

Special Thanks to The Fan Without a Face for helping me with this.

A Special Displaced Tale

Now uncancelled.

Chapters (4)

During a traumatic event, an outsider finds himself flung violently into Equestria. His physical form is warped into that of the inhabitants but will his mentality follow? And even more importantly, will anypony truly accept him for who he is? Take a journey alongside this inexperienced youth as he finds himself in a strange new world with very different customs and tries his hardest to find a place for himself where he didn't before. A pity he can't even remember his name...

Okay, the basics. It's first person almost entirely. Very, very long chapters. I try to wrap them up around twelve to thirteen pages but a few slipped over that, especially towards the end. I'll release them slightly stagnated, as I'll be making final revisions as I go. Character tags are NOT final. I'll add more main characters as they show up in each chapter. Expect an update one or two times a week, probably. I adore reviews and structured, constructive criticism. Even if you just want to say you like it, that's fine too. :) I write stories to entertain peoples, so any evidence I get that it's working will encourage me. I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapters (17)

Twilight and friends learn that prolonged exposure to the power of Pinkie Pie can cause some rather interesting side effects. An unbearably silly idea that wouldn't go away until I wrote it down.

Chapters (1)

After a magical accident, Celestia and Luna must try to restore harmony. Celestia's duplicate, however, is having none of it.

Check out the companion pieces, Amphelion, by monokeras and The Banach-Tarski Dragon by CCC, tackling the same premise in a different way.

Cover art from the gallery of mysticalpha.

Chapters (4)