• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

Favourites 1684 stories
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Total Words: 27,985,276
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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All Jamie wanted was a nice, quiet night to complete his work. He was minding his own business and everything, when a creature from a different world decided to show up and give him a concussion. What's up with that? Well, okay, it was an accident, but still! Jamie will probably never finish that work.
(This is fluff, by the way.)


Criticism welcomed with open arms!

Oh, and I'm fully aware about horse anatomy, and how the hoof is not actually furry and such, but I'm keeping with the "MLP pony" style where they don't actually have the hoof-nail-part.

Lastly, I don't really know the protocol on cover pictures, so I just got a random shot from an episode. If anyone wants to tell me what the deal is (can you use any picture at all, do you need permission, do you just have to link it, etc), that'd be great.

Chapters (1)

So I got in a car crash and the hospital put me under for surgery. The next thing I know, I wake up as a small pony with wings. And I can't see. And it's freaking cold up here.

At least I've still got my smokes.

(Got the idea from the funny picture. Rated T for language and tobacco use.)

Chapters (17)

My version of Lauren Faust ending up in Equestria. I probably got her character all wrong. Hey, I never met her, cut me some slack.

So, Lauren Faust is Queen of Equestria in this story. How will she react? How will everypony else react? And what does Pinkie's chimicherrychangas have to do with all of this? One thing is clear already. For Twilight and her friends it won't be the same.

Added AU tag, 'cause someone mentioned it would be safe. And when I think about it, I don't think we ever get to learn who the princesses parents are.

Just a note, this is set during season two. So the events of "A Canterlot Wedding" haven't happened yet.

Cover Art done by ZuTheSkunk

04.18.2015 Wait what? This story is hot? Wow. Thanks guys.

I got an editor. It's GaleSinger

Chapters (16)

Okay, so prepare to totally get your mind BLOWN by these terrifying stories about the Mane 6. This is a mighty chronicle, taking a deep look in to the HORROR that is- Hey! Where are you going? I swear this story rated T for language is good! Come back!

Chapters (6)

Equestria is still picking up the pieces after the defeat of Tirek, and everypony is helping out with the paperwork, even Rainbow Dash. Things change when Princess Celestia arrives, bringing with her a letter with some very stunning accusations of the exploits of a resident in the town of Oasis. Now, the main six are tasked with finding out if the letter was truth or fiction. Did this Mister Baker really do what they claim? Only one way to find out.

However, Mister Baker is not who, or what they expected.

Rated Teen for occasional language. Additional tags added for more dark themes.

Proof read and edited by the amazing SunnyPack , Snakeskin Ducktape, and Tyrannosaurus Tux.

Chapters (12)

When most people behold the extraordinary, they believe that a single path lays before them. The way I see it, however, I was given two choices.

1) I could try to harbor a magical alicorn for weeks... hiding her from my father, the government, and a world where everyone has smart-phones linked right to YouTube... while risking jail time and personal injury.

2) I could... not do that. In fact, not doing that sounded considerably easier and less painful. Not risking imprisonment or... worse punishment... also sounded nice when you get right down to it...

Can you really blame me for seeking the easier option?

Edit: Featured on 1/31/2015.

Chapters (1)

I knew this routine. Just like last week and several times before. Poor Sweetie Belle was being picked on by her classmates. They tease her for not having a cutie mark; they tease her for... well, being Sweetie Belle. Maybe they don’t like the fact that she’s comfortable being herself? Foals can be so cruel sometimes. Poor dear, can't they just leave her alone? She’s such a sweetheart after all.

proofreading by: Mayhew Cullen
Editing by: Contodaslasganas

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie really should have known better, some folks who could see were startled something fierce by her welcome wagon. That poor little filly had no idea what hit her.

And now she has to live with it.

Inspired by a scene from the story ...And it's freaking cold up here.

Featured for about five minutes on 3/26/15

Chapters (1)

On the night he tests a new invention involving time magic, Midnight is somehow transported well over a thousand years into the past! Figuring out his circumstance, and realizing his invention is his one way home, Midnight must journey through the very history of Equestria, and along the way he witnesses various events minor and significant, causing others, and having adventures and overcoming obstacle after obstacle in his desperate quest to return to his own time and find his way back to those he loves!

Chapters (50)

Sick of eating the same thing for lunch every day at school, the Cutie Mark Crusaders decide to sneak into Sugarcube Corner to try and get something better.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)