• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Total Words: 27,985,276
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



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Amber, a young girl. Wakes up in a meadow not far from Ponyville. As she is greeted by Rainbow Dash, she is soon introduced to the citizens of Ponyville but she realizes something is amiss. She starts to piece together a reality that she had quickly forgotten as things come crashing down.

With so many unanswered questions and no one explaining what is going on, Amber must figure out the riddle to one of the greatest mysteries she has yet to face… Reality itself.

Written by - Vetnern & KhaosSparkz
Edited by - GeodesicDragon & Biker_Dash

Chapters (2)

There is lamp, that holds a Genie, this Genie may grant one wish. This genie is a human trapped in the lamp as punishment by Princess Celestia and all that ever has been wished is selfish wishes. But then he meets Twilight Sparkle: a selfless and friendly mare.

Just how will this go? Read and find out.

Chapters (1)

Ryan Danver was a Stormchaser. he loved Mother nature at it's wildest but when he was struck by lightning he ended up in Equestria. In the body of a cyan colored pegasus.

Editing by Bazing and Dances with unicorns

Chapters (22)

After overhearing Fluttershy talk about her crush, Discord makes it his goal to find out who this pony is.

A silly little Fluttercord one-shot

Chapters (1)

After a day of working hard, Applejack needs to recover her strength by taking a nap. And what place is better to do so than Rainbow Dash's belly.

Cover can be found here!

Chapters (1)

Octavia comes home frustrated one evening. Vinyl cuddles with her to make it better. Short, sweet, silly.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where the grass is green, and the girls are... PONIES? (Chapters Revised)

In this story Chris wakes up to find he has been dead for almost a year, and what his death has done to the ponies of Ponyville, join him as he attempts to undo what damage he did and try and take control of an evil force that surfaces during this story.

2021 Edit: Please be merciful these stories are a product of their time and my inexperience in writing, that said please enjoy what you can anyway! :heart:

Chapters (47)

Pinkie Pie becomes ill and Rainbow Dash takes on the burden of cheering her up until the end.

Chapters (5)