• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Rainbow Dash is grounded by a storm in Ponyville. She finds sanctuary within the library but Twilight Sparkle soon finds out that the storm isn't Rainbow's only problem. She's suffering from a very personal pegasus problem and Twilight has taken it upon herself to look after her friend during this delicate time.

Chapters (6)

Twilight and Applejack walk through the orchard in the darkness just before dawn, as the rancher describes a strange happening on one of the hills at the edge of her property.

A commission for a benefactor who wishes to remain anonymous, and wondered what conversation might take place under these circumstances. Thanks to you for this story <3
Slight spoilers for the tags: All of them are for one specific part of the tale when he lifts his hat. You'll know what I'm talking about when you hit it. :twilightsmile:

Edit 3/17/21: Holy shit guys, we didn't think a cowboy would go over so well :rainbowderp: Uh, I guess if enough people want it I can continue writing this pro bono? Yeah, let me know :rainbowkiss:
Edit 3/19/21: Well hell, after three days, two hundred likes, and staying on the front page for this long, I guess you guys want more of this one. Changing from Completed to Incomplete :eeyup:

Chapters (7)

Sweetie Belle just wanted to ask Twilight to help her get better in magic. Too bad she didn't choose a good time... One magical accident later, and she is now in a throne room in an unknown castle. Hopefully, the fat penguin on the throne will help her return to her home. Seeing his expression, it's not looking good...

Ooh boy...

Currently being rewritten. Number of chapters rewritten: 45/123
Starts around the first half of season 5.
Kirby Right Back At Ya canon will not be used.
I don't possess anything that appears in this story. Kirby belongs to HAL Laboratory and Nintendo, and My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro.
Cover from NecroHorse

Chapters (123)

After a good day passed crusading, Scootaloo is napping before returning to her home when a rift suddenly opens before her. Out of the rift comes a strange ruby followed by a bipedal mustachioed being. Scootaloo quickly discovers that the ruby possesses great powers but before she knows it, she accidentally merges with it.

Now, she has to learn to control her new phenomenal powers, fight the mustachioed being who reveals to be a mad scientist who wants to use the power of the ruby to return home (and conquer Equestria on the way), and deal with the spirit of a sicko trapped in the ruby calling himself Infinite.

Perfect setting for the rising of a new, awesome super hero: Zero.

Crossover with Sonic the Hedgehog. Starts during season 4 of My Little Pony and after the events of Sonic Mania Plus.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Apple Bloom's Mansion 3.5: Luigi's Mansion

Thanatos, the Spirit of Death. He caused many pains to Apple Bloom. He only sees her as a toy to play with from the security of his castle.
It's time to put a stop to his games!
After many months of preparations, of training, and of researches, Apple Bloom and her friends are finally ready to storm Thanatos' castle and capture him once and for all. But the Spirit of Death will not let the team of ghost hunters reach him that easily...
Apple Bloom's most grueling and horrifying adventure begins.

Minor sex tag for one room for an implied tentative of rape (yes, it will be that bad, and let's not get started on the gore tag).

Chapters (29)

After the events of Spring Breakdown, Rainbow Dash was still feeling terrible for ruining her friends spring break cruise due to her instincts so she prepares an apology party to make it up to them.

Chapters (1)

One week after the Fall Formal, Principal Celestia is surprised to learn that a near-catatonic Sunset Shimmer has been calling out for her in the girl's sleep. Sunset has been unresponsive even to professional medical authorities, so what could have prompted her to call out in her sleep for an educator who had only occasionally interacted with her?

Cover art by The Sleepless Beholder

Chapters (14)

It was just a normal day in Equestria, but after Twilight tried a new spell, some weird self-flying chariot with something spinning on the front of it appeared out of nowhere with a burning wing. When it shakily lands in a field outside Ponyville, the Mane 6 decide to investigate like they always do when something weird happens. What they find will be a shock to them all.

Thanks to Pulse Master for knowledge on planes.

Chapters (2)
by TCC56

Following the disaster of the Grand Galloping Gala, the girls witness Pinkie Pie hugging the cello player that she had previously been harassing. The strange part, however, was that the cellist hugged her back.

Which led to Pinkie telling them about her sister - Octavia.

A simple story for Pride And Positivity 2021.

Featured 6/17/2021 - 6/19/2021!

Chapters (1)

1 month after the fall formal Sunset Shimmer is now “friends” with the girls who defeated her.

And even though all of the girls have accepted her as a person she thinks their only her friend because of Twilight asking them. So she plans to kill herself...... what will happen when her plan begin to fall apart?

(Another cliche Sunset Shimmer redemption story that’s been done before..... but I wanted to try it for myself)

Chapters (6)