• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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This story is a sequel to Apple Bloom's Mansion 3: The Hotel of Eternal Rest

After a terrible battle, Apple Bloom finally captured Eternal Rest. But as she was captured, Eternal Rest opened a portal that transported Apple Bloom to another dimension, far from her family and her friends. What Eternal Rest didn't think, however, is that in this other dimension, Apple Bloom will find in her war against Thanatos a great help in the person of a certain prof.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Apple Bloom's Mansion 2: the Phantom Valley

A few months passed since the terrible events that happened in Evershade Valley. Apple Bloom continues her life as a ghost hunter, constantly on edge knowing that Thanatos, the Spirit of Death, could start another of his 'games' anytime.

Then, one day, she's invited, with everypony else, by Eternal Rest to come to her hotel to pass some good time. This is quickly revealed to be a trap, and the filly must climb the haunted hotel to save everypony again.

But this time, she isn't the only one with a Poltergust.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Apple Bloom's Mansion

Almost one year passed since this famous night where Apple Bloom had to face a whole manor full of ghosts to save her sister and her friends. Now a professional ghost hunter, helped by her mentor professor Smart Spirit, she regularly hunts bad ghosts all over Equestria.

But one day, she learns from Diamond Cup, who went with Smart Spirit to do some research in a mysterious haunted valley named the Evershade Valley, that the ghosts of the valley, usually pacific, have suddenly turned hostile and captured the prof!

It's now up to Apple Bloom to find the origin of this hostility and to save Smart Spirit, and the valley, but she has no idea who she's up against this time.

Chapters (8)

A long time ago, a whole manor, and everypony inside it, mysteriously disappeared without leaving any trace.

But it reappeared at the edge of the Everfree Forest, and Twilight decided to go investigate followed by her friends, only to not come back. Worried, and not wanting to miss an occasion to get their Cutie Masks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders entered the manor at the start of the night, only for two of them to be foalnapped by ghosts, and for the third to barely escape with the help of an old stallion.

Now armed with the Poltergust, a powerful tool to capture ghosts, Apple Bloom returns in the manor, ready to save everypony, even if she has to fight every ghosts in this manor.

A long night of terror starts for her.

Happens between season 2 and season 3. Also possesses some Dark and Drama

The saga now has a TV Tropes page (spoiler for the whole saga).

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash tries to beat Minecraft while the two hunters, Applejack and Pinkie Pie, hunt her down and stop her. If she gets killed, the hunters win. Can Rainbow beat the game before she's hunted down?

Sorry if there are some things wrong. I've done lots of Minecraft research since I haven't touched the game in months but again, critiques are allowed.

Yes, this is heavily inspired by Dream
Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack edits are made by my brother, PPEF2

Chapters (6)

Two souls seeking company for the night. One no longer wanting to be alone after seeing a few of her friends so happy with a significant other, the other being forced to seek a place to wait out the first train after being kicked out her hostelroom by most of her friends.
Both ending up at a specific bar, was it luck? Perhaps, only time can tell.

A Roselight shipping, why you ask? Because the world could use some more Roseluck (And you know damn well how cute she looks on the banner), and we all know Twilight is best pony =]
The story is tagged alt. uni. due some events not happening and some happening differently. Takes place aprox. 3 months after Nightmare Moon

Rated teen due off-screen clop, suggestive remarks and blantant bigottery by OC's

Chapters (3)

Vinyl and Octavia, despite living together, have never been seen at the same time. Is there a reasonable explanation for this? Or, could there be a deceptive reason?

Thanks to TheArtrix for the cover art.

Inspired by the comic "The same pony" by "TheMaiah"

"Popular Stories" tab. Feature boxed for seven days!
Randomreader-001 (webshoter) did a fanfic reading of this. You can listen to is here.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle discovers one of Rarity's long-held trade secrets.

And she thought Discord was chaotic.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has always looked up to Rainbow Dash as a mentor and surrogate sister, but she doesn't know everything about the older Pegasus. When she finds out Rainbow Dash's secret, she sets out to try and help her be happy again.

Listen to it Here: Sisters Forever

Chapters (1)

Everypony has always wondered who Scootaloo's family is including Rainbow Dash, so when she asks to meet them she is taken to meet her guardians at her home. What will happen and who is Scootaloo's family?

Done as a hypothetical situation after the recent reveal in the books.

Cover image belongs to PixelKitties

Chapters (1)