• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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For as long as she can remember, Scootaloo has lived in orphanages, not knowing the identities of her parents. She's happy enough in Ponyville, but deep down she still wishes she had a real mom and dad. So when she's given an assignment to write about her family, she starts looking for answers.

What she finds will shock her.

Sort of done as a response to a prompt by Phoenix Nebula.

EDIT: Re-wrote part of chapter 1, and edited later chapters so they make sense with the rewriting.

Another Edit: Dang, 2000 views :raritystarry:, you guys are awesome

New cover made by Scarlet's Feed

Listen to it here.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Please Forgive Me

A week after Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo have officially become mother and daughter again, Rainbow Dash gets word from Spitfire that there's an upcoming show in Cloudsdale. She's worried about telling her parents about Scootaloo, but finally decides to tell them. How will they react to the news that they have a granddaughter?

Image credit goes to its creator.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Please Forgive Me

Its been a few months since Scootaloo found out that Rainbow Dash was her mother, and the two couldn't be happier together. However when they find out that Scootaloo's condition is more complicated than they knew about before and Rainbow Dash receives a letter from an old "friend", things start to get hectic.

At the same time, a looming threat still remains on the horizon, one that can offer you your deepest desires, for a price.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Choice to Make

Even before they had become Crusaders, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have been best friends ever since they first met as fillies. As they grew older however, they started to develop more feelings for each other than that, but were afraid to admit it to each other.

But when after High School they meet up in Manehattan while both of them are traveling with their families. Will they take a chance and possibly become something more?

Cover made by PKlove-chan.

Chapters (1)

For as long as anyone has known her, Scootaloo has been a normal, although rather energetic child. She lives with her adopted mother in National City and has known her best friends Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom since they were all in Middle School.

But Scootaloo has a secret that she's been keeping for years, that she's not of this earth, something she can't even tell her best friends about. As the three of them start college though, an accident happens that forces her to choose between telling her friends the truth or letting them die, and she chooses to tell them.

Now revealed to be the last daughter of a dead world, Scootaloo must defend her new home from threats from both within and without while trying to figure out what to do with her life.

Crossover with DC Comics' Supergirl.

Chapters (3)

Sunset and Twilight have been together for awhile now, and are in the final preparations for their wedding. However Twilight raises a question that makes Sunset pause, what about Sunset's family from Equestria? So they set out to find out what happened to Sunset's last surviving family member, her little sister.

My entry for Oroboro's Sunset Shipping Journeys contest.

Cover made by BlueEmerald333.

Chapters (1)

Wildemount, an ancient land torn apart by war and lorded over by two great powers, the Dwendallian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. With many people caught up in the machinations of the two nations, there are plenty of stories to be told around this storied land. But as the War of Ash and Light looms on the horizon, things are not going to be easy for them.

From around Wildemount, a group of unlikely heroes come together in the town of Talonstadht near the ruins of the destroyed nation of Draconia. Their stories may yet change the face of Wildemount however, if they can work together at least.

Now its their turn to roll.

This story re-imagines the Mane Six and others as characters in the Dungeons and Dragons setting of Wildemount. Also a bit of a crossover with the popular webseries Critical Role, but knowledge of that is not necessary.

Chapters (1)

The year is 2047, and the future war between humanity and the machines rages on. But in one of Skynet's Terminator production factories, there is a skirmish between three t-600 units and resistance soldiers, Lyra, and Bon-Bon.

But due to faulty ai, when one of the T-600's is hit, it continues shooting as bullets ricochet all over the place, even though all three soldiers are taken out. One of the bullets hits two T-X containment chambers, prematurely activating the T-X's before the Skynet downloading Process was completed.

Both T-X's, now in human like tissue, awaken with no memory of anything at all. But when they run into resistance soldier, Flash Sentry, The two terminators may turn the tide to humanities favor.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer isn't a normal girl. She can levitate objects with her mind, shoot hot energy from her palms, and when she's scared, she can disappear and reappear somewhere else entirely.

Her parents know. Her siblings know. What they don't know is how different Sunset really is.

When nightmarish creatures attack and kidnap her sister, Sunset ventures into the unknown and discovers a world teetering on the edge of total darkness.

What begins as a rescue mission turns into a struggle to save a kingdom, as Sunset learns just who and what she is, and the weight that comes with it.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Equestria Girls: The Spectrum War

After researching their universe's version of Hal Jordan, Twilight discovers that the JSA aren't the only superheroes to retire. The government has forced all superheroes into retirement after a horrific event. But after seeing The Rainbooms willpower and heroism, the heroes of the world have been reminded what being a heroes means and they decide to forget the government's rules. Along with the old heroes, a new generation heroes start appearing. Along with that Twilight must make a choice about taking on the mantle of a fallen hero.

Chapters (18)