• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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After spending some more time with Scootaloo, Twilight starts to wonder about her home life.
Her discovery has her want to give Scootaloo the family she deserves. She should have no problems with Spike and Rainbow Dash there to help.

Warning: contains small amounts of twidash, scootadopt, cuteness, and ponies

Starts after the episode "Twilight Time" but before "Maud Pie"

Chapters (6)

The balance of the universe will be tested when the Lantern Corps' Power Rings come into the possession of certain members of the CHS Mane Seven while a dark and powerful evil looms around every corner. Only the combined power of the Lantern Corps and The Rainbooms stand any chance of stopping those who worship evil's might.

Chapters (8)

After being saved from a vampiric overlord at a party, Twilight Sparkle is put in danger by her savior, Sunset Shimmer, an ancient and beautiful vampire girl. Against all odds, Sunset vows to protect Twilight at all costs, and in this vow, a bond is forged between the two. A bond that may end up being unbreakable and eternal.

Full audiobook here: https://sparrow9642.bandcamp.com/album/savior-mlp-eqg-audiobook

Cover art done by Tomiku: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8hxsCzueF8N1aeguEfZfqA

Chapters (11)

When an ancient foe begins to awaken upon a world after hundreds of years, the aid of a new hero is sought. But this new hero is not from this world but rather one from another universe. Follow this unfolding tale of adventure and see what lessons in friendship can be learned when two royal ponies of differing ages & experience must work together to help save another world.

(A collaboration MLP/Pokémon crossover story with Adamastos)

Chapters (4)

It's been several years since the events of Weirdmageddon and everything seemed to have been defeated and back to normal.

That was until recently when Stanford found a strong aura of weirdness coming from a small place somewhere on the other side of the earth, which he soon found the reason for.

Now, the pine twins are out on a mission to find out what's going on there, while living the normal life of an average teenager in the process.

And while they are living the normal life at their new school, they find a group of girls that soon grab their attention as they find out more about each other's lives.

The main 7 also soon find the weird side of them and are more than interested to find out more about their new friends, finding a whole new world in the process.

Dipper and Mabel are aged up to High School age. (about 15/16 years of age) They're of similar age as the main 7 during the events of the story.

They still have the same personality and interests as the ones from the show.

Their older design can be seen in the cover art I made.

This is a cross-over between Gravity Falls and Equestria Girls. This is what happens when you get very deep into two fandoms. You fuse them together!

So yea, hope you enjoy the story!

More is on the way! ;b

Chapters (3)

Sunset has been hiding something, and it surprises everyone when they find out what. I’ts crazy. Who would have thought this was a possibility?

Chapters (3)

She really should've expected these results.

Now featuring a reading by StraightToThePoint Studio! Thank you to them. :twilightsmile:

Angel Midnight wrote an unofficial sequel called The Royal Sisters Take A DNA Test. Go read it. :pinkiehappy:

And if you wish to write your own sequel you may go ahead. All I ask is that you provide me a link when you post it. :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (1)

After reports of magical happenings, Daring Do comes to Canterlot in her A.K. Yearling persona. Having become estranged from her friends, Sunset Shimmer has plenty of time on her hands and is more than willing to spend it with her favorite author. The fact that it's been about a hundred moons since the last time she had a chance to geek out about magic is just a bonus.

The two talk about magic, life, the universe, and everything.

This is very low on my list of priorites, given how many other stories I have that are in need of an update, so don't start reading unless you're ok with infrequent and sporadic updates.

I made the cover art; it took an absurdly long time.

Chapters (1)

Rarity finds out that she is in fact a Changeling,and more then that, a member of a Changeling Royal Family,who was sent away for her own safety and so that she should not get spoilt.

Chapters (12)

Fluttershy's friends might call the gentle pegasus sensitive. But they don't know the half of it.

What is she always so afraid of, anyway?

And why is SHE the one pony who can go toe-to-toe with the Avatar of Chaos himself?

(Is this an AU? If it is, it's one that resembles canon a lot.)

Chapters (1)