• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Once again Spike is left alone at the library while Twilight is away. Bored and tired of always staying inside he decides to go to a night club with a friend. While there he meets a mare that shows him to loosen up and live life to the fullest.

Chapters (6)

After finding Twilight's counterpart, Sunset Shimmer feels the need to find her own counterpart, and help her fix their mistakes. Finding and helping the other Sunset Shimmer won't be easy. Will the other Sunset even want to be helped?

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe. Also, will contain some swearing, probably innuendo. I will try to keep it pg-13.

Chapters (7)

Spike wakes up to be nearly the same size as Twilight. Naturally, both of them freak out at the idea of him destroying the town again.
They make their way to Zecora's in hopes she once more has the answers. The answer itself is better, yet somehow worse.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.
Rated teen for mentions of The Talk, and for about half a paragraph of blood(Not much, but I'll use the gore tag to be safe.)

Chapters (1)

On a trip to the castle with her mom, Lyra finds a portal to another world. Lost and scared, she meets some new friends to help her on the way.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle and her friends begin to suddenly transform into their more powerful selves. Of course, it has to be activated by something, but what does cause them to transform for the first time?

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe. Extra character tags will be added with chapters.
I bumped this up to teen because of certain subjects brought up that could be triggering to some people, but I will provide warnings in author notes.

Chapters (6)

While spending the day at Sunset's house, Spike asks her and Twilight a question that's been bothering him. "Why is he a dog?". Is he just 'a talking dog' or 'human-level intelligent'?
The answer leads to more questions. Of course, they now have to decide what exactly to do with that information.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe.

Chapters (1)

My first story for everyone. Need to be careful around cussing, 'cause that's why I normally rate everything T.

You know I thought why not turn Sunset Shimmer into a unicorn, while she's still at CHS? Why not adding human Twilight later on? This takes place after Rainbow Rocks and yes, Sunset will have her magic abilities. What fun in having a unicorn without magic?

08/11/2015 Okay, featured because 5 people are watching my new chapter. No wait, 4, I accidentally counted myself. I think the system is a little broken.

Chapters (15)

The unthinkable happens in the big city; millions are turned into ravenous monsters and flood the streets, devouring all in their path. Despite their advanced technology, the military can't stop them and survivors struggle with making it out alive.

Rainbow Dash is one of these survivors, and it is up to her and her ragtag group to try and turn back the tide of war.

Thanks to Rene9adeKni9ht for proofreading this sucker.

Chapters (4)

Ever since Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash met, they always seem to have been the closest. But when they are called to the Canterlot Castle, they wonder what it could be for. As they come back to Ponyville, their friends and their selves decide to temporarily move in to the Canterlot Castle. Alas, before they can even leave, the pair are called back again.

The two are sent to the Crystal Empire, along with Princess Celestia and Luna, to defeat a certain crazed alicorn.

Starry Night.

Seems nice, huh? Guess what, it's not. Forget that old name, and grace her new one.

Starlight Flames, soon to be queen of Equestria. And her sisters and nieces? Ha! No chance.

After a crazy adventure they find themselves in, their lives will never be the same again.

This is my first fic!!!! So please like, comment, and follow!!!!

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash isn't having a good day.
She woke up lost, in a body that clearly isn't hers, no memory of how she got where she is, and she's being chased by creatures from the depths of Tartarus. Super fun.
Ruby Rose is having a wonderful day.
Her team has been sent into Forever Fall on their first solo mission, to investigate recent sightings of Grimm. A bit low-key, but Team RWBY has needed the break since the last fight with the White Fang.
She's investigating some tracks when she hears a scream echo through the forest.

What she finds will change their lives forever.

MLP/RWBY Crossver. No Ruby/Dash ships. If you want that, make your own.
Set post Season 2 of MLP, and post Volume 2 of RWBY; the tournament has not happened yet.

If you've never heard of RWBY, go to RoosterTeeth's Youtube playlist right the buck now and watch it. it is in reverse order, unfortunately but deal with it. Watch the four trailers first.

Not quite sure yet how far I'm going to take this, but I'll figure that out as I go along.

Chapters (6)