• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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This story is a sequel to The Bridesmaids

[First Person] [Alternating Perspectives][Equisverse Era 1]

Last year, during the changeling invasion of Canterlot, Colgate, Lyra, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and Octavia discovered their friend Twinkleshine was actually a changeling named Meep. While most of them were hurt by the deception, their friendship was ultimately strengthened by the truth.

As fate would have it, Lyra, Bon-bon, Vinyl, and Octavia each have their own equally dark secrets. Ones they hide as deeply as Meep hid her real identity. Time has a way of bringing everything to light. This time, it's an invitation to dinner.

Featured on Monday, July 6, 2015 at 04:59:14 UTC. :yay:

This story has been completed before any of it was uploaded to improve consistency for your enjoyment.

Edited by Popmannn

Chapters (6)

Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all the land. To do this, the eldest used her alicorn powers to raise the sun at dawn; the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. Thus, the two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns alike.

But as time went on, the elder sister became obsessed with power. The ponies relished and played in her day, but the night, as beautiful as it was, seemed to mean nothing to the ponies. One fateful night, the elder alicorn refused to lower the sun to make way for the dusk. The younger sister tried to reason with her, but power had corrupted the elder's heart and had transformed her into a wicked mare of fire: Daybreaker.

She vowed that she would illuminate the land in eternal light. Reluctantly, the younger sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponykind: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her elder sister, and banished her permanently in the moon. The younger sister took on responsibility for both sun and moon, and harmony has been maintained in Equestria for generations since.

When Luna tells her faithful protege about the upcoming return of Daybreaker, Trixie Lulamoon is tasked to travel to Ponyville to find the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony. But how will she find them when she doesn't even know who they are?

But Trixie's troubles aren't as simple as finding the Element Wielders, as a group of resistors against Luna are preparing for something...

This series isn't specifically based on the RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse, but some inspiration was taken. This is the first episode of The Alterverse.

Chapters (6)

Sunset Shimmer left Equestria through the Mirror Portal when she was ten years old in search of the destiny Celestia sought to deny her. But upon entering the world of Remnant as a Pony Faunus, instead of glory and power she found nothing but darkness, racism, and division. After a string of events caused her to open her eyes and realize the error of her ways, she decides to dedicate her life to protecting those who can't protect themselves, as a Huntress.

Twilight Sparkle wakes up in Remnant as a Pony Faunus after she completes Starswirl the Bearded's unfinished spell and... Honestly she doesn't remember anything after that. After meeting Sunset Shimmer, she discovers that the Mirror Portal Sunset used to get to Remnant won't open for quite some time. But after seeing the situation the people of this world are going through she decides to help them fight the darkness, Grimm and Human alike, and joins Sunset in becoming a Huntress.

Flash Sentry had his life torn apart twice; once when he was five when the Grimm slaughtered his family. The second when the White Fang nearly murdered him for trying to be a hero. They even went so far as to take away his wings and break his spine. Barely surviving and being put back together using experimental technology, he began training himself to fight and become a Huntsman.

Logan Timbers is a Wolf Faunus, a lonely orphan wandering across Remnant looking for his family. This journey has led him across several continents and through several villages that had been ravaged by Grimm. After saving a young girl, an orphan like himself, Logan decides to become a Huntsman so that nobody else has to lose their family. And maybe find his own while he's at it.

All of their paths cross at Beacon Academy in Vale, and together they and two other teams are thrust onto the first part of arguably the greatest adventure they could ever imagine. A journey that shall bring them face to face with darkness the likes of which they have never encountered.

Hopefully they'll survive it.

I do not own My Little Pony or RWBY.

My Little Pony is owned by Hasbro.

RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth.

Chapters (5)

Five years have passed since Twilight Sparkle vanished while visiting her friends at Canterlot High. According to Sunset Shimmer, she never came through the other side of the portal.

Now as her friends and family gather in Ponyville, as they have every year on the anniversary of Twilight's disappearnce, they are shocked when the very last last pony they expected shows up.

Twilight has grown in the five years she has been away, and has quite the story to tell. Of a world held in terror of a monster known as Sin.

And the quest to bring its thousand year reign of terror to an end.

Chapters (6)

On the day of the Friendship Games, the veil between two worlds is pierced. The magic of Equestria seeps through the barrier to permeate the world of humanity. Entities begin to come into existence. Lore and legend are gaining flesh, bone, and blood, yielding things both wondrous and horrible. Magic is powerful, but a limited resource. If the world at large discovers its existence, Equestria will become a target.

Thus, seven friends agree to keep the secret, but some things will not be hidden away.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Magic of The Lost

[Set in a dark alternate universe where Rainbow never met Scootaloo]

Rainbow Dash has a secret, a secret she had been keeping since she first started at flight camp. Now, that secret has come back to haunt her in the form of a broken and bloody orange filly, a filly she abandoned almost eight years ago. Now she is trying everything in her power to correct that mistake and be the mother Scootaloo was meant to have, but can she ever get her daughter to see her as anything but the monster who abandoned her.

New Cover Art by DeadKitty

Chapters (10)

A sequel to Instant Mom!

Cumulus is now 18 years old and ready to graduate. But, her mother has done so much for her...what could she do to show her that she appreciated all that she had done for her? When she learns that Rainbow once had a dream to get into the Wonderbolts, she sees her chance to see her mother happy. Rainbow accepts the offer, seeing that Cue isn't a baby anymore; with the rest of the mane 6 watching Cumulus she feels like she's all set to take care of herself while her mother is away with the aerial team for performances. Right?

I hope this will satisfy fans of the first story!
Cover art done by Roxanne10

This is now rated Teen because of some content that will be featured later on, I won't spoil it for you but when you do read it I hope you can forgive me.

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Chapters (14)

Rainbow Dash takes in a baby Pegasus that was left on her doorstep and affectionately names her Cumulus, she finds motherhood to be harder than it looks but loves the young Pegasus to death. But when it's revealed that Cumulus was born blind, Rainbow finds it harder to raise her with the pain of knowing that Cumulus will never see her mother's face. And as Cumulus grows, she has to fight to find her true self with her disability, and to see the brighter side of life...even if she can't literally see it.

This is a personal story for me, because I am adopted and I do have ADHD, Organic Brain Syndrome and I'm Emotionally Impaired...and trying to get through life with a disability is not an easy ride.

Link to first episode of Dramatic Reading by MLPVoicerNeon!!

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Chapters (16)

Lyra and Bon-Bon want to have children, but being mares, they cannot conceive one. However, a young filly without a home may well become the daughter of two loving mothers.

Lyra finds said filly one evening and offers her a stay at their place for the night, but caring for the filly brings maternal instincts to life

rated teen, just in case

Featured 20/4 - 12/5/2014. Boxed 20-23/4/2014

new cover art thanks to watermane2000 who's other great pieces of wonderful art, pony and otherwise, you can find HERE

Chapters (9)

Now, the idea of seeing someone argue who was the "best Princess" in Equestria was hardly a new thing. In fact, such talks had appeared in articles across Equestria for some years now. And every Princess knew what it meant when another one turned up. They'd read it, they'd have a debate amongst themselves over what was said, they'd maybe argue, and then they'd laugh over it afterwards. But today, they come across one such article that causes no argument. In fact, it genuinely surprises them.

Chapters (1)