• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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First of the Savage Skies series.
After running afoul of timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy is saved by a mysterious young colt with a most unusual and disturbing feature. Realizing that he is alone, without anyone else to care for him, Fluttershy realizes that she must try to bring this lonely foal out of the forest and give him a life of love and friendship. The problem is that this colt's...unique qualities have made him more than a few enemies, including some who are closer to home than Fluttershy realizes.

Now with a sequel: The Promise of a New Day.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (15)

After being brutally rejected by Rainbow Dash once again, Scootaloo is left distraught. that is until a kinder pegasus comes into her life and shows her some compassion.

Picture by Kloudmutt http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/

Chapters (9)

Funny how things turn out. Trixie, disgraced from both her failures in Ponyville, is a vagabond who finds solace in a bottle. Until one day, a griffon shows her the truth behind her lineage: The Lulamoon family were once proud demon hunters. And the griffon nation of Prussia is in bad need of a demon hunter.

One of their sacred castles, Fortnight, has fallen prey to an onslaught of demons. And as it turns out, Trixie's the only demon hunter left in the land of Equestria. Except for the part where she's not really a demon hunter.

As if a castle of horrors isn't bad enough, Trixie also has to put up with a mysterious girl haunting and fighting her every step of the way.

This is being written solely to learn more about action scenes, so please comment on what needs to be done better. It's also inspired by Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Rising, and Bayonetta. Expect references, both subtle and explicit.
Cover art by MScootaloo; used with permission. It's how Trixie looks in the story.
[NaPoWriMo 2013] Entry One
Link to Entry Two.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Subconscious Being

After surprisingly coming to life, Midnight Sparkle is more than ready to tackle on the adventure called life. Her "sister" doesn't really share her excitement. Velvet and Nightlight are pretty much lost. Shining Armor is as unhelpful as always. Cadance feels guilty. And the Rainbooms are ready to pull off another rainbow-laser-beam exorcise.

[Tags added as needed]

Chapters (5)

Rarity is wondering the school halls until she stumbles upon music coming from the Gym. She knew it would be the street dance club but she did not expect to see the club being lead by her newly formed crush and former bad girl,Sunset Shimmer.
Post Friendship games and I apologise for the picture being nothing to do with the story really but I can imagine Sunset wearing while shes dancing but again sorry. I can't art to save my life and there isn't a lot of Sunset x Rarity material to work with.

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo's mother dies after a terrible storm, now the little filly feels alone, sad, pain, friendships will be loss and friendships will be gained.

editor/proofreader Never2muchpinkie

backup Editor RaylanKrios

(Just to let everyone know, this story takes place at lest a week after Twilight's kingdom)

Chapters (11)

Celestia has a secret child that she's kept from everypony around her because she wanted to make sure that the Ponies that would try to use the child for their own ends. As such, she put a pony she believed would be able to keep the child safe in charge of her protection and sent them to a small town so they'd be away from Canterlot.

However after 8 years, things in Equestria are changing, and Ponies that Celestia would have rather not found out discover the truth. Now this secret heir must be protected from the darker side of Equestria's society.

Cover image made by Equestria Prevails.

Featured on 3/13/2017.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to Friendship Is Monsters

It’s been over month since Twilight first saved Sunset's life and began to make friends. She finds herself happy for the first time in a long time and breaking out of her shell. However, as she ventures out and expands her horizons, things are gonna get messy. Secrets will spill, faces from the past will return, and new threats lie around the corner.

Maybe friendship really isn't so scary, even if your new friends are monsters.

Maybe its all you have

Chapters (4)

All know the story of the pirate ship, the Crimson Heart and her cursed captain, a monster forced to haunt the seven seas until the end of time. All know to steer clear of the blood red sails, lest they run into hell itself.

Few know of Neptune's Blessing, a magical item that can grant whoever holds it anything their heart desires.

Twilight Sparkle knows both tales are not fiction. Though the last place she thought she'd ever be is on the Crimson Heart looking for Neptune's Throne where the wish awaits.

Sunset Shimmer lives a nightmare every day. She's ready to shed her monstrous form, and Twilight is going to help her one way or another.

But they aren't the only ones after Neptune's Blessing. The high-speed race across the seas begins as every flag seeks to claim the wish for themselves, and be crowned King of the Seas.

Pre-read by first mate, DrakeyC!

Cover art created by the super talented iojknmiojknm!

Now featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (12)

It's that time of the year where they have the biggest downpour of the fall season. As Rainbow Dash finds herself stuck in her cloud home, bored to death, a certain orange Pegasus crashes through her door.

Edited by TheGreatEater

Chapters (6)