• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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For as long as the oldest of them could remember, the Guardians had defended what remains of humanity against the forces lurking in the dark. With gun, blade and the Traveller's Light, the heroes born of Earth put themselves between the monsters from the void and those too weak to fight back. Human, Awoken, Exo; the physical coil of the Guardian had never truly mattered so long as they were willing and capable of defend their homeworld.

Until a Guardian came from the wastes that was neither Human, Awoken or Exo; a Guardian not born of Earth.

(Destiny/FiM Crossover)
(Gore tag for blood and violence)
(Thanks to Noble Cause, BradTheBrony and Metallusionsismagic for prereading!)
(Possible Spoilers in the comments, BEWARE!)

Chapters (4)

My name is Sunset Shimmer. In my lifetime, I have overcome numerous challenges alongside my friends when I was at Canterlot. Whether it was the Dazzlings, the Friendship Games, the Everfree Forest or reclaiming my memories, I was able to overcome such obstacles with the help of my friends and those I cared for.

However... I never expected that I was to be needed again long after I closed my eyes and passed on. And in the time I was gone, everything changed.

Because that was when Humanity discovered the Traveler... had their Golden Age and began to explore the cosmos... and the collapse that caused everything from before to come crashing down. Now humanity and also those that I remember as my friends reside in the Last safe city on Earth. And with no way to go back to Equestria, it's my duty in order to make sure I fulfill my new role as a Guardian. As a new defender of humanity.

No pressure, Right?

A Destiny Crossover story set in the EQG universe. Something that I have not actually seen done before so I thought... why not?
Gore and Violence tags are so that you know what you're getting yourself into.
Destiny belongs to Bungie and Activision
MLP and MLP: EQG belong to Hasbro
Thanks to NightStream for helping me set up some of the characters in the story and also looking things over for me. You're the best.
Cover Art drawn by me.

Popular Stories tab reached on day of release AND a feature? You guys are awesome

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this story is cancelled. Mainly because Destiny has changed a lot over the years and the more that happens, the more that D1 feels like a distant memory. I had ideas for how to have this story stand out, but I didn't want to make it feel like a carbon copy of D1. Sorry everyone :fluttershysad:

Chapters (18)

After being purged of the darkness at the Fall Formal Sunset was hurt, and badly. She needed a home, and a place in someone's heart.

Luckily for her, Celestia has room for her in both.

Lovingly edited by RK

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Starbloom Chronicles

As promised a while ago, sorry it's late. This story is follows Starbloom and her friends as they try to get cutie marks, and deal with everyday life growing up in Ponyville as the school year closes and summer break approaches.

Proofread and edited by APoeticHeart
Idea for Starbloom checking out the death of Applejack's mother from rainbowscoot677

Squeal to Starbloom Chronicles

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Sleepless Nights

A few weeks after Twilight's bad dreams end a small filly arrives in Ponyville, and Twilight seems to know who she is. Even stranger, the filly looks a lot like Twilight just with out a horn.

This is a sequel to Twilight's Sleepless Nights, how will Starbloom take to life in Ponyville as filly and worse, going back to school?

Artwork by Ravenpuff

Playlist reading by Fred2266 Chapters 1 - 8
Chapter 1 - 6 have been fully grammar checked and corrected by the-pieman the rest shall be done soon as he has time.

Chapters (12)

What if Twilight was orphaned before her acceptance into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns?
what if she and the princess of the sun became inseparable? What if Twilight starts calling Celestia mommy after their lessons?
What if Celestia loves it?
Inspired by the cover photo

Chapters (15)

A Hellsing Ultimate/ My Litle Pony Crossover; a remake of one of my failed stories but after a while I reposted it on my fanfiction account in spanish, and finally decided to translate it. Again I hope you like it and is you read Spanish you can see the original here

Vampires: horrid creatures who tormented the already extinguished human race; vanishing along with their preys thousands of years ago. Or do they? Fluttershy accidentally awoke the last of the vampires, bringing back to Equestria the past horrors. GORE


Also author Ocelot the Devil posted his own version and you can find it in here on FanFiction. Ocelot, I hope you like this new version, is quite different than my original one so you can keep going with your version.

Chapters (11)

Through time and space, warriors who had the star shape birthmark fought against powerful enemies, who wanted nothing but victory and conquest. In this tale, six heroes defeated their own mighty foes and then were able to enjoy some peace until death. Their deaths came either by sacrificing themselves for others or naturally. Now, as their stories come to an end there are six new teen boys that bear the star shape birthmark. These six boys will go on bizarre adventures to Canterlot High where they will learn from each other, make new friends, find love, and push pass the limits of the darkest of evils as the six Jojo's roar to battle.

Rartiy x Jonathan Joestar, Pinkie Pie x Joseph, Sunset Shimmer x Jotaro Kujo, Rainbow Dash x Josuke Higashikata, Fluttershy x Giorno Giovanna, Applejack x Johnny Joestar, Twilight Sparkle x Timber Spruce, and Flash Sentry x Derpy Hooves.

I changed the tag a bit.

Chapters (58)

With the newest division of Overwatch, Sunset Shimmer and her friends are now tasked with stopping the evil organization of Talon. Even old foes will rise up against them, too.

But together as heroes, these girls can make a difference again.

NOTE: Overwatch is owned by Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. If you haven't played the game or heard about it, then you're probably not going to get the references.

Chapters (7)

A Metroid Crossover

A meteor, resistant to magical manipulation, crashes in Equestria, Planet Equis, and soon spreads an unknown poison throughout the land. Containment is all but failing and the Princesses have little power to stop the spread of the Great Poison. The Elements of Harmony are of little use as no knowledge exists of this threat that consumes all life. Help comes from a certain Hunter, clad in metal.

Samus Aran will not only fight for her life as always, but her own sanity as well as these ponies that she begrudgingly starts seeing as allies. New horrors and abilities await her as a reason to fight slowly festers within her, possibly unlocking something she had been denied for so long: Friendship.

Notes and Resources:

This takes place after Echoes. The events of Corruption will have not happened yet. In terms of MLP, consider everything up to and including the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight does not exist here, etc. The official Metroid Timeline can be found here.

As well, this story references the manga in many places. Reading of it is not required and I try my best to explain the context, but if you're interested, both volumes can be found here.

EDIT: This story was written over two and a half years, beginning in 2013. You'll probably notice the difference in writing as the chapters progress.

Chapters (59)