• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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One night when Sunset Shimmer is out holiday shopping, she ends up involved in a terrible accident. The next morning, Anon-a-Miss posts another embarrassing secret. The Rainbooms prepare to confront Sunset Shimmer about it when Principal Celestia calls an emergency assembly. Once they hear what happened to Sunset, all suspicion about her vanishes and they resolve to find the real culprit behind Anon-a-Miss to give Sunset Shimmer a Merry Christmas.

Chapters (5)

When Scootaloo crashes into twilight during a magic experiment they get teleported to an unknown city that's burning and has weird creatures scattered in the streets. As the two separated stranded ponies roam around the city separately trying to figure out where they ended up, will they try to make it home as fast as possible or will they stay to help a species that's being systematically eradicated?

I'll try to upload chapters whenever I finish them. :twilightsmile:

Cover art by myself

23-12-18: I got featured!:rainbowderp:
2 - 1 - 19: Again :rainbowlaugh:

Edit: This entire thing is going to be edited and partially re-written somewhere in the future.

Chapters (28)

The long trial was over, and Twilight - no, Dusk Shine's finally out from under that terrible shadow. Poor little Skyla and her auntie could move on with their life. Skyla's murderous grandfather was behind bars, and Dashville was simply beautiful in the fall!

And all Dusk Shine needed to do was stay out of the public eye, and never catch the eye of 'King' Sombra's secretive confederates. And make sure that she stayed in the local deputy marshals' good graces.

How much trouble could a slightly witchy woman and her orphaned niece get up to in a quiet Applelachian town like Dashville, anyways? Even if they were hiding in witness protection from their incarcerated drug-cult kingpin of a patriarch.

Chapters (15)

Twilight has been sent to a dangerous world of Skyrim, in her human form. Together with her friend, the Dovahkiin, both will try and survive as they find more adventures while looking for a way to defeat Alduin. And return Twilight to her homeworld.:pinkiegasp:

Join them as they meet other people and companions, as they discover legends and stories. Visit wonderful places all over Skyrim.:trixieshiftright:

Follow them as they pick a side in Skyrim's civil war between the Empire and the rebel Stormcloaks.:pinkiecrazy:

Twilight art Disclaimer.:twilightblush:

I did some editing of some sort, but the Twilight pony is not my work.:twilightsmile:

Minor gore(no intestines are going to emerge.) and no actual sex scenes. No boom boom babies.

Apologies, this fic has not been edited. Please be nice.:pinkiesmile:

Chapters (8)

In the civilized world of monsters, Twilight is a teenage human who never really worries about things outside of school and personal projects. In fact, inside her gated community she's never even met any monsters.

One day when Twilight finds a vampire out on her front lawn, slowly burning alive, Twilight manages to takes them inside, saving their life and giving Twilight her first real friend. However past experiences with friendship has left Twilight nervous in this prospect.

Is friendship really not so scary? Even if your new friends are monsters?

Inspired partially by the Monster High idea and by The Albinocorn's story Sunlight, which I highly recommend!

Warnings- Slight Gore, not enough that would warrant serious warning, but I rated Teen just in case.

Chapters (8)

When Twilight Sparkle is kidnapped by pirates, Princess Celestia and the other elements have no choice but to put their trust in an infamouse pirate captain and his crew in order to get her back. How will the Mane six fare on the high sea's and what happens when a certain cyan mare falls for the captain? Join the Elements as they embark on an adventure filled with action, romance and forbidden magic that could shake Equestria to it's core.

AN: Inspired by 'Big Mac's Dream Journal'
One of my all time favorite fics.

Chapters (6)

Part 1 of the "Clipper!verse"
CHS has become a breeding ground for assholes and rampant hatred in the halls. No one knows this better than Sunset Shimmer, whom, without her friends at her side, is the prime scapegoat for all the slander being thrown around. Tired of being the punching bag for all of CHS's problems, Sunset searches for something, anything that will make her life feel worth it again. She needed to prove her innocence. What she didn't know was where her tired feet would take her.

Now, she finds herself surrounded by a group that may be willing to believe her. With new friendships forming between Sunset and CHS's soccer team, the Wondercolts, will she be able to clear her name? Or will the ever expanding reach of Anon-a-Miss smear it beyond the point of no return?


Beta readers: Uria the Sacred Beast, River Road

*Rubs hands together* It's about time that I put my own little spin on the Anon-A-Miss thing. This story spawned in between talks between Uria and I over his own story. It is also heavily inspired by GPizano's stories. Be sure to check them both out if you enjoy this!
Edit [6/19]: Welcoming River Road into my entourage of beta readers! Welcome River, and thanks!
Edit [6/30]: Featured! OMG!
Edit [6/30]: AND 100 likes?! You guys are amazing! Thanks so much!
Edit [7/10]: Featured again! Yay~!

Chapters (9)

After a dragon attacks Ponyville, Twilight discovers she has a strange new ability. What does it have to do with the dragons that are cropping up everywhere, and what will it mean for Equestria? (Skyrim Crossover)

Chapters (4)

Scootaloo has great friends and a wonderful adoptive older sister, but her actual family life is severely troubled. So troubled in fact, that when King Sombra returns to act as her new father, it somehow isn't the worst thing in the world. How will life change for Scootaloo, Sombra, and everypony else?

Inspired by the closing scene of naturalbornderpy's story, The Crusader King

Chapters (3)

Coverart, which is what this fic was inspired by, from HERE

Note that this is set during and after Friendship Games, which means obvious spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.

With The Dazzlings' defeat, things have returned to normal at CHS.

However, that doesn't last long. Trixie is being punished for what she did to the Rainbooms, despite her actions leading to the Sirens defeat.

She decides to forget about it whilst enjoying some tasty peanut butter and crackers. However, after just a bite she notices and odd flavour. Also, why is the hallway getting taller? And why are her clothes so big suddenly?

Now a five-year-old and with her family living all the way on the other side of the of the country, what will happen to the now Small and Adorable Trixie?

If you can't tell what the romance tag is for, watch the second movie and Sunset in the scene when they first might Human Twilight in the third.

Never mind. Thanks to Timber, the original plan for the romance tag is null en void. Maybe I'll change it for Flash. What do you think?

Chapters (7)