• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Shamelessly inspired by I Am Legend.

It's been about ten years since Princess Celestia disappeared. Ten years since her disappearance changed Equestria forever. Ten years since nearly everyone became vampires.

But Twilight's not keeping anniversaries. Heck, she can barely remember her own birthday now. But that doesn't matter. She's had more important things to do, such as defending herself from the mindless vampires that attack her every night, and hunting them during the day, where she, as the only one not a vampire, has an advantage. She's killed ponies so often that she regards all the blood as a mild inconvenience. It's just the daily grind.

Or at least, it was until she left Canterlot. Her life there had become unsustainable, and so she took the train that ran through Canterlot to a small town far away on the edge of the Everfree forest- Ponyville.
There, things were different, as she discovered when she collapsed near the edge of the forest. A vampire took care of her, and that was just the start. A sequence of events leads to her making a momentous discovery:

Not all vampires are mindless. The denizens of Ponyville drink blood and sleep during the day, sure, but they're polite, friendly folk who befriend the refugee Twilight. She begins to integrate into the community, and her life seems to be looking up.

Of course, her blood-spattered past will not let her go that easily, and worse than vampires hide in the darkness. Twilight will have one last fight to keep her past from dragging her down and the future from overwhelming her. But she will fight. She has fought since she was a filly. She can win. She can hope.

After all, she is legend.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer is getting used to seeing magic in this new world, but she thought it would stay limited to her and her friends. When she gets a call about another magical issue, she rushes to Canterlot High to help. Of course, not every magical issue is a bad thing.

Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe. Rated Teen for swearing and one and a half sex jokes.

Chapters (1)

There was one secret that Rainbow Dash had kept from her friends, one that they could never believe. A secret that gives a certain villan a chance to destroy their friendship, and the elements.

What happens when somepony finds out about this secret?

Inspired by all Rainbow Dash changeling stories. <~ BIG spoiler that will be spoiled in the first chapter.

Takes place between Season 4 Finale and Season 5 Premiere.

Edit: Added the tag 'Alternate Universe' because the story ingnores the season 6 finale canons.

Edit 2: Ignores canons from the episode "Parental Glidance".

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to A Mothers Love

"Scootaloo's eyes widen as she stared down at the note. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, or well, reading. A wide smile stretched across her face. Her mother was coming to PonyVille."

11 years Daring Do separated from her only daughter, Scootaloo. Now on Scootaloo's sixteenth birthday, Daring Do, is determined, to see her daughter once again.

Chapters (2)

'Scootaloo had a great life here. Two best friends she would do anything for, a great guardian that took care of her and loved her. The best big sister ever! But Scootaloo couldn't help but feel that something was missing. She knew what that thing was. It was her mother. '

Scootaloo's life when she lived with her mom.

Chapters (1)

While working late one-night Principal Celestia happens upon a bundled up Sunset Shimmer sleeping in the school library. Realizing the truth of Sunset's living situation she takes her in and lets her sleep in her guest room. As events unfold and with a little bit of help their relationship evolves to one far from that of a teacher and student.

Chapters (2)

Takes place right after Sunset gets the element of magic and places it on her head. The last thing that Sunset remembered is pain. Then a blissful numbness that settled over her. What happened to Sunset when she awakes in a crater with no feelings in her legs. How well she continue living when she can no longer get upstairs without assistance? Is she doomed to be as useless as she feels? Sunset, now crippled, will have a lot to learn from dressing herself to learning about friendship from Twilight friends and how to show her remorse and guilt for her actions. Luckily even if she believes herself to be alone, she'll find out just how many people actually care about her.
Inspired by A Wheeled Life by DisgracedHandPuppets. I got the idea after reading his/her idea but with my own understanding of human biology. So go give his/her story a read first before mine. I would like to point out though that his/her and my cause of the paralysis will be for different reasons. Also no attempted suicide or self-harm, but there will be thoughts of suicide.
And on a quick note, I don't own MLP or MLP EG or any of the characters as none will be made up by me. So don't sue.

Cover art by Scampy. Go give them a look and read their stories. They are all really good and filled to the brim with emotions. Thank you Scampy for the awesome cover art!:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Empty Skies

With the Crusaders facing their punishments after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer finds herself with a new home, a new job, and a new group of friends: the Wondercolts soccer team. But as Sunset normally finds, things aren't always quiet and peaceful in the city of Canterlot.

A series of (mostly) one-shots set in the "Clipper!verse" before or between the events of Empty Skies and the Friendship Games later that spring.

And pssst, thanks to the incredible Gpizano for the cover!


Three Suns and a Dawning Heart [DRA, SAD, SoL] (Part 1): Sunset hesitantly returns to Equestria for the first time since she broke off with Celestia. Twilight assures her that Celestia will be more than happy to have her former student back, but Celestia isn't the one Sunset's so worried about...
Three Suns and a Dawning Heart (Part 2) [DRA, SAD, SoL]: Her weekend with Cadence going better than she could have ever dreamed, Sunset heads to the Crystal Empire with her big sister. When her secrets start spilling about her escapades in the human world, though, Cadence's emotions are hard to ignore and even harder to impede...
Three Suns and a Dawning Heart [DRA, COM, SoL] (Part 3): Sunset finds herself back in the human world with an extra by her side. If she can't convince the princess that her life on Earth is worth living, Sunset may lose her new friendships...
Fire Among the Woodwork - Sunset learns about two girls' plan to ruin Spitfire's reputation while at one of her soccer games, and tries to stop a damaging message from getting out.
Dark Skies Still Bright (part 1) - Finally apprenticing under Soarin's faithful watch, Sunset feels like her life is going well. However, a question poised by Nightshade leads to bigger challenges.
Dark Skies Still Bright (part 2) - COMING SOON
Sun and Son - COMING SOON
Empty Anger - COMING SOON
Girls' Night

Chapters (6)

Eight years.

Eight years full of conflict and war – eight long years she has spent living a life a thousand years in the past. Eight years of fighting for various lords and ladies, all leading up to a final duel against the warlord Apollyon.

Now, the Warden has returned to her own time and must reacquaint herself with the culture of the twenty-first century and the life she left behind. However, she is not the only one who remembers the conflicts of Ashfeld…

Crossover wiþ For Honor. This takes place just after Rainbow Rocks, so the events of Friendship Games have yet to happen. This concept is inspired by the story Springtime for a Drake; I highly recommend giving it a read.

Chapters (3)

*Slight AU*
(In this story all school-aged ponies are babies)
Rainbow Dash has stumbled upon a box. In it contain a stuffed monkey toy, a blanket, a note, and a baby inside.
Rainbow Dash takes the box back home but will she be able to raise a baby on her? Hopefully with the help of her friends, Rainbow Dash can learn what being mother is all about.

Chapters (7)