• Member Since 30th Sep, 2012

Cyrus Colter

My past is not today? Open up your eyes. Learn from the past or its price is yours to pay.

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Cover are a combination of images from here here and with the background from here.

Bon Bon had honestly thought her life as a secret Agent wouldn't come back to haunt her. But, when the Bug Bear returned, she became worried. She meets with Celestia after the wedding, asking if there is anything she should be concerned about.

What Celestia tells her, shocks her to the core. She has a daughter, a clone created from her own DNA from her Agent days on the off-hoof chance she would need replacing. When the agency dissolved, the clone was given to a family, Celestia not knowing Bon Bon hadn't known the clone was still alive or whether or not she'd wanted to keep her as her own daughter.

Now, Bon Bon must find a way to break it to the filly that her life has been a lie. She isn't the pony she thought she was and her family are, tehcnially speaking, not her family.

Motherhood was never said to be easy. Well, when your daughter's a clone of yourself and has lived all her life unaware, it's even harder.

An idea that popped right into my head after a comment Black Gryph0n made during the Bronies React 100th Episode.

In Popular Stories 1-4/8/2015. :rainbowderp::pinkiegasp: Wow! Thanks, guys! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (2)

After Twilight and company's (sort of) success with Discord, Celestia and Luna decide that it's time to reform another villain. But then something completely unexpected happens and Twilight now has a young amnesiac Sombra living in her castle.

A\N cover art by the wonderful Pixel Spark. Big shout out to her and her stories!

Chapters (17)

More than a year after their defeat at the Battle of the Bands, a siren returns to Canterlot High in hopes of regaining something she lost.

Cover image by: rileyav

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Finding Her Voice Again

A repentant Sonata has sought out the help of the Rainbooms to learn how to sing again. Can she use the magic of friendship to sway the hearts and ears of Canterlot High?

Cover image by Tarakonovich

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle's wildest dreams have just been met, and exceeded. Due to an unexpected magical outburst during her entrance exam to Princess Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, the Solar Princess herself took an interest and took Twilight on as her personal student.

This was a pleasant shock for Twilight and her family. However, a few months later, a less pleasant shock would reach Twilight in the form of Celestia returning to Canterlot with a new daughter, a freshly adopted pegasus filly named Rainbow Dash. As the two get to know each other, Twilight can clearly see something eating at the self absorbed and competitive filly's mind.

To make matters even more confusing, Princess Celestia is now hiding something. Twilight dares not question it, but it is quite clear that Celestia isn't being wholly open with anypony about her decision to adopt some random orphan.

Could the answers have something to do with the cryptic dream Twilight had the night before she met Rainbow Dash?

**Apparently, this was featured on August 12th, but I slept through that brief window. All the same, I am flabbergasted and humbled!**

Cover Art by the wonderfully skilled Novaintellus

Now with a TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (40)

Scootaloo's life has always been shrouded in mystery. She lives in her house in Ponyville alone. She often disappears with no explanation. And no one's ever seen her parents.
She keeps it that way deliberately. She likes her normal life in Ponyville, and has held on to it as much as she can.
However, a personal tragedy brings family responsibility down on her shoulders, and her life is about to spiral out of control.
Thankfully, she has quite a bit of help keeping both her lives stable - and separate - as much as possible...
...a dragon chef who can't make a salad without making it flambe...
...a cripplingly far-sighted ex-assassin hippogryph maid...
...a slim built minotaur gardener who is as innocent as he is unexpectedly strong...
...a mechanical golem head servant whose brain runs - badly - on hot tea...
...and one devil of a butler.

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: New fan art by slyfoxcub.

Chapters (43)

Rainbow Dash discovers that she has suddenly acquired a mysterious and ancient power known as a Stand. Soon after, she learns of a cult of evil Stand Users who are threatening to unearth a long slumbering power that could threaten to destroy Equestria as she knows it. Now it is up to Rainbow Dash, her friends, and her Stand, 「2 Minutes to Midnight」, to defeat these Evil Stand Users. Surely a Bizarre Adventure awaits.

This story is a crossover/fusion of MLP and Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. No Jojo characters will appear in it, only themes and concepts from the show/manga. The story will feature at least 24 unique Stands created by me and/or my friend/coauthor. I plan on updating this every Friday. So stay tuned! Comments are both wanted and appreciated.

Also posted on my AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18445076/chapters/43696103

Check out this awesome fanart: https://www.deviantart.com/luckyboys121/art/My-Little-Bizarre-Adventure-793976154

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Sunset's A Pony Again

After Sunset Shimmer comes clean to her friends about wanting to be a pony again and is overjoyed at how they accept her decision she is excited to start her new life as a pony on Earth. Unfortunately for her she hasn't really thought this change of life out as much as she thought and now she has to deal with all kinds of unforeseen reactions and consequences. Will she come to regret her choice or will she stand by it no matter what? Find out here

This is going to be a fun little anthology series that I will probably update only when I have free time so don't expect regular chapter releases. Also this story is probably never going to be complete as I want to leave things open for new ideas I think of and adding in any new characters the Equestria Girls episodes add in later

Picture created by katakiuchi4u check them out on DeviantArt and I would just like to thank them as the image gave me several more ideas for the story

Once again a thanks to my friend Tyler for inspiring me to write this in the first place and of course thank you to all the fans of the first story who encouraged me to write this sequel and I hope you all enjoy it

Chapters (28)

Sunset Shimmer was getting ready for bed like she did every night and was casually wishing that she wanted to be a pony again. It was a thought that crossed her mind from time to time so she hadn't really thought much about it but the next day she discovers that that quick wish had come true. Now she and her friends have to figure out what happened and how to fix it. Meanwhile Sunset is becoming more and more comfortable in her pony body and she starts to wonder should they fix this?

The image was create by rvceric go check them out on DeviantArt

Credit to the idea of this story goes to friend Tyler as he was the one who started talking about the whole Sunset turning back into a pony thing in a serious light while I was making jokes about it. Thanks for helping me write this buddy and I hope you like it.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's parents divorced seven years ago when she was ten. She went to live with her mother while her eight year old adoptive brother went to live with their father. Now that she's seventeen and moved to Ponyville Spike is moving from Manhattan to live with her and their mother. Looks like Pinkie is going to make a new friend, maybe more than a friend.


Chapters (5)