Favourites 842 stories
  • Favourites 842 stories - 2973 unread chapters
    Created by oneyou
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 85,696,608
Estimated Reading: 34 weeks



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On a normal weekend, Cheerilee assigns everypony an assignment from a unit she has been using for years. She considers it to be the most important one of the year; to teach the fillies and colts about the differences between ponies, and how they can all work together to do more than they could on their own. Unfortunately, a confused trip to the library by three fillies raises questions the teacher can't answer.

In an effort to make sure she teaches everything she can to the best of her ability, Cheerilee enlists the aid of Twilight Sparkle to help rewrite the textbook she has been using for years. As the days tick by, however, she is forced to deal with something she thought she had a handle on a long time ago.

Chapters (16)

Part 1 of the Shadow Trilogy

As Twilight Sparkle enters her third year amongst her friends in Ponyville, she finds herself plagued with strange dreams of an unknown power whispering dark secrets to her. The voices speak of Power, of the strength to protect what she holds most dear, of the great knowledge she could attain, such that no force could ever threaten her lands, or her friends, ever again.

Though she shrinks from this voice, the lure of greater knowledge, of magical power far beyond what she currently knows is enticing and alluring to her, eating away at her resolve even as the lack of rest begins to wear her physical defenses down.

What is this voice, and what does it plan for the most faithful student in Equestria?

Note: Events diverge from canon following the events of "Games Ponies Play"

Part 2 - The Twilight Fall
Part 3 - The Twilight War
Links removed in compliance with Fimfiction policies

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to Shipping and Handling

Magic is limited only by the strength of the mind and the passion of the heart.

After the events of "Shipping and Handling", young Dinky Doo sets off to begin her first term of study at the most prestigious magic school in Equestria, Celestia's Academy for Gifted Unicorns. The adventures that await her there will exceed even her wildest expectations, and a cast of colorful new characters will be by her side to share in them.

(This story is the sequel to "Shipping and Handling". It's highly recommended you read that one first!
Occurs during Season 3 of the show: After the Crystal Empire but before Alicorn Twilight.)

Chapters (20)

When Ditzy Doo loses her job at Cloudsdale Mail and Freight, she gets a job at another shipping company... only to find out their definition of shipping has nothing to do with delivering packages! Desperate for income to support herself and Dinky, will Ditzy be able to make it as a pony matchmaker?

(Occurs between Seasons 2 and 3 of the show.)

Chapters (19)

I have something I want to tell you.

It's a very simple thing. A short little phrase.

I wonder if it still matters, though, in a world like this.

It matters to me, but I'd like to know if it'll matter to you.

Audio Reading by journcy!
Featured on EqD! - 10/09/2012
Inspired by the image "Twilight's Library" by SpyroConspirator. Cover used with the artist's permission.
Also featured on the Pony Fiction Vault! - 11/03/2012
Spotlit by The Royal Guard! - 02/04/2014

Chapters (1)

Last night, Pinkie Pie exploded. That’s why Rarity is so blood-stained. A police officer interrogates her about it.

Inspired by this song.

Edited by The Abyss, Aragon, and ReFro.

Fan reading by orange_man_from
Fan reading by Iris and Fluffs
French translation by StrayPaolo
Chinese translation by scpony

Chapters (1)

Bon Bon's voice is funny, and that's about all that anypony who meets her notices, as her marefriend Lyra soon steals the spotlight with her explosive personality, strange obsessions, and curious beliefs. And why not? Bon Bon is, after all, a perfectly ordinary, boring pony in every way but two: her voice, and the carefully kept secret that she isn't really a pony.

(Edit:) Now with an annotated version, courtesy of the incomparable Shoggoth Lord!

Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash gets a new birthday gift from Twilight Sparkle! But... she doesn't know how to do anything with it, so she asks Fluttershy for help. Can the shy pegasus survive a cooking lesson/session with Rainbow Dash?

This was my submission for the Two Hour challenge at EqD. I changed the ending slightly, no more than a few words.

Chapters (1)

Tragedy can change a pony's life for better or worse. But sometimes, deep feelings of loss, anger, and unfulfillment can build up to the point of being unbearable, even when things are finally starting to look up.

Chapters (2)

Chrysalis is dying, and with her, the last of the Changeling race... but there might be a way to avoid extinction.

Chapters (1)